... DEATHES ...
... DEATHES ...
... DEATHS. ...
... SENTENCE OF DEAT Charles Arthar, a coloured seaman, was sentenced to death to-day, at Liverpool Assizes, for the murder of Captain Beilie, of the Dovendy Hall, on a He voyage from Sae Francisco to Liverpool. the captain while the latter was asle= in bis ...
... SENTENCE DEATH. At the Central Criminal Court, to-day, Daniel Minahan (2S), of Bow, was sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Bridget Minahan. on the ult., by striking her the head with a hammer. ...
... E DEATH OF THE KHEDIVE (Revrer’s TELecRam.) Cairo, Friday.—The immediate cause of‘ the Khedive's death was congestion of the lungs. His highness was unconscious during the greater part of yesterday, and he axpired at half-past seven in the evening. doctors ...
... SENTENCE DEATH. At Liverpool Assize yesterday Sarah married, aged about f#o, of Manchester, was indicted for wilfully murdering Louisa Brierley single, procuring abortion and Samuel Smart clerk, Huddersticld, was charged with being accessory before the ...
... LOVESICK TO DEATH. An inquest was held at Poplar on the body of Henry Thomas Hall, 20, artificial florist. Mary Jauo Curling, 8 Woodland Street, East Greenwich, said she saw on Saturday morning, when said, I don't* care whether I am hanged or drowned ...
... SENTENCE OF DEATH. \Vorce=ter Assises yesterday Moses was sentenced death for the murder of Police- Constable Davies at Alvechurch. the discovery of the crime search was immediately made for the prisoner, who was a notorious thief and poacher. was arrested ...
... SENTENCE OF DEATH George Darling was sentenced to death at the Central Criminal Court to-day for the murder o Fanny Mnssom, by fracturing her skull with an iron bar at Woolwich the 20tb. ...
... died at two o’clock. The doctor who ex- an over-dose of amined Pronounced that the cause of death was which he was in the habit It ia thas his of takingfor d: death was due to an accident, not to suicide. ...
... 1 DEATHS. ...
... weeks past. The bod was seen hy Dr M*‘Hardy, Banchory, but the cause of death is not know. Deceased was manied, and leaves four of a family.—On Friday another case of sudden death occurred at Fraserburgh, James Murray, saddler, residing at Mid Street, ...