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Illustrated Police News


... .lYAltJhi)UON WiMLIf 1X1E50IUNU. Sill r Tar nineteenth annual competition of the National Rifle the l Association opened on Monday. The number of entries api l showed a considerable increase, and the applications for Ne X tout accommodation in the Association camp were also VW i largely in excess of those of last year, whilst the Ba ) members' camp and the various regimental encampments NO l ...

The Prize Ring

... 7I w i n Pr ?t ttl B. le.- PUGILISTS PAST ASD PRESENT. f JOE GOSS AND JACK ROOKE. c t TaIs plucky contest was fought on Tuesday, September- t 20th, 1859, immediately after the battle between Sayers a and Brettle. The sudden and unexpected manner in. which the latter contest between the chief performers t terminated produced the utmost excitement round the ring, and it was some time before all ...

Everybody's Column

... - T. , . ,4 o Iw~: * Satstd~ywbilst pllayipg in 716fObtlifill ins-fo at i C.orbece~iC~tPeidig ?? Bricks ' hlcn~ up, liWO YOU1t9 Men: ~Ii&s~ Westacid Cooper woreiseverel I-aurd. T.he formerlhad his)jioulder dia- * loatedejidthe attr h1is9 log vaij'fbhdlj, 6i~t. E!~rd~fts Wai~5k-, the W j~f 0:!c3, Y ?? Bktsun, whS etrlcioga ?? morning, felt down anti set laetbrcotig e r-hm he buekcets ofaeou he ...

The Prize Ring

... qq)e jjfl' e t~t -PL PT-- ?? PUGIILISTS PAST ANTI PRESENT. r THE FIGHT BETWEEN CRAWLEY AND WARD. C A o ?? to the great pugilistic organ of the day, c Bel''s Life, this encounter came oil on January 2nd, v lf27. The ?? and interesting match wast decided at Royston Heath, Cambridgeshire, within half h a mile of Royston Town. When all was in readiness the l toss for choice of sides was won by ...


... TRAI .GRRUV TRBAINING FOR TIZE UNIVERSITYBOAtT.RAO.M A I. . .. . I . ?? ?? . .. _ against the uar contemporary ?? launches at this time of to support year into theusual diatribe npnn the 'inajrious phy aiol to warrant effects of the training for the University Bost.race. With was then due deference to the opinion 6f high medical authorities, we should place more reliance upon their gloomy prog ...


... TDE LLUSTRATED POLICE NEW SATTXRDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894. THE POPULARITY OF FOOTBALL. li thre stormy weather which prevailed all over thle Alidlauds and the North of England on .9s urday interfered with the satisfactory d2ecision of the games in the second round of tle competition for the Football Association Cupl, it apparently did not keep the follotvers of the gameo at home, for it was ...


... f ~ A 7 I sI p ?? A B NIGHT AT THE EXCELSIOR HALLU THE PITMEHiS CHAMPIONSHIP.' PEDLAR PALMfER ON TOUR. Boxing at the NHatinal Sporting Cub, Seast Sheffield, and Hioloway. , Ttnto c n T.imitm.d havra lnf.t.,vb7 n- -n I .T-nlr mThlc-. nnci hia ±v1in, T.-in PAwpro - . FIXTURES FOR FEBRUARY. 10.-Mr. J. T. Hulls' Special Competitions, at the Excelsior Hall, MansifordStreet, Betlinal G-reen. II.-C. ...


... RACING NOTE&.. ?? I:: A.: 'r I A E WARIVIC1 AND LEICESTERC. SELECTIONS. WITn truth it can be said, that the pre- gramme issued from Alexandra Park last Saturday was one of the. most attractive since the introduction of. racingh ill the northern - stboib upwards of thirty years ago. 'The London Cup was an.4interesting 'secoond edition of the Lincolnshire landi- cap, and-the decisievictoryof ...


... w N X I N G A Mixed Evening's Sport at Headquarters. *.AILOR RIiCARDSON OGUTS JOE BARRETT Jabe- White beatsV Dave WaIlace at the New Olympic Club, Birmi gham- NOTES OF THE WEEK. DIcK BURGS has ,answered the very un- wise challenge issued' by Jemmy Curran, and if the latter really 'means business, all he has to do is plank down his money and sign articles. I do not think, however, that ?? is ...


... 77777at777v7X Tg:, A Merry Night's Boxing was seen. at the NtiiLa Spo)rting Club on : Monda'y last. -5WINE Y:-EATS% ORDON. ?? e New:Palae aclub in South Londoti OpiS with a - ?? between Bantams. : BOXING NOTES. BENi JORDAN has secured another match in the States. In a letter sent' to his backer, Mr. Law, Jordan. says he Ihs signed',articles to box Eddie Lenney,'ef Philadelphia,'wh was.. ...


... TEE REV[VAL OF PRIZE FIGHTING. rS ?? . .. nr TanE IHertlord county constabilarly, acti ng on in fruma- tion telegraphed from Liverpool-street Station on T ors. day, were enabled, it is stated, to frustrate a cell-laid plan to bring off a prize fight. The match, which was for £200, was between W~,illiam Goode and John Barry, well-known Tpug`ilists, and had heen pendings for sense tinie, the ...