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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... an _ _ -,N THE PREVENTION, CURE, AND st a General character of. SYPHILUS, STllCT1U$, Affections of the PROSTRATE GLAND, VENEREAL oad SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS of the face and body, Mtercural excitement, &o, followed by a mild, successful and etqli. of tious mode oftreatment. B's Thirty.first edition, te, illustrated by Twenty-Six Anatomical Elgravei!s on its Steel. Now and improved Edition, enlarged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urb'lshed this day, by G. Berger, Holywell-etreet, Strand, London (sixteen pages Sro.), Price lid., No. 3 of rll B P E R A T I V E, T AHWEEKLY JOURNAL FOIL TIHE PEOPLE. This aragazine is colducted by somre of the most active mnembers of the amalgamated society of the iron trades, and is devoted to the promulgation of those great prinri. ples of industrial co-operrrtion, political ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 06 ?? ?? Br~othes kCeraijscBeit ar ev dt of IWovain ?? l .; > i - ?? f RUPTUYRES EFFECTUALLYCU RED WITHOUT A TRUSS ?? 3HE' ONLYY- CURE FOR RUPTURE da1 ?? S'.E EDY,'of which there are mn- merous. dangeroira imitatibng, euffdrers are therefore earnestly cautioned atginst a gang of youthful' idapudent self'styled doctors,' sme of. whom have lately lefe'the dough troughi, and 'otbers the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VfN1 THE'PREYENO, UEAN General- :haracter of, SYPILUS,, . E t Affectioxis of the PROSTRATE GLAND, yNRA o 75 SCORBUTIC BRUPTIONS of the face audoy Mrui u is excitemnent, ic., flowoed tspamild,6 shcsflen xeieivn s 'tious'snode' oftreentocat. 'neE -Thirty-firat edition,' Illuotrated by 'Twenty.Six Anatomical E1gVMVti48 '0o Steel. New and improved Edition, enisgod to 196 pages' ihe net iblialhed, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TAiLORSAND OTHERS. a ?? ISSI. 8y Approbation of ?? Afajesty Qneen Yictoria, asrtg bo lI~~~.REll 1'rinlceAlbert. it H~E LON'DVS and PAtRlS SPRtINGS T ad SUMMERl PASiltONS for 1851, by Messrstf ,f BENJAMIN READ & t. 12, Hart-street. Bloomsbury.' square, Londton and sold by G. BERGER, llo)ywell^t street, Strand, will be ready early in March. The Vliew of the Grand Building in ltyde-prrk for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEALTH WiEltRE 'TI SO UGiT ! TTOLL OW A Y'S PILLS. 1,1 Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stonrack, ?? in a most hopeless staic. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthewv larvey, of Chapel i Half, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, 1850. f SIR,-Your valuable pills have been the means, with i God's blessing, of restoring me to n state of fieffect healthl and at a time When I thought I was on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e;s Amazisg Success of thse ew Mode of Treatment. c k- R. BARKER'S Compound Indian Ex- h e D tract, for Secret Debility, and Impediments to Mar- ie ringe, is exclusivelydircted to the cure of nervous and t sexusal debility, irregularity, weahness, consumptive habits; of and debilities arising from mental irritability, local or as constitutional weakness, ?? diseases, dc. It is a moet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n. THOMAS PAZRL, Id ,d P. Aer RaR ' S . LI FEi PI L LS e ARe ciolde to be the best Mediciae ir. ib er tcorld, 30,000 boxes told wveekly ?? fine balenmie end inivigorating powers of thois esed' a. aciuse are wrinderlul: a trial of a single dose will carrYC~flD n.viction that they areanll that is neceesaaiy tO ?? aa n rfeeble, restore the inivalid to healthl, asid do good im .so cases. Tho heads ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he HEALTH FOR ALL. 'B Amnatein Suecess of Dr. Barker's Treatment in Thousctnds of Cases. R. BARKER, 48, Liverpool-street, King's he Cross, Lolldon, he Having had a vast amount of practice at the various hos- tS- pitals in London and en the Continent, is enabled to treat with the utmost certainty of cure, every variety rof disease arising from solitary and sedentary habits, ,ildiscriminate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE I ATIIENiEUM INSTITUTE for AUMOlWlS and ARTIfiTS. 301, S clkville-litreet, London. 'EveeY companionship of me eur oeparticular bonds (if ~snoo; smenatca baisand tome common object chelth' tinluce concentration ; and the promoters of this undertaking have based 'their arrangements on the peculiarl position and circtumsltances of LITerary M en and Artilits. ztsdefig wvith mental workers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION TO .,ORTII AMERICA. WT TAPSCOTT AND CO., SHIPPING l * and Emigration Agents, Livorpool, continue to despatch First Class Shipa. To NEW YORIC-,every Five Days. To NEW ORLEANS-every Ten Days. To BOSTON and PHILAMELPRIA-.-every Fifteen Day5. And otrasiunaily to BALTIMORE, CHARLESTON, SAXANNAH, QUEBEC, and St. JOHNS. Drafts for any amount, at sight, on New York, payableo ;E any part of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4114? . - h a m. B n . ie' 'THE OUA RATIONAL BDY PARRS .IFE PIL- S. _ The Advantages'deiiveed from talitg P3Sa'S LItE PiLLs are, L ''1s2-Zni'if6 dand Hopinge ' e. 2nd: S'oui.d aesd Refre s Sleep. ,'rd.-Oeed Apppelie. u 4th.-Energ, of jfitsdand SCeare of Preeptiosn. g1h.a-enerat Good 'Hedtl and Coifort. ' Oth.-' T ar-e foun~d ,4fter gaiing CiA;e a fair ?? id far a few weeks,' t psosee t7,e ?? ...