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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NOTICE. InI 3 ols., post Svc., THE LADDER OF GOLD, R Ani English Story, By ROBERT BELL, Author of Iv ayside Pictures in France, Belgium, and Holland, &c. IS NOW BEADY, And may be had of all booksellers. Richard Bentley, New Burlington-street. THE BARONESS VON BECK. In 2 vol3., post Svo., with Portraits of Rossuth, &c. h ERSONAL ADVENTURES DURING the R. LATE WAR in HUNGARY. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYvAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, MSDAT. the fltat Si rP. : PIPES to be READ: 1. &raldcrations on t.'e Isthmua of Central America. By Cnpt. It. Fits Roy, ll.X., F.R.O.S. 2. Recent Arctic Operatlos:. T}EATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. M , 3. JULLIEN'S GRAND DAL MASQUE, THIS EVENING (Thursday), November 7th. M. JUJ.IEN -aa the houeur to announce, that this GRAND ENTERTAINI'MENT will take plice THIS EVENING. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAThiE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. T M. JULLIEN'S GRAND BAL MJASQUEt, TO-M(RROW EVENING (Thursday),- Navember 7th1. M, JULLIIIN has the hounaur to announce that this GRAND ENTERtTAiNINEN'Twill take place, TO-RIORROW EVENING, AdmisAVIn to the l3,stI ?? leti Gd. Thn audience portion of the Theatre will be reserved for the exclu- Siva a~ccunim' dalton of spectators, tuhe, bapplication at the box- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nOR LAUNCESTON direct (a regtflar trader, asthe greater partdo he io a en s patched Y qiot ), the splenid he, th 6th Nov 8 ?rqlle SARAh ANHE, Al regltew, s55 tons, l)AV1 L1ND;Ay,I TenmsnderA lying IN ?? ?? sipeior t cstiF I Dncdaton for cabin, uite m Mediater, and ace p er = igbt or passe apply to DEVT and POORE, 9ri r Atreet. F OR PORT LYTTELTON, % ?? :. 1'1dLEHEN'Z and other Ports In New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qHEATIE-ROYAL, DRURY-LANE,,--M. .T JULL1NS GRAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE will take place nextTHURtSDAY, November 7,1850. bL J ULLIRN has the honour to announce that his GRAND AN. NIJAL BAL MASQUE will thai year be given previoua to the comn- menoement, Instead of at the termination, of his Annual eriest of I Concerts, and will take place next THURSDAY, Nov. 7, 1850 (the Concerts commenaunggon the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ith f f % 3d, e i e, rl be Sd., bo1d ;. er clh b , lr (3 U. PA1WX.ES; ow,; the, unpowdol? Treaeoe-. : l 1 fo Slloviln6wo lda a le e Ii o oaody:-,a no- ¶rf- arbYouda.' ' Crieto.. : - : X rigan~htr. ., Uol ,ed n :WtdbFeo aatle.: -leckBhepgiid. :m. . ?? S ?? Old St. Paul's. On theo 12th. ?? i;l be ?? prlee: Isbeds; cr ?? 186, Strand Scd7albesqisad news- On-Nbvember 9 wl be published4 In 'vbl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? JULLIEN'S, :BAL MhSQUM- . K. JULEIN hs thhb3onour to ?? that his.QiRAND, ANNUAL BAL MASQUE will take place atbth THEATRZlQ1At., DitVRY-LAtNE, n-T HrUU t i'nti ltowember 7, fib vhfoh a icost splendid deoantlon is in-preparatio*. Full -atoulare I}l be dduy SaunInoed. t lhe =oatrta ?? roleno3on Fid aye, NX baer S. TI ERT MAIESTY'I MTF.ATRA.NO YIRST APPEARANCE Of t celebrutaq ?? Cam, uodor the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANSWERS TO CoP:SPpoNDENTS. OUR SPORTING CoRsESPONIPENTS WILL FIN5D THEIR QUESTIONS ANOWERLED IN OUR SPORTING GAzETT8. DusAMATICUs._True * criticism in these days is, generally, simple approval or dissenlt-too often the former taking the shape of rantk pufferil, and O~caO~onally the ataler is candied in impertinent remarks and wholesale instlt. The critic is sent to notice a piece, and not ...

Published: Sunday 03 November 1850
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2081 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... M JULLIEN'S BAL MASQUE.- .kYo M. JULLIEN has the honour to announce that his GRAND) ANNUAL BAL MASQUE 'will take place at the THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE, on Thursday next, Nov. 7, for which a most splendid decoration is in ?? par- ticulars will be duly announced. 'The Concerts will commence on Friday next, Nov. 8. I OYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE.-Mr. W. PC FARREN has the honour to announce that he has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE NEW NOVELS. Now ready at all the Libraltie', in 2 rols. LETTICE ARNOLD. By the Author of 'aEmilia Vyntillaifl,' ke. 2 vols. 1We cordially recatniend this admirable and beautif'ul story to our readers. it is ahealths'moral Itale-truthiful and practieall-totd in as most cisfrmloilcmtinfli. In it we find all tile graces% which so eminently adorn thle anther's precodiog eTsorts. There is the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADHESIVE CREAM-LAID INITIAL EN- VELOPES, Is. per 100; superfine note paper, five quires for ls.; * f olseap, d d. per quire ; wedding stationery of every de- scription; narme plate, engraved, 2s. 6d. ; 100 best superfine cards, printed, 2s. Od. C. STOCIEN being a paper-miaker enables him . to sell ?? of every description lower than tsny other house in London. The guinea lady's or gentleman's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T 0 PURCHASERS of FURNITURE.-Persons Tin search of really good substantial furniture, at moderate prices, should incquire of their friends where they can lay their money out to advantage, and notbe lured by a fese low-priced trashy articles, where they will be charged exorbitantly for the bulk; in the extensive furniture galleries and show rooms of this establish- seent the largest and muost ...