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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ffi~arringes atxd Ptatb0-. to prevent ?? leftno inltmtflhton ca (In orde& qr Doathw!Ulboinsertild, unesauthentictited b) M h e Iaddrous of the sender, who musret also state hit =h;raena.. ?? authorityforfo. 'ueast b paid for as advertlis~kutsttl] Notioee of Births R E DU lohJst,. at the fllsiecurn Rov. ~.~a~l~mrwyru~z-On *lsO 1 Nalfy, Mr. W. A. A',rzint. ot Chpl nciats.b h Ee e1 MU of J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 331RTH. OjtNOR.--On the 6th inst.. at Southport, tho wifeof J. P. Orange- R&eq., of Manchester, of a laughter. MARRIAGES. 3BO~tESL9y-SHAW..-0D the 8th inst., at the Cath edra, by the Rev. H. H. Westtmsre, M.A. Mr. Williano Boardley, of Helms, to Rether, daughter of Mr. :rohn'Shaw, of Chorltonl-upon-Iltedillck. B3OWLAB-JOIsrssO?.-Ou thre 4th iast., at the Cathedral, by the Rev. J. Troutbeok, M ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - ~~~ARIAGESI.- £RMLWoo1nZ~A]D.--On the 204b Inst., at Holy Tsinlty Church. Watdel, b th Rev. W. A. Madden yyj - W&'vte lo so 4rah eldest daughter ofd1rWilliam` Woodhed1, PU. Ob5O~e5t5talof Wakefield.Ca #,W0u.-3FRwy.-On the 23rd Inst., at the Parish Churh 2. 5s Haig, Lnseoire by he ev. . Dvidjn, mldneyst les B.raryoEz-SE~c:L=.--.4)f the 17th inst., at St. Peo ule' Church , vastery, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. AnWMNn3-9AXUM.-O0n the 26th nlt. at Rope Place ISYDW-gO. LiverpO01. by the 1ReV. IL. Elkine, Airabam. eldest sun9 of Moule Ahihom, Hsq, to Rosetta, eldest daughter of Louis S.5ti' I &q` Ba-1s ?? St. MSY'5Ch55obh Wea- try. bythe Rev. T. B. Lloyd, via ref St. M rghreobry an p O'edyOfiChfiald, assisted by the Rev. - tibs ,cr~~ fS max] aoswontry, the Rev. Albert Turner Bliholbusa late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... falltriDC snubtb -- ?? =a be [D- I~o N gI !Zo 0newA oeobent' *, kjf ueu. Hillfor .a du od f W rown. No cAidi, of laluok Ha ' 'ef &Of Chrftstinf AUDh5IO= FAQ- of Willam ?? .c ?? to Isaboell. on'T bierh &a'rfAOZ-A' - , Iilo y. t- I. ?? hI In. at the Od h 0 t at r ,.to Saabes Mien. Only dasie O & - a- _AZ3J-X~lLUY on th$e th ?? ?? 1tle -rh JW*b aber, coal dealer, Qunsenbux toMiss8 uydgi0 V xod ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * O.OJ..2l272.. US PaihChurch, Lees, y te Rv. . H Brerly, r. ear It1ePaishCho clothmanufeture, toElizaeth, nly alkhor.e Tomkrly s WilliamWeightbrewer aU of ?? re to Bts AseROwOKse-llo0roer.---On the 28th lust., at the Pacott Ch~b GrortheWoo Stuafodire, by th o ev Rlev.ndTr Munro, D.,au ChurookEsq. of alifx, Yrkshre o Helenr, to lgiete daughter of ?? Mr. Samuel Eolt, of Rhsct.N ardchfei ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATE EOF .SIR JOPiN DEAN PAUL BAIR'P, The name of Sir John ,t, in the obituary of the .Time -e recalls the paixfel clrouatancas of tbirteen years agl frcxmsan:48 which took the religious sa well as tho commercial world by storm, 'and which- ihad an appreciable effect upon th1e private banking. institutions of the country, It was early, in June, 1855, 'that fthe welUl.Joa and respected- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LaiTE CANON STOWELL. On Monday afternoon, a meetang, convened by eircilar, was held in the Mayor's Parlour, at the Town Hall, to. con- sider the propriety of a memorial to the late Rev. Canon Stowell. The attendance was large and influentiaL On the motion of the Bishop of MANUAs.STPR, the chair was taken by Mr. Alderman CREWDOON, elio. briefly opened the proceedings by stating that it had ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTES. Uucrrge.-On tbe 2flst inat, at Nol 8, Highfield, High-street, 3Y[D. .eekten, of a daughter. 9LnP.- On the 22nd inst., at Beech Tree Bank, lrestwic the wife co D. S. Bles, oe a son. CResqLRY.-At Newington, Bowdon, on the 17th inst. the wife of Wmn. Crossley, Esq.s of a son. J)Yxox.-On the 20th inRt, at Melbourne House, Stockport Read, Asiton under-Lyne, the wife of T. W. Dixon, of a son ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MtARRIIAGEF3b. Tueto, by- th Re.3. .Sece ia, Joeh hr on Of- th lte Joaph Aineor Th Flon.Boltonllcl.Mor. to j AlceKn , onfduhe ~telt ilam Boetrola, of po B. yJec..Ooteltii.,ateOuoof th Asenlon tho Rev.= AClnG G~len, BA. Willia. eldeete`6nof ohn Bailey ,! o atre.Yorkshiro. to Mrgrt. third daughter of Wm.. Jone, of Lasrter. BALSI.W-B1 LEY.-OZI the 11th iust., ?? T dent hapel by the Rev. J. A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , ;E~~£arttf0g anb ~etbj. ,UARRIAGE S. BARKER-GREBNSWOGD.-On the 15th int., at the Baptist Chapel, Horsforth, by the Rev. J. Harper, Robert, eldest son of Mr. Johu Barker, tanner, Horsforth, to Mary Catherinc, Youngest daughter of Mr. C. Greenwood, of Leeds. F'TZ-MA`VlaicC-WILLrAMs.-On the 14th miet., at St. Gabriel's, Warwick Square, London, by the Rev. A, J. Foster, M.A., George. eon of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 35t fs, t rlage, ninb Veatbo-_ _ BIRTHS. &tipniy._On the Oth mint,, at Bishop-steot, Btookis,'b Bar, the wife of Tosoph Addoy. of a daughter. The I DA sRNV,-O U the 9th bast,, at 441. Royweoil-stre sat, Mdoss Side, Meouhester, the wife of Mr. Edger Bare0s, Of at 500. ?? the hueh inst., at CravoublPodAe, DidaburY, the wife of Thee. Hodgson, of a 800. MOL0S.tot-WOilt'Cou the Sth inst., at Gale, ...