... SENTENCE OF DEATH George Darling was sentenced to death at the Central Criminal Court to-day for the murder o Fanny Mnssom, by fracturing her skull with an iron bar at Woolwich the 20tb. ...
... SENTENCE OF DEATH George Darling was sentenced to death at the Central Criminal Court to-day for the murder o Fanny Mnssom, by fracturing her skull with an iron bar at Woolwich the 20tb. ...
... KNEADED TO DEATH Henry Duffreys, aged 30, was drawn between the kneading rollers at a steam bakery at Leicester to-day and was crushed to death, every bone in his body being broken. ...
... SENTENCE OF DEATH. raE Al , —** bis pockets empty ; while the prisoner became suddenly possession of money, and his clothing S Viil, blood. was found guilty, and sentenced to death. ...
... STONED TO DEATH. Calcutta, Sunday.—Stories of the Ameer of Afghanistan's severity continue to circulate. Thus, the Honeer newspaper gites account of the execution of Taimur Shr.h, the ringleader of the recent Herat mutiny. Taimur was taken to a public ...
... THE MYSTERIOUS -DEATHS. Matthew Hay and l)r W. L. Mackenzie completed to-day the pesi-murtem examination of the bodies of the Misses Christie, who died under somewhat mysterious circumstances last week. The result of the examination, while revealing several ...
... THE DEATH THE MAHDI REPORTED ASSASSINATION. To-Pay's Daily Chronicle.] Vienna, Friday night.—Some interesting details have reached the PolitiscJie Correspondent from Alexandria with reference to whr.t purport® to be the facts relating to the death of the ...
... HACKED TO DEATH. A New York correspondent aays:—While final Preparations were being made for the hanging cf four murderers ua the Tombs, three young roughs broke into a honge in Brooklyn, and when seized by the aroused head of the houschold, one of them ...
... SUDDEN DEATH. This ■' woman named Maty Black or Tvtler. residing in Stevenson Street, was found dead her bedroom. She had not been seen since Saturday, and the neighbours, becoming alarmed, entered her house by the window, and found her before stated ...
... 1 DEATHS. ...
... SUSPICIOUS DEATH. An inquest was held at to-day upon Quin, housekeeper a fanner, who was supposed have been murdi ed. It is, however, proved that she died from expofure, having lain on a rnudhean ail night. verdict in accordance with this fact was returned ...
... ELOPEMENT AND DEATH A sensation has been caused at Malberry (Arkansas) by a domestic tragedy which has occurred in the neighbourhood of the town. Andrew Wilson, & man about 55 years of age, pro- fessed a strong affection for his niece, Myrtle Summers ...
... SENTENCE OF DEATH. At the Central Criminal Court yesterday, Joseph King (41), labourer, was indicted for the wilful murder of a woman named Annie Sutton and her child Henrv. aged 20 months. Prisoner occupied a room at 19 Hart Street, Grosvenor Square ...