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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer


... ee No ons has the right to tm aa. leet gre Monet Ms ELL: = AND LB THE CHURCHES SPEAK Dear Gir,—I have given myself s good deat of care to resalte of the use of your feet the universal reply to my to t = W, WILSON, Mintater, North Pariah, ‘The Rev, J. ...

[Left speaking.]

... [Left speaking.] Hull— Board of Guardians.—A meeting of this board was held the Union, Beverley Road, yesterday morning—Aid. Waller presiding. The number of inmates was stated to be as follows :—Ablebodied men, 5; women, 27 ; not able-bodied men, 105 ...

[Left speaking.]

... [Left speaking.] The following whip was issued yesterday morring'Moat important—On Monday, Jane Bth, the Licensing Act Amendment Bill will be resumed in committee. Amendments of the greatest Impartanoe on the paper, and your attendance daring the evenits ...

(Left speaking.)

... (Left speaking.) LOCAL BILLS IN PARLIAMENT. TEE BRADFORD WATER AND IMPROVEMENT BILL. The Select Committee of the House of Commons to consider the merits o£ tbs Kas-embltd yesterday morning Mr the chair. Sir Edmund Beckett, Q.C., Mr Cripps, Q C.. and Mr ...

(Left speaking.)

... (Left speaking.) (A portion only of the following appeared la our first impression yesterday.) HOUSE OP COMMONS-TnuRSDAr. THE PEACE PRESERVATION BILL. a division, Downing's amendment was rejected 250 to 84, Mr BUTT moved an amendment that warrants to ...


... THE SECRETARY SPEAKS. THE following circumstances, drawn from the personal experience of Mr. Isaac Whick, of the Borough Arms* Dudley Street, Wedoeabury. are important mod really remarkable that they cannot help bat be interest and value to all readers ...

[Left speaking.]

... [Left speaking.] A portion only the following appeared in out first impression yesterday.) HOUSE OF THE PATRONAGE (SCOTLAND) BILL. AIR complained that the bill framed upon too narrow a bams to effect the object of its pro uioters, and that the Chorch ...

[Left speaking,)

... [Left speaking,) TEI BOARD OF TRADE INQUIRY into the loss of the Victoria has ended the suspension the captain's certihcate to* months, ...


... PLAIN SPEAKING AT -THE COUN The chicf topic of public interest at the m the Scarborough Town Council last night was satisfactory progress made in constructing t round the Castle Hill. In accordance with th of the Council Mr. J. E. Everett, the resident ...


... PLAIN SPEAKING BY LIBERALS. Mr. BL J. WILSON. M.P., speaking Sheffield last night, saii they as Liberals repudiated the doctrine that the private lite of our public men did not concern them. It did concern S me of the Irish members had made remarks with ...