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Advertisements & Notices

... South Western Railway, from Waterloo and Vaoaxha~llbrid e Statiofla ~iHRP FST ORDY EXUF.o20'OSto he SEA SIDE, ISLE HEA FAGST, PTSUMSAUTXI0SONS to PN, or WINC0HES. eornosenclng on Sundayi May Sind, at 7.40 a m. TER, ovotry amr. for Sou hamlpton or Winches- ter. Pares there alad'baeh-4S d cavered, ?? n carS I ?? ?? I odextra. ?? MMxrigo. Itt 05o igt20 %r station) evrST na AlntAldershot Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROtA! ENGLISH OPERA, COV`ENT GARDEN. Uman Miss L. PYNZ AND MR. W. HARRISON'S MANAGorMNT. Last week but two of the season. Total abolition of al I box-keepers' fees and booking charges. O.MORROW. Wedneedav and Saturday, TPE ROSE OF T CASTILLE. sessialcas G. Honey t. Albyn Corti and Aanrison; Misses Susan I n Morell, Una Louisa ?? day, Thuad and Friday, a Av ANEELLA; or, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Worth Notice,-20th Thousand Is 8oW SeId~ug. t hE DlI'IONARtY EnlaPENDIX, pie ds, post free, ontin N1ing upwards of c,0sn woedo not found in he dictionary, t000 yrisng ?? of the Verbs, which perplex all writerS. Thisewbook itonlyone hear cannot foilto asppeecto its ivale,U; Critie. This book iH invalfoable. -Wfeekly Tunes. London: J. r. Srow, 48, Paternodter-roy. Fourth Ediition, Enlrged, price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 21xasn Chrlorteaw- >-orequre ?? Care of Scorbutle and oil Brptions, MUM JKlns Sal F ?? Raldnesi, M-er, ft Presideat-Rv. C=Ioant Ioale 3ML Treaserer-ga, ,uel Sugeon.~Tbemoa Hfunt, Esq, F ~IAC Altfred-pt Bffs i Attendancedailyfromatolos The appUlet§Osf5 ft UdAIj4 Ib year 1 were 9,817, amounted in 1858 to JNAM° 9 patieni mlustlr peure aticket of admlslon SP7Zvem ?? f Pa' at least la per waek. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01~h BfiStl NALL. RXD LtoN.savABE PornFieTrt. HlEN&V HART. aful Me0spa1y -o Meoose Wilek Culverg Ot SMg en Adndelo-5d 04,toIs.on Wenesday, nsoD.TheGTot Miic an Ogden.a BB ZOOLOGICALACE. og Amgt-Open aot Nicne at &ditountieedEnieSre LU of mralorwors. ueedavi, Tigihurdy.adFrdyOna kTes. ?? Chorals SefomnchbibeVe.Aeo Anofeisogah GudeaOnShloslding hiden, airpec. Raoryalp PatilTen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONTJF. Mb.W PERUDC1PLE TO AUISTRALIA.fieta ORT ADLAIDE PortPhilip. and Sydney, thefneta sO. A to ~ tra A 1 at Lloyd's. 616 tone, noted 'or r-10~~soage5 Idie IaC~k. Bia~kivaltn a few days. o0~ ~peci~bset illbe dasprltched fro-,ro.GoV~eFed the 10th wea ~1~e~ P sneth.Thi floe ship has a f~il Peep. witht good .tendr and is littcd up wiols enclosed eabins titer fore 0aaeanet who aire talten at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CALMDA7 MOR THE WEEK. DECEMBIR. 22 5DNI~AT-4th 8unday in Advent.-Mo1nDig Lesions: 2saieb xxk; Aet xxli. Evening Lessons Isaiah xxxii; Ijohn ?? rise at 5m, putlb. sh-O:t, Slm. past 3h. 28. MONvDA.-Twilight ends Sb. 59m. f4 Tuzssn.-Vasee de Gama died, 1515. 24 WZDNs3DAsrs.-ChritsmaA Day.-oon'S lastquarter, 21m. vaot 9AJ, night. Sl. Tzuasbt.-St, Stephen. 27. FR1iDAt,.:Si. .Tohul. 28. S8ueAAD. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDNS Correspondents who do not find their communfications koticed may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline 0 do0so.- r11 POS-OFFICE AND OUR S~iPSnI ENT.-Hr stated distinctly, in ILOYD'S NENYSPAPER Qf thC 14th aced 21st ult., that the s appleintmet would not go free throughthe post-office, unises a Stamped edition were forwarded. Mlany of' our subscribers hove foilen into the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G=7-LAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Alterations of Tralirs. OTIC:E I' HEREIBY GIVEN that, on mod a fter October a, N tlh folliwing ?? will take P~lace:-IO85P - li 11.50 nam. ?? wilt be afecaicrated la minutes bet~ec Paediington and Beistol. I'ee Itl0 psi. train ?? Oloat-mter to Chelicubamn will he ~isccontitOd, The 2.45) p.m. :i'sin will be slicbtWV altered at ?? between Resentw and Bristol. The, 8.80 pm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATR ROADU LAE. The COOtnuweoonm' and foeBRI16 in ravedi ure ope a. I'IL'Htoile dut Noro.' in ecradine. Stagedornet11 ,~ ?? nightly- fjan great Ialen pea Covenre scno cpaooe ra, and Opera tatynd li rectten~.Theopea ?? UP ?? ritooe iemaern the rltatt1n or tilh uli i cye whtich it 005 boen piae n ~ u~dp~rmk to tho Fe-ench repr-esstta.Teeoe a nyb .ono, for Othor ?? produc~ed for a few, niinmae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,S, TanEU&A HBI EATNAK .V ights Of t0S O'meoy of The Seoe gn. h SjhmcrIii conseriieoco Of the ewy e n tn',.~oOO on th i~toApril, and that of a the ri' on t Mh p .R3W and duriug the week, the succeeinlD comedy', -After which, the S~adish flancers TilAN~a nthi oW Sevillan ?? be Aol owed bye new ,il-apearathirTe B IHAy3XAR14I SPRtING PIEETING 1AP aitheeeqnd balOtbY the Spiri I a ~celled Tll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMURPMENT. THEVATRE ROYA'k, DRURY LME-q. Af.klMWesot. Luw6 My ?? SH1mS. _ h.Maltue~&' Stg`7nagmer,Xr.1L-R0Vay ftludseed Prime at this Theatac. ea ihflows:-Private, Eoictetold twoseoa tI~d, fistbrrehpersawssrear Grand TierX I1 sPro- eons 29 0, Goilotee ?? Pleat 'EDrls rid IsMoringPerorm ,rice.- Tehox omefree. Tone unti~lSxuniltrtheseu- iwgothc nightflyrover4,sw t tbess the I 'ot ...