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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... C RI MEEA N ARMY PARCELS AGENACY. Despatches by steamer three or four times a month. Receipts given and delivery guaranrked. Greater facilities possessed than by any other agency. LONDON OFFICES.-G. W. Wheatley & Co., 156 Leaden- hall Street ; and Chaplin's, Regent Vireus. CONSTANTINOPLE BRANCH.I-Wheatley & Co., Galta. Bala-Jlava Agent-S. L. Borkheim. Edinburgh Agent. W. CROUCH, 40 NoRTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMIBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. PATRONESSES. The lion. Mrs CnART;Es BAILLIE. Lady GIBSON-CRAIG of Iticearton. Lady Rtussr.LL of Ashicsteel. DIRECTOI. Sir ARCII1BALD HOPE, Bart. The Dn:rEcTors beg to announce that the FIFTH ASSMIDIBY for the Seaon swill take place on TInrs)AT, the 11th current. To commence at Ten o'clock. The Subscription-Boolk will be found at the Rooms. ,Subscriptiosi- One ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CALEDONIAN MERCURY, Tell:. LARGEST DAILY PAPEr IN EDINBU'RGH, ITB5LISAlIe AT 0o E_ F. FE D Z N' Y. The PROPMtETOWS of the CALEDONIAN hfIfcrTjr, gratified at the Fi:ce- wh- i itl beas attended their introdnetien into lfdinbrgrl ofa ehlcan Daily Paper, and still farilher desirous of ?? the Nioruliler of flicir Subscribers and Advaitising triends, fl'blish T-lDI ily, and will continue to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P oYAL SCOTTISTI ACADEMY. Ti T irTY-SECOND EXHIBITION of the 'WORKS of LlXtN-( ARTIS7S is OEN- D.UIY, from Nine till Five arud Every from 7 to 10 o'clock. MI[D.VIFERY AND DISEASES OF WOM74EN AND CHILDREN. ,-IR THIATCHER'S CLASS for the Instruction JD o FFMALLES in the above Department, commences 2.1st 5th. For particulars apply at 14 Picardy Place. , LL Partles having CLAIMS agai1st tbe 11\ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? REV. P.OB. ANDERSON, S . iasgof (at itr~etet eng~aged ~eeceacdully in Reviva| Week), will 're~aeh in1 BRIGHlTON STURET Csxnr~aa, To- giroov Forenoce, Aftern~oonC ?? Evening. pARISH- OF' NORTY' t-E I T H. Mn- mdxm diN67VE - That tlhe HALrL-YEILY SrA'rFUOXY MIErING efi the PAROCHIAL BOARD thc p~iasi of ?? LEITE will be Iteld, within the Vales55 Cnenc tl~scere, on TITsnAY, the 2d day of August ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOW and WHAT to READ and STUDY.-The fourth edition, in fop. Svc, price 5s, cloth, COURSE of ENGLISH READING ; or, Allow and 'What fto Study, adapted to Every Anecdotes. BY 10. Tathe Rev. J~CapayerB..rn Coil., Oxford Ather ?? ssetY 5 theMChurh, IIIRecollec- Auions of IIeg DasTTewrce Field, &c. This volume, besdsgvn coiosltofoks for reading, containS an ample eynopsis of a plan for 5tudyifg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I whitop &-Oredto? &r. A L-WSt Michael's, sweet and fine, 6d, 9d, is, and Is Gd per dozen, Cooking and Table Apple& of the finest quality at GEORGE BAYNE'S, 28 BQUQiiTOQN SREEFT, 1 FINAL REDUCTION OF WINE DUTIES, I F Fu03M 1ST JANUAIRY 1861. ONI T & A. ILEY G ine, Spirit, and w e. Liqueur Iinportrlsand Distillers, 12, ST A NIII:w Squmu'II, E DINBURGnH, 357, 0XeVoc1 STEEI.T, Lo,..Mo,1, W., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EETINS, MUSEi ubEio. TnurlsD&Y, DEOcMasin 4. of oovernors of Heriot's Hospital-12 noon. steetingof the Association for the Suppression of yieeting, O HaessHsll, St Andrew Square-I *l of tie County Prison Board-2 P.M. ?? L.aies' Auxiliary of National Bible Society udl, St Anlrew Square-2 P-M- Mlr Ca~rles Matthers (At Homne-Quecn Street Hall taln ?? Comp~any at the Queen's Theatre - I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUSEMENTS, &e. TIoRssDAr. July 16. j~eetio of the Raikway Access Company-12 noon. n Teatre--7.30 P. m. of . OpValcs oeretta-House, Waterloo Prhce- 7,:3,l ?? FRIDAY, July 17. 8 i:d alreling of the Free Preshytery cf Edinbuigh -2 P 3i. llO IE6 eclion of the 1st Battalion of the C:ty of ],inircll R ille Volunteers-Queen's Park-- 6 P.M. - - - - - - -OPENING OF U 'E TOWN IALL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Copjt cr;tc, cae J2IATTerUERNABTIONALEHBIIN HE INi LONDON, 188e2. This is to oertify That an MONO URABL MENTIONT039 t^SA AWZEDD3D TO JAMES MIDDLEMASS By the International Jury of' Class 27. (Signeed) GRANVILE, Chairman of her Majesty's Commissioners.- 3idy, 11862. LIST OF NOVELTIES3 EXXHIRITED- PULPIT ROBES. RO B} 3 ES DE CHAMR EES BLACK DRESS SUIT.. SCOTCH TWEEDD SUIT. CLERICAL OVERCOAT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF MAGNIFICENT AN'TIQE FURNcTCRE, RARE CHIINA. PIETRA lDEN1 CABINETS, SPLENDID BRONZES. A LARGE ASSENIIILAGE OF ANTIQUErS AND ARTICLES OF VERTU, 7AjfYP M C .1PMA1N, Successor to the late Mr itt NacoirT, begs enI intima~l e t, Nat lie i' ?? by Mr B. 1I5N.AMIN of Mrleul.vloc St'e'i, Londlon, to Suibmit to AUCTLION, within hbi' laisET Rit o, No. ON FRIDAY andi SATURDAY NEXT, JANU&VY lint1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tgr Polls Tbl-irs§ MbEETINGS, AMUSEME!NT.S, &§c. momDAYr, September 21. Qoweo's Theatre -7.30 P.M. Prince of Wales' Operetta-House, Waterloo lace- 8P.M. TcEsDAY, September 22. Bargh Registration Court-County Buildings-1 P.3. WEDtESDAY, September 23. geeting of Committee and Friends of the Association for the Abolition of the Annuity Tax-M'Larefl's Hotel-14 St Andrew Street-8 P.M. R THOMAS ...