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... indeed, can ne'er restore The vanisbi'd fairy-land of yore; Yet hearts, world-Irardeued, may retain Some vestige of the speaking strain- Feel, fondly feel, that such things wvere- And walk through paths of toil aind eare K inder and better, since ...


... a very moderate cost, MIr. Daffy introduces a new candidate for public favour. In his introduction, the pro- prietor thus speaks of his work.- A fireside magazine like the fireside itself; 8hould be tilled with gentle thoughts, kindly feelings, calm ...


... becomes the darling of rnitiirnml- Arrired vith tire instinct hioth of rule and right, And the 'orlds milnion, privileged to speak, When all beside-the medley russ-are mute; Distils his soul into a song-and dies. ...

Fashion and Varieties

... load of wsvod froin one if tile ofticers of tie churcis, atil findin g it fell srior. i meas Are, took this oc: easiots to speak tbus pli tuly otl the stuij ec(:-' A nty so in that will sell seveii feet (if weooc for a cord, is io Christian, whe.- ther ...


... the Beauties of the Boyne, and Bleckwater, by Surgeon Wilde. The fact thata second edition lose been already (alled for, speaks more emphatically for the merits of the book than anything we could say in its favour; nevertheless we cannot deny ourselves ...


... sake, Ageles, let us hot mista~ke each other, after all these vears, and :ill that has collie and gone with ibei ! I lutist speak plainiiv. If you have nily lingcriig, thliili t that T could envy the iHappilless you wivi con fera that I could iot resign ...

Fashion and Varieties

... remained fo~r the night at the Beretford Arms. Theey proceeded in the morning en rou!e for the co'tnty Tvrone, where, if rurmour speak truth, his lordship is abou' to Durchnae an estate.- 't'er G6-elte. The NLtrqtiis and farchiones of Londlorderrv, and La-3y ...


... elicit substastial eI dences that the popularity of the actor has not faded an tt approach of poverty. The following appeal speaks to the heart, and we be doubt it will bring forth fruit that will alleviate the sub ings of this talented artist ._ The f ...


... vocalist, adds great histrionic abilities, and the char, of a piquant and fascinating manner. Of Mr. Hudson it is unnecessary to speak; he is admittedly the best representa. tive of Irish character that has appeared on the stage sinee the death of the lamented ...


... he Our other friend, Captain Albert ifervey, belongs to a a- somewhat different class of writers. He cannot, strictly se speaking, be called a traveller. ?? writes not so much a de- ed scription of places asan accountof military lifein India, He iy writes ...


... difference between Th the two plans. The first includes a solution, good or bad, So' of the question ; the second is, strictly speaking, only a clo conmpromise. The government Would suppress gold money : Pr the committee would retain it, but at the same timeforbid ...

Fashion and Varieties

... to suppress the first impure desire than to satisfy all that follow. Think before you speak; think before' whom you speak; think 1why you speak; think what you speak. I ItVe Whlaini -,jOrrzca O ODNANCE, DLc 30. Royal Rett. of Ar- tillery-Second Capt. R ...