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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tebo [Noannouncemnents of Marriages or Deaths can be faserted unless If of authenticated by the name and address of the sender.] 2 MAR ED, n 3 On the 6 th inst. at Richmond Independent Chapel, Broughton 4 Road, Salford, by the Rev. D. E. Ford, Mr. Thomas Grandy to :5 MIrs. Mary Chlutnian, both of Salford. Irih 6 On the 6th iust. at the Catholic Church of E t. John the Evan- to gelist, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? annuuntceisrtesst of Marreages or Deaths can be 'fns5rted uls d athenti cated by the naind and addrees of the seer,.'~ is MARRIED, On the l0th inst. at St. Saviour's Church, by thle Rev Edwvard Birch, M.A. incumbent, Mr. William Chaloner, of Ch 'e0ied ?? !e, to Jane, yoanogest daughter of Mr. Thom as bs0 ofb l thias city.n is.. O te 11hinst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. William pak ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .ariLagEz aw unho a ouehenticato by the ngrme andtwe j add ? 6irin- .BT6v r.O th t, at the oath k.av. W; _1. A -h t., at St. |cjrp5 by the Rv i . rtb L&H'.Robert Averyetho ii onydattedf h latee r. f Wita ehr f0X il thais rtr Re,. P. hlayie, i ,iti £t~r.hea,5 Joi tylaty Hennyarkwtirn, Jtsqof eanby to athe' g Edmu nd dnr, of Roanbe.,latbk .e, ofgpe u bnit. e. u 3ey Bs,2ul5-(,1 the 25th nIt., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No announcements of Marriages or Deaths can be inserted unless I aut henrticated by ?? name and address of the sender.] e - - - MARRIED, = On the 13th inst. at Dumfries, by the Rev. M'Ewing, Mr. Samuel Boardman, of this town, to Miss Anne Campbell Little, eldest . daughter of Alr.James Charteris, of Dumfries. t On the 12th inst. at Hope-street Church,Liverpool,by theRev. James Martineau, Jobn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nnncemients of Mlarriay,'o a, 1.),a th, ans be insertedt untess natlleatledeby the iname and address of t On the ~MARRIED. 8 rethe, Hal4tlh ilst. at thoe Parish Church, Rochdale3 by the Rev. arW. Pitting, B.A. urate of Whllr°esy, and brother of ?? bridegroom, i asisted by the 1Rev. T. p , i f engeld, . erhys t re, James, 3ldest san of Jae,,s Pilling, Erg. Of lridge fold, to Anna, fourth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wit, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. m: Dr. tal :os. The quarterly return, just published by authority of the BE ltar registrar general, comprises the births and deaths registered wi ard by 2,196 registrars in all the districts of Enigland during the th; eel. autumn quarter that ended on December 31, 184; and the Ide, marriages in 12,093 churches or chapels, about 3,569 regis. cb kets, tered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fea int nti aatpo+ MARRIED9 on the 16th inst. at the Chapel of tihe Britieb Emanisey, Pades, aE. P. M. Baillia, Esq. son of Even Blaillie, Esq. of Doehfour, to ?? Fanny Brmce,the youngeet daughter of theflowager Countees 1Of Elgin end Kineardine. ?? the 15th inet, Viecoount Ingeatre, son of the Earl Talbot, to t._4isie CockereDl, oldeet daughter of the late Countees of EglintonI e nd Mr. Holve ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~:.a euaioc~oets filariiages or Deaths eane be inzserted, u~nles IC over. eanthegticateid by the name and address afthce sender.) ,On the 3rd inst. the wife ofM.AeadrGeorge Mitchell, of LahC lto,al Gb esysre, Ancoatg, oft. daugh~ter. 0cc the Ba1d hist. at Loath, the lads. of Samuel Snowdon, Esq. Cy a son. On ili ot silica MAR RIED. A snc SO the 11th 'last. at tile Cathedral, by Ilie Rev. J. G ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a t fe-t AtiX11-M~n~.--On te 5th int.. 'at St. t;~ i~ohtlk 'lwoBbR~ ?? t. f ~he lav, tastir, Bttte, *HObes the I..hrtteanlec Med E fl0l. TD.e LH to afor ?? ~aeglcrof r. Joapa Wodchabnr. es CRAItT-XIRKE-N -'the 4nf th 'int, h'tS sherl j ,Wy. Wigo.4, 3ono :A O~Wlfe Drd&t ?? Soeset, toir Mr.F ?? bAWYU'-W~o~'L ,the. 10th bit,.at sthe ooean ?? stooms, beredeldour. Jamee Iq. B 2tho aerianN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATrH BY STARVATION OF A PARTY OF MISSIONARIES. The following melancholy narrative, says the Daily News, is taken from a private letter written February 25th, 1852, at Valparaiso, on board E.M.S. Dido:- We arrived at Valparaiso on tbe 10th pro*.; we should have been here much sooner had we not delayed so much time looking alter Capt. Gardiner, a gentleman of fortune, who had joined the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (No aonnounecemnents of Iferrieges or Deates can be inserted unlews authenticated by the name and address of the sender.] io BIRTH, - On the 8th inst. the wife of Mr. John Collins, manufacturer of ! cotton banding, Bury, Lanoashire, of a son. e IUARBIE:D I- On the 11th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. R. Remington, r- Mr. Samuel Standring, of Ardwick, to Alice, daughter of Ir. John Todd, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? ITb HETb OF HIS LATE ROYAL HIGHNESS TH Th P.RINCE~ CONSORT. T On Monday, at noon, the body of his late Royal High-Ts ness the Prince Consort was buried in St. George's Clsapl, T Windeor. Tito funeral, as previously decided upon, had 550510 of that publio show whsieh has cliaracterised the Li obsequies of royalty in times past. If, however, there was wanting that 1pomp and circumstance ...