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Advertisements & Notices

... LO0NDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY.- 1,,floigPUBLIC SEltVICES will be held In the 'd ocnoiqn With the ANNIVERSARY of ofve~tC UXIIAARY to the Loudon Mission- TOU preached at- 01n CHAPI1 the afternoon, at half-past two ~ rnna iix o'clock, by the Rev. J. SMITH. LA'ER and SMITH, aided by Minis- ill~ii ?? -hold PU ISLIC MEBETIN GS p~~sO een o'clock in the evening: of each e~elnobth on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s 200 REWARD.- WHER1IAE'S, last MOn- *t e 020 day E~vening hnh of A7lgilst, between th, ye] hulirs of eight and nine. EVlN M1EN (witho thers outsidel, or . INTldElD the REi.SIDJENCE of MIr. C1A Hl'LEs CLOtUtH. at Man s Bolton, near Brsdferi, armed with Pistols and Bluodgeons _ arid with their Faces Veiled, and violently assaulted MrigA e Ciougii and his lamily, and stole from the house, iMoney ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? B REItIeMENT OF MR. JUSTICE PATTESON.-OU v Tuesday, in the Court of Queen's Bench, which was _ crowded to excess, Mr. Justice Patteson took his farewell of the Bench. He was addressed in highly eulogistic terms by the Attorney-General, and replied with much good feeling WILr- and unaffected simplicity. The withdrawal of the Learned ipo. Judge was an occasion of much interest and even of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOW tcNottcco. WEST RIDING OF YO0R KS HI R E- WNOTICIE, is hereby given, that on the Nineteenth day' Of October ?? Nvjj be made to her Majeerycs Justieec of the, Pea~ce atssonibled at Quarter Sessions at Ignaresbolough, in aned for tire said Rtiding, bor anl order. for fstV~ltlING atid TURINiNG a certain road or waly situate in tire township of Skipten, in the aced Riding, branching out of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINSBURY ELECTION. GREAT PUBLIC MEETING OF THE A Electors and Non-Electors of the Borough will be held on CLERIKENWELL.GREEN, ON MONDAY iTENIN6, JUNE 219r, To promote the re.elottion of THOMAS SLINGSBY DUNCOMBE, Who will attend and address the meeting. Choir to be taken St Sis ?? precisely. Men of Finsbury attend and support your old and rwell-tried re. presentotive. By order of the Committee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIOTSEIIOLD FUIRNITITiIE, OF~FICUE rITTINGS. AND EFF'ItCTS. blevsrs. ?? anti BARKER sire instructed to SELL By AtOCIIS N, at thle Commercial Sale Boomsg. Sterne's Build6 B3 lo~ge, Leeds, on.Mo0ndat, next, April Twent',sfsjixtl 1852, A Quantity of HOUSEHOLD FI-ITURE1, jj. sPFFIcE FITTIN;S, ?? ?? single de~lts, excellent mnahogany toble. with turned legs two cop~lsg presses, iron stove, eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - ?? at attend a ;ha3 TO CORRESPONDENTS. Medicin /1*ad.-We tansot give the information desired. personal h Joscph Mljisoit-'The two offices are the same. of The money aeas by Conscience hae been r ctived. by We are unable to find room this week for a letter of Onc O the ike (Handingley aud Burley) Sanitary Coainsittoe. If possible, it l -iO thall appear in our Dext. to troi ate XO notico ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R(WJCP00IT Z001 Al ?? ?? _ Pr On Tuesday, the Twenillmslvenlh instant, at two, at the B~rokers'' Di bales Boom. Atbherton-buldsingi, Dale-street, dri ?? Bale'a East India WOOL. RC For catalogues, dr.. apply to HUGHtES & RONALD, -Wool Brokers. La At two o'clock, on Tuesda vth Niwentptreve~t in ant' theo Brokrs'aleRoom 10 Noth Jbristret.Liverpool, re 1,000 Bales East India WOOL. Apply to AI.IIOA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ubVOW watfcra. LEEDS BOROUGH BREIWSTERSESS[ONS. LN'JTICL I's hereby given, that the Justices of the Peace lor the lforourrirof Leeds will hold their GENE R AL ANN U AL, bETING for the Licensing of Persons keeping or being ?? to keep irns, AlellSOB. aoid Viectuilling HOUOse, within the salt borourgh. at tile Coust-houso, in Leeds. tis the said boruh i iedlnesdaly. dic Teenty-jf~th dav of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1~~EAFNESS.~~Mrs. H~ALL, Gate-Foot, New dr 3111. ner Heml~rIt, sabeen perfetctly) CURED in two a Viits rof a ?? It, titoued with flieit Au vin ?? r 2 ITU ?? Leeds. tic N.IA. 6ee first page. 14 AIPROVED GLSSl? ed .1 ?? ?? 7 Vic., c. fS. JAy)IrS WINTErIBOTJTOM becls leave to ?? attentilon of solsurners to a Glass Stepper which bo ?? lately Oe~ tered, tatd whisso posststsce numerous 11dyvtltas vr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rEL'GANT PAPCIM HANGINGS. bless5. S1EPI'EiL ?? BARIMIE respetfutllt~y antrfl0lcq for PUBIt ILC COi 5111.' Ell I) S at their Cosi1ti arHIAL . Al,g VIoqxsi T.iNS13 Melts;3u, Lev's. ani 'lesedass ucit. the .Elevenths or ilfajj, CHOIC, S E LECTIO0N OF PAPElt A IIANCIINIIO. in new rind splendid patterns, ad~ptcd for every hind u! roofs, thle whole of which will be oftletd ats Usual, it, lots to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I anEraISaMIENT | LV JMPORTA!;T TO ALL WHO SING,-Fr4Dm S. Pearuall, Eaq.a Lt Yicar Choredot licblihed Catbedral:-`-A lady of distinction L .having pts ,teo out to rnoe te quan ties ot Dr. LOCOCIC'S I i S lr.A;OhL3C WASIEiiS, lwas induced to malke trial of abox and front this trial I am happy to gixe my testimonial in their Li oivour. A ttid by allowing a low 01 the Wafers-takoen in the M ...