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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... DEATHS. A t1 aotices of B1mes, MniaaaezB, and D&rmins mnest be n; a/. ie-ated by the Namne amd Address of the Sender. BIRTHS. Ct '-icc it. it Tivoli Terrace East, lKingstowii, the wife of Bdr. samael A. Cox, of a daughter. c :; .t~r 19, at Rantalurd, Whitehousec, the wife of Hugh ,(i_ of a daughter. FlAiCKiv n- June 16, at St. John's Wood, London, the wifeof u. . Fitzgerald, Esq., of a son1. ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,,ls ?? 0nll C(1\. AND) DEATHS. =rdb arr eke car(d for I J}-ib ?? tune 'I.{ia 1tice 'lU/eary , otire. ' S lt ?? *1 ?? 5i144 antlel -,,nOi ;;ts~o ., ., f, ?? ath .rleanr d B .T T li S ^ -lk:efnfy Coneze, the wife of ati~- J 1e. L. B.. ot a auf bhter. ..¶XI5LEPAL S. at 23. Upper AMount 11,li':- ih ife Of Richard WV XV. LLc^ L D ;arrizter. of a daughter. K 1E A G3 E S. 5 ,;)'ONDSO9N- y 3. at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... UT13HS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. t-lltes ?? thisd heading re- hllarged foe- . ?? eJtdu', 2xd ; Ieathi, with nd nta d 2elled a, with interor nocive ared i 2'C' f tlbttr' , hvt Ulery Alvtice, Is 6d . b C cd. In ee'ry cast(e . ahuc/c CJ5UePrUJL/C/Je/ 7n, 1 prpaid uend dcl,, ant hertiated. BIRTHS . CATECAr T5-1 ay 4, at Ashley L odae, Newtown- ar& Rload. the wife of Dr. T. C. D. Catihcart, of ; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .u?.MEi, SUiTJNGS. rN i ''rC :IN gVERY CHOICE g)?RE TA.EA. F' LL Y OCCU'PIED. FRANC,\tiS CUR.LEY,, ;rfL7JIC ANi]) MlERCHANT VTA..'LOR. ANI) GLLDI~ ~~7i 2 PICTUR-E, FIAMfE. MAKsING, A-\- 1) G I L I'N, Q. p. £POGLIE, VICTRIA ,'STREET, for ? o'ilie awd Price. LAR~iE:SI 1'TUCK. NJ -EST PATTERNS, AD' Nis3 \\SRT A [iHTP. ; i & . 1 ,;i A -St, Material. at usai ml de DitL ount, 772' TENMNIS SHIR'FS. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF PROFESSOR HUXLEY, Professor Huxley died at Eastbourne at 3-40 on Saturday afternoon. The ?? end was very peaceful, end consoled by the presence of Mrs., Huxley and one of the daughters. Other members of his family, including his son, Dr. Huxley, arrived just too late to be present at the final scene. It was about the beginning of March that the distinguished scientist showed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATR OF REV. JOHN KINGUAN. With profound rgret we 'have to announce to-day the death of the Rev. John Kinghan, principal of the Ulster Society for the Education of the Deado the Dumb, and the Blind'. The mournful event took place at his late residence, Altoona, Windsor, on Saturday afternoon last. He had been in a low state of health for several months, asnd was suffering from a complication ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RTTIBSt, NARlRIGES. AND DEATHS. , ct-. lr ~ titin t /ftlanding are claryed Jot v ?? -t'ctaye .s Sd; Deathi, itr' f;uneral b .L, s cd; Det/h, itith fireral tetiice and I sF ! U; 6bvr~et Notice, ls 6,d ; Birth. 3s c. Ilii e' ?? aet~t7tctceraciat inlsY be prepaid sel G I R T H S. 15. at 35, Wellington Park, Belfast, of Jla-mes W. Corry, of a daughter. rtVFT.L- ,ttje 14. at 32, Anuesley Park, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 6 I lS, YARIlJAGE'S, AND DEATHIS Wnth.Aheding h re cuarged .or as ?? 2.1 td; Death, itA. fiaeref ,, PI; The-. ah, -k fhinesol 7notiee and .Ye ?? .s e' Obzieray Yotsce, Is 61 ; Birth. fs ft ,,yi ;r7i- a tuaeartnflstft snrfs be reupaid ane B I R T E S. r,5L,;\Lo*S .rc 23, at Rockiield, Trarnore, the wife .vey, of a, on. ?? 2IJ 29. at 2, N; icr Avenue, North Dui- 4 Dha, the wire o' CQpaiai J. P ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sIETHS, MARiiIAHES. AND DETHS. ,,.ce.venitft- ?nfet'd this cada a oe chaoged for aS fgrr :-JfXaritegc fS 6d; Death, with funee;'XI 0,1-ee! & i Deat. u-ilk jeneral itotice e7 z N H~etazS; O~ituarZy Notice,S iC; Birkt, fa 64. j]t-na-a ease Snck aninenncemera mivt it 2s-epacid wad d zzy ,utrfenticetd.. S I l T H S. ,eCqlIlAkTD-April 18, at 38, Cliftonville Avenue, u shtbe wife of Walter Archibald ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5,31lS K VA1RAItS Al-ND DEATRS1 s!;aferic (s ?? oret chaesqed for asa -A-itr uiC, ' 6cze ; Deed,, trite fraerei [3 -tJ fenevf stolies and Ac @- A o~ Ic Yerk-c _bisC L ; DirfE s6 ' ;d -cl a 'east ec yripaid and $ 8IRFT H id. -6, at Ardeen, Fortwillia-m Park, ?? ,'vsife of Lt.-Col. J. L. Alison, of a .~a-i5 6_fr. the wife of St. ?? Stock, 8, pl;, ?? of a daugh~ter. i t A E P. I A G E S ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IRTS. gMARIIA(iS, AND DEATHS. saier Mhis headi7nq are charge for as f.1 ?? td; Death with ui jeeral PG Cd; Death, 7rth fsrerac 7ntce and flcar-tres Otto'ry Notce, is 6d; Birth, 2s Gd. pR figz arn cc>' vanioi7 c/ifent ?lust oe prepaid ate d.JRy osideovtacd. BIR.THES. S0BBE--MaY 11. 1898. at 71, Lower Dorset Street, Dublin. the wife of Thomas Cobbe, of a son. WALSH-iSay 9, 1898. at Scotch ...