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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ to INDIA and CHINA vil EGYPT.- I S IR~arMONHLY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE for enicO to 'it oosto CEYLON, MADRAS. CALCUTtA, ~s ~SINAI'REand HONG KONG. -The Peninsular A-~g~sss ssiatiiicompany book passenget'k and ro- ~ 1~*l~ frtheabove portseby their steamers, etart- ~ ~cciasinononthe 20hof every month, and frotit Suez ~~ the10 m . el ra-.eeg fo r Bombay can proceed by this Coin- cr fte21hof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHERMAJJ3STY'S THEATRE'1 HE GRAND NATIONAL CONCERTS. TILTS EVENING, Atgri, Lef,,rt, Molique, Piatti, Bauemansn, and MissGodlai-;d thc Englishs Chorus, and the Choristers of the Blerlin Chapel Royal. Thc Pastoral Symphony, the Ovcrtures to Mid- summer Nigist's D)ream and Gluillaume Tell, the Grand March from ilte Camop of Silesia, ie. I 1i rosneade (admittittg to ill parts of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADHESIVE CREAM-LAID INITIAL EN- VELOPES, Is. per 100; superfine note paper, five quires for Is.; foolseap, Od. per quiro ; wedding stationery of every de- scription; name plate, engraved, 2s. Cd. ; 100 best superflne cards, printed, 2s. 6d. C. STOCKEN being a paper-maker esables him to soill stationery of every description lower than any other house in London. T'le guinea lady's or gentleman's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LKI NG TON and C O.,; E PATENTEES OF 'THE ELECTRtO PLATE, lit inufactturing Silversmith, B'tonzists, lie.,bg respectfully to call attention to their Establishiments, 22, lRegent-strect, Lo on 45, MAoorgate-streot, And Olaniufaetory, Nowbalal-street, IBiroingliam ; at either orfweliule places, they have always an extensive stock of tleir own froduetions. Thle 'a~teiitecs feel tile necessity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THREAT CENTRAL GAS CONSUMER I~noro,stloO. is hereb' gfiVen, cht APPLICATION i intended to be Mas ?? h 21OXt Se-Sit fo n ACTj to incorpomt5 Te ?? a Consumer4'C(oaipaty', a, cerstain joint tstoui Comspany alread c tablished under that niamei, and now% o g0 l ns114 ii tect of London and the liberties theraof weith n 5 ~i t lea erd and etilaie thle powers given ti, thesdcopn nder wed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ?? igt es to CEYLON, MADRAS, CALCUVVA, ?~I3sINAPOtEanid HONG KONG. - The Penintoular r > ?? Company took plissetm'ers aid e I~, l ,cc~l fo the514tiv ports byr their steamers, start- lirOI uton lite 20th of eivery nmonth, and frontt Suez ~ ci te 10t siftie onth. IA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHEATRE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE.- IL M. JULLIEN'S GllAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE Will take place NEXT THURSDAY, Nov. 7. M. JULLIEN has the honour to announce that his GRAND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE will this year he given previous to the commencecment, instead of at tho termination, of bis Annual Series of Concerts, and Nill take place next Thursday, November 7 (the Concerts coninescihig onl thc following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LABITZKIY'S NEW GRAND QUADRILLE.= J._iii the 18th will be ready, dedicated by special pennission to hit Rtoyal HIighness the Prince Albert, Herr LABITZiiY'S QllAMU'll.LV of ALL NATIONS, perfornting with unbounded acclaodutions at the Grand National Concerts, by the entire or- chestrnI; nod thc E 1Lish Uamd Berlia ehoristers, aided by the thrce bands~ ?? Royal Mmusehold Troops, and a corps of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I LAUNICESTN direct, a ?? trader, J he greatr ?? of her cargo crigageil, and will be e'~rvquickly, the llendidl nowv fast-sailing, lritislh-built ?? A 1, 302 toils register, DAVID LINDSAY, ?? ]Vill- in the London Docks. Has Very superior ac- Alll'l' slllI itenlelitean etergepassengers.- ec p~ag alply o Dvil andMooe, , Billiter-street, i~ GNPAKET.-he GENERAL E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~11, and STEAIM. -LONDON to PARIS E ?? i~lKETN and BOULOGNE, or DOVER I. -> The most expeditious and conivenlicit route to all ~, , sa set -rain frm te Lndo-bridge Terminus i i-EAt' RN AILAY or olestone and Dover daysw. 7,8 am, 0.0 a., 1.30 a~m. (exprews), 4 (sp~m.(exress, 5.0 pm., nd .30 p.m1. (express). ?? m t elget ice day ;from Dover 1tcass. 2(1 class. adtto Paris, viil Btoulogneo£2 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 D ILIA and CHINA vi-1 EGYPT.- )lUiNTlI1LY MAIL STEAM CONVEYANCE forI 2 oodl, to CE'YLON, MADRAS, CALCUTTA, I ?? an jIOG KONG. - 'the P'eninsular N ?? book passciiera aild re- 11 ft he aboveC ports by their steamers, start- nic2 of every motnth, andi feosai Suez 1'.,,1IIacs fr omay canl proceed ?? Cin i:11o h onth to Malta, thieiim t lx tmuers, ari fromi Suez, by thle tioso'r- ( s~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2SAINT PANCRAS (Middlesex) PAVING.-For! altering, altnenditig, extetdittg, enlarging, repealing, and eonl- In anlidittitig ce7rtaiin Acts relating to tlto parisht of Saint 'ancran, and n otsr liteloding. eelrtamn streets, roads, ways, paissages, places., antid pa- pitlons parts of thle said Psarish, undter the pasture of the intended ?? -NOtiwe is lierehY given, that APPILICATION is intended ...