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... Professors of the Uaiversity ; the Provest of Leith; Sir John M‘Neill; Sic Adam Hay; Sir Wm. Johnston; Sheriff of Arkley ; Henry Gilassford Bell, Esq., Sheritl-Substit ; Joha Archd. Campbell, Esq.; John Lears onth, Esq. of Dean; Eagle H derson, Doaald Horne ...

Caledonian Mercury

... that the ‘Tory to the Admiralty found much hampered in his attempts to purchase votes, by cert: in minutes adopted during Lord John Administration, whieh strictly prohibited the disposal of dockyard on political grounds, and which, in ftet, reudered such ...


... l'ayuo Knight, the great scholar and autilnpary, Who left his slendid collection of antique art to tie Br ti4h Museum. Sir John NewpoNrt, the Irish M.P., Privy Conn. -i'lor, and Charncellor of Exchequer , Four great Lord (hal;ncellora-'¶'hurriw, who liedl ...


... the S most serious fears in regard to the future of that s. F country. The other object of the anthor is to b prove that Sir John Kaye, the only writer -who has attempted a full historical account of the Sepoy war, .1s mistaken in his views as to the causes ...


... t ablic der none of the Tory agents .at the late, elec- Pi w-y lion, discovered and reproducesl in the interesitst of big John, the coinmeridatory flotice of that Pi for gent lenian on pagge 8, where in virtue~ of the ti, ices confutation of, the D ...


... has been. At fifteen he did the duties of letter-carrier to the post-office at Hasliagden, ihavine previonsly lost his right arm in a factory. i In 1868 he became a commercial traveller for firearms, meanwvhile taking ...


... was for the benefit of the Village Reading and Recreation Rooms, exceeded £l9. The Late Rev. John Macdonald of Huntly.— A monument to the memory of the Rev. John Macdonald, for 32 years parochial schoolmaster at Huntly, has just been finished by Mr Alex ...


... rne* gives 'another': of hisi a as valuable and :weig~hty essays on ?? a 3'5 dramnatists, dealing o n thi s occasion with John. g he Webster, 'whom' he considers as wsithout doubt' fi ect next to Shakespeare in the' highest'and purest t] to qu'alities ...


... political struggle. As for Grattan's accusations and invectives, it is to be remembered that it was he who was the author of the doctrine that England's necessity is Ireland's opportunity. The truth is, says ?? Ingram- The real Grattan rs forgotten or unknown ...


... week the btoards of the Greenock Theatre Lo' Royal are occupied by Mr J. C Stewart and Hij company in Messrs Stevens and Grattan'ss The U~nknowrn. There was a well-filled imi house last night to witness the piece, which has jad had several runs in Greenock ...


... wruug from the English t, E j Cabinet by the armed Volunteers daring Lord u r North's troubles with Frarce and America. c; This orgauisation, drawn together by Grattan h t, and led by Lord Charlement, armed itself tr e aostessibly to resist foreign invasion ...


... Gedwin, has been published by .nt tt Mr John Hogg, The book deals with the lessons alU i, to be gain.ed from the lives of such leaders of alai rit h thougbt in theology, in literature, and in art as bir ?? Bede, John Huse, Albert Darer, and Hans Sacbs. vol ...