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Advertisements & Notices

... . ~ E TR E TA IN M E N TS. tr G ;l'AI THEATRE, WEST ]f\V G Fi~,-LEP°OL. ~lBrG ?? Jonin BIrIST. ' O N L Y, eadll, 3ATUbtyAY, A^t 22nd ant 28rd . yt~gl'e, H ?? n Theare Comptly, o. 13. werfu rumrIlO5 o' THalet, ?? r ~ ~ ~bC~tot~tsea of the n r MgjS~andes~le Taarrytdi m adrdSttTJhH u d Adtr t he el , i, with the highly sunecesful ?mr inree Aef byieu aarz Flornce Marryat and Sir 0*1e5 ~lil UtISTER ...


... ?? the annual show of this society was a held on the Rlacecourse at Redcar. Though in hi many-respects a success-the weather being fine, tthe attendance large and fashionable, and the show a fair one-it feal short in entries and quality to the excellent exhibition of the society at Guisbrough in 1875, and that of the year preceding at DIiddlesbrough; but this is per- haps accounted for in some ...


... KNARBSBRO'. Petty Sissions. -The magistrates present on Wednesday were Basil Thomas Woodd, Esq., M.P., aud R. Briggs, Esq. John Tautield, of Borough bridge, was fined ss. and costs, tor being drunk and creating disturbance the County Court, at Knaresljro', Thursday week.—Samuel Winterburn, was charged with assaulting constable Wrathall, at Harrogate. Fined ss. aud 10s. 6d. costs. —Samuel ...


... iTME F AMINE IN MADRIM. , NEWCASTLE. A. public meeting, called by the Mayor of New- castle, was held in the Mayor's Chamber, Guild- hail, a ceterday afternoon. Resolutions expressing f sorrowv at the distress caused by the famine, and T requesting all the banks to receive subscriptions 1 for Ili ?? for the relief of the sufferers were p.;setd. The Mayor announced that the sub- ; scription list ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LATE ADVERTISEMENTM, wS T. JAMiS' PARISHI, DABLINGTON. Tlre GIAND 3AZ&AU in aid of the new Sun- v Shc~hol Beildinge will be Oipened TO-DAY e at 3.0, in' ONTRAL HALL, by 'MIIS If L,.PNASE. Admission all lDJY Sixpetico. d254 VICTORY! LIPTONS TEAS, proclaimed vietorions over all others. Direct from the Tea Gardlen to the Teapot. No Middlemes profits to pay. Rich, purp. fiogrant. Is amil Is 4d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,TOCTOCKTON SUN- 10~ ~, ,UNGLA. GEAND O _C 0Grbthe AND of Her Majesty'oI ?? siuone Shilig -lPT33R TAINMENTS. EFLOWER SlIOW. t'OE;i~ y AugOt 16th, 1878. BAND of ji. ~ S'~,5wnd25.45,and-t-~fr~n polfi () 1 T ° sU Ta 8.58 p.m. '1 i T IGu gT22nd. St VNTLOUDS. SATURDYJAuus Brn r %wrTITIONS.4 F IEit 0 ]56BRW- ?? J6FLWERSIOW 1 C0NTEST, on SATURDAY, Augunt t CD aroo nd Tow Law. See Small ~ra1O from1818 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -, ED ZPUCATiON. (¶LMRE COLLEGE, SCORTON.- J. Prinipal: The Pev, J. M. POLLOCK, M.A. LL}D. Felltow ot the Educational Institute Of Scotland; Jrt-enuD,,mratdoil31ty. Unaiversity, 11Edtnburgh. 981 THIE GREEN, SEATON CAREW, T WEST HAETLEPOOL. Mrs. and Miss COWPEDB will be hapg to their PUPILS on THURSDAY, the 14tb st rec1i Bequired an Artialed Pupil. DUCATION FOLt YOUG LADIES E AT THEZ SEA SIDB. ...


... BEDALE. The Collection of the Income Tax. —On Tuesday last, assessors and collectors of income tax for the division of Hang East, was summoned to appear before the Rev. T. R. Ibbotson, and Christopher Clarke, Esq., commissioners of the income tax, to be fewom in collectors of the above tax. The surveyor of the district handed to each collector his duplicate, with a book of instructions and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gTOCKTON SUNDAY SCHOOL Tl'QI0N- SIN1h' ?? l oh the GRAND GAW_. Gates open at One o'Ciork. ENTE RYi'AINMENTS. 1GHJNG'1'ON FLOWER SHOW. EX to SATURI).Y. Aug,,st 16th, 1878. BAND of FOMLIBS. land2A, and returfroms Heigli7, r. en Stltions at 6.10 iS -r., BAND CONTEST, on SAiTURDAY, Anguat Sp-- .7. Trains from O'r*Ok and Tow Law. See Small BSll, 181ns8ro rrHE GALA of GALAS iB LITTLE U. FOLEKS' GALA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNDAYS SCHOOLO] lTOchf°pE rNY DAYI at the GRAND IrpENNSC o k- RSAINMENNTS. PLWER SHOW. Agist 1Gth, 187Y. BAND of 1.5 anti 2.45, and raturn te fo .a 8.58 p-1a . ?? 9,ON FLOWER SHOW, A1GsiT 22nd. St LOLKS' GALA, L BD C eon SATURDAY, Auguat Ao sros Crook and Tow Law. See Small t - sA of GALAS iB LITTLE GALA, Ofere the Bonds of ope ant and Dayn Scho~glO Ibe town and neighboarC tothei hearta' cOntO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SNTEFIRTAINMENTS. C GSFi3 C ..AtL TREAT OF 8 _5CoN. 1,i, ils - BY, - THE- SEA . T 1tJbL T GRANI BRASS BAND CON- SI cVENTU~ -scOrBo C;OPPTITION, SPORTS, VBd At SSS Y otO y th 1 OS r th t July, 187 3. v. ' ua: apply to the Secretary, till ?? ROBERT DAY. P. - Ar PA',R. R.-3r. F. Groenings I 9EDRY ARXZ B,. SixtOSe e Performers will sEA INDBAS P iORMANOES every TUeSe - '~8O ~ dori leth Season.( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENT'qlTA'HUENTI. -ILEVELA > l-WL, AlTDDLESj GRAND R ; tCON T, Ionl TaIURRDAY, Januaury ~tli, 13; ?? t}:-1 * lt9.ESB;ItOUGH PHtIL- HARMO1NIC SO' jp ILY PILLLIBanti Ir. ED'WARD LLOYD. M.P N Full rorhetri , ':111 a~rilbtertto~ldottel lay Mr. FRASNZ GROENINGS.. ProegramnmOe te s Ietaov~n's GRANt) SYMP- ?? rd Seat' *B a~lcony 3.. Gd.; SeCond Seats, RseeBack Seats, 1 i'kts aid a'sRU at LMr. ...