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South West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .N FIRE INSURANCE Th Drectors of this Offce havethe satisfaction of announcing to bthe hisurerasthata areturno the Premiusn o ain Idletween moiheotinay J845 and in tiNevel Ilidilrs avg ielts dtOeared, suic return will payas towhen sevrl ldes0 Po licIes ef th~e respective or orays then Aeah wolcies become renewable, either at tule Headl-Office, AN i Whom parties N have Insured. Thi per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 0 35 UP PER-ARCAD2ER . 1F M is3 PUGSLEY. PASTRYCOO~i CONFECTIO9)Eu a~ttention and b keinhe bs rtlclsdoin a shro ief pstre3alTtlO~boost ltreed. Tea-eakes, Sally Lunns, &e. Richl Wedding and other Cakea to order.c- r 1ILACK BULL HOTEL, HOLBORN-IU LL, LONDON, J. EDWARDS, PRoarpTEon, Comfort. CleanlIness, and Economy combinei/ ~sia~hSIII'OLARGOE COFFEE, AND SMOKING ROOMS. Ourilhuges fr i all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW FOREIGN DESSERT, CRYSTALLISED, AND ICED FRUITS. E CHARLES SPRY GOULD, ( ?? GROCER AND ITALIAN WARE- HOUSEMAN,o 4(,,-HIGH-STREET, EXETER, .0 EGS to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, of j) Clergy. and his Customers genetally, that he has b3 riv ed a Choice Supply of every descriptionof the above, fl o~ch will be found pre-eminent for that superior vvhich this Establishment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pwltineatness& despatch aiTfiE BRIUSTOL MtERCURY- OFFICE, 35 , B ROAD- STBEEET. - 0D sIrPo WN E R S y CAPTAINS OF VESSELS, SEAMEN, & EMIGRAlN!~f AtNO GENERtAL MtARINET BUOVANf~tCYN COMPANY,§ Thsc attention of persons abaout to° rewmigr~ate is dieed o toe iGvet's Pa ToCHYLie Bax-oBuy, a BMas.erTftoejeit ocethe invend. com life-boats of theBlate il aten eas f cidaent hats eve lin when ithey ar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. TO SHOPKEEPERS, TRADESMEN, & OTHERS IHEREA3 THOMASIN ELIZABETH Y r BADFORD, my Wife, has contracted Debts witb- outmylinowledge (after baving been repeatedlyrequested not to do so), thereby causing me grnat veistiona 101 trouble, and heaping on me insuperable difficulties, I therefore hereby warn and give notice to all perSonS whomsoever, not to barbour or trust the said Thomann ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . gantt-. IllTANTED, an active, respectable outh, WV as an ArPPRENTriCE to the Liocel-Drap ryseand Under- tatting flesiflss. A moderate Premium will her epqulred.APPlY,. pro-palul, to Xt. G)IBBS, !02, Itedetiff-street.| 'WANTED, in a General Drapery nd V Grocery Business a competent FES Bs- BISTANT.-Address. stating particulars. toW.O. L Establlshnent, Clovedon. --- 1~JA TE , n heneghbourho TV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ES SHEFFIEL2D.PLAT13 I93; ,EL.,CThO.PtLATED SIDE DISHES&CQ ERS. l P Ab' A tND DISH'-COVERS. ri' orl ntern Sido Dishe9 and Covora, with £ a. d.- * - wot enC loss dishes, having asubstsfltisl Slver mount. set raorloll~es feet, and shields for engraving arms, &to. ,, 33l 0 0i OtiItorhle~a~rc lttlahout^va~r. r 2 qualityv a. . 2 12 0] 00. ° 0tx tlttihoveson 2D Inches, one li.' iuhea, Ase ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EU R KIA!-H A IR D YE. VALUABLE AND IEPORTANT DISCOVERY. Qnl Color Albu5 erat nune est Contrarlus Aibo. The difficult of stainiln living Bair without great pers aeon vesience and ilabillty of discolouring the Skin has at last been over- come, and It Ie wvith the greatest confidence that Al. ST. JUL)iN now eadil the attentiOn ot the Public to his infalliblo Antidote to a ray l Hairs. Althougi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L CLOSING ASSOCIATIO BRADEA- OM S. e dtlR°a E. EUMPA(Oa.Req., wled prsidle.l penetQtaf tarter past, p.uS. LONG' ROYAL HOTEL, gIJI THE MALL, CLIFTON. III1~~'~~lltae iee t heabvoHOELOn TUESDAY NRS. WSALL, MR. WALL. IllSTREU;ZNTALISTS. Solo Violin .*.Mr. E. KING solo Ftllta..r. Coa~nor qojoVIo1lOOCeiOMr. A.vW.WATE TicitelO(Heqcrtoed Seas, Izs. 6t4.) each; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE CIRCULATION THE BRISTOL MIERCURY, As ShOWn by tbe OFFICIAL RETUtNS, appended to the Report the Parliamentary Committee OD Newspaper Stamps, a=oun1te1 during the last year (1850), to TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY.SEVEAN THOUSAND, Giving a Weekly Average of upWrarda of 6100. The following Figurese ,s giaes iu th eturns, how t0 relative positions of the AfereUry and :- BRISTOL MERCURY 7,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It?(3ELLENT FURt?ITUttE AND FECTS, At NoA, CLA1IR.STRB ST. ?J ES.SRS. F'ARGUS & SON will SELL by AUC?I¶?a?heIe Specious H0O?4, No.4, CLAIIE- * the 9th Of December, SIRE 'Alt gee isandsonse HOUSEOIOLI) PURNITURE, CHINA (SLABS, BrlilbanttO'?0? 6?-Octavs dras?ri Sqoarn PIANO-FORTE, in a Rosewoodtjase, A ri ton ablnstditoe? by Breadwood, th Marble Top and Large BoewoOd Plate-glass Back, ?icbly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Slt 5bn aucztion. iiLPORT & SHRR WNEinBttl an- d Wood. M ESSRS. FARUS & SON will submit to PUBLIC COIPETITION., at theirSpiolousitOoN, 4,CL AIISSTREET, Bristol, 010 MONDAY Next, the 22adDecember, Tie oRwi al'v, an gerlor and choice Old PORT and HEl tY WINES:- S8 Dozen of capital PORT, Vintage 1845 g Dozen of remarkably doe 184D PORtT, 6 Years In Bottle 18 Dozen of ditto ditto, 4 ditto 52 ...