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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... One Friday. htc F.,urteenI4rfal a of 11ray, Sit Birowne, H anter, and It CoB,, 011i500. 1, Old lHall-street, Litverprool,- 8559 BALES SUTJII AUSTRIALIAN Wsssol,.justhsnded, AppliYfo BRIOWNiE, I1UNItiJI(,Orls Cr!.. B~roetre Itto clock,. on Fridayei. the Fouerten!Tntir fre.nul at th, Brokefl AWO Sale ROOcM, 10), Nurth Jfatrn-troet, 100J BALES AeSICAIIJE, ex Ater,. - 2oo DO. FINE WASAlIUi EN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ENTRATL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY, Instituted under Trust, to counteract the system of Adul- teration and Fraud now prevailing in Trade, aud to promote the principle of Co-aperative AssocictioeS. Trustees-Edward Vansittart Neals, Esq., (founder ol' the Institution); and Thomas lughes, Esq., lone of the contributors). Commercial Firm-Lechevalier, Woodin, Jones, and Co. Central Establishment-,6, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --mc riatc Contract. 4.j.O ,GREEK-STREE'I'), and BED- 41 BEET:sTIIFI. f,airs.-TO BE SOLD BY l'R1VATH ?? eligible ESTATEN, Situate in Park-Itew, ,mpristngthleexcellent mssutisgeor dwelling-lssuae, Ipaton f Mis Yungandthe dweilliug.houose. , lice roms in the occupation of Ilnasrs. Goodioll 00.t'bo5uierouoplioiders. csabiuet makers, &c., with tile i~lD~ieiiinc. ndi urerl~itancestothle SLMs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOW tcNottcco. WEST RIDING OF YO0R KS HI R E- WNOTICIE, is hereby given, that on the Nineteenth day' Of October ?? Nvjj be made to her Majeerycs Justieec of the, Pea~ce atssonibled at Quarter Sessions at Ignaresbolough, in aned for tire said Rtiding, bor anl order. for fstV~ltlING atid TURINiNG a certain road or waly situate in tire township of Skipten, in the aced Riding, branching out of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rEL'GANT PAPCIM HANGINGS. bless5. S1EPI'EiL ?? BARIMIE respetfutllt~y antrfl0lcq for PUBIt ILC COi 5111.' Ell I) S at their Cosi1ti arHIAL . Al,g VIoqxsi T.iNS13 Melts;3u, Lev's. ani 'lesedass ucit. the .Elevenths or ilfajj, CHOIC, S E LECTIO0N OF PAPElt A IIANCIINIIO. in new rind splendid patterns, ad~ptcd for every hind u! roofs, thle whole of which will be oftletd ats Usual, it, lots to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DD)lY-l6110. Newtowen. Leeds. 4T1N11.(.on Thursdsiay. Jsae Third, 1852, at the house fli-1,u~e.North Tavern, North-street, Leeds, at six 001 - i evening, ?? to such COnditions as shall be ~ rsii~~ IX COTTAGES, together with A Ji tde f godCLAY L&ND adjoining, situitt at 3y) va15 NelownLeeds. and now ins the loccu. ~ 0~1 lleford.Me'.Win. Hirloky, and others. ppl toMr.JeEPHe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3EDS CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. L D PATRON:- The Right Rev. The LORI) BISHOP OF RIPON. SERMIONS on behalf of tlhe abovo Association, will be preacbed oil Sunday, thci iwnev-thir d M1ay. and the ANN UAL I JElIETING will taie plale at the Music Hail, on lWedneidayI 11wlentf-.ixth May, at half-past six o'clock. ObpgNING OF THE NEW DOMESTIC M jISSION Ci-APEL &c SClFOOLS, MtAaaU'a-FccLn, tloOLDC6tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER HANGINGS IN NEW & ELEGANT DESIGNS. Messri,. .lPEsR & IIIRPP ER bag It announce for SALE by AUCTION, or, Tuesday setee, the Fourta dat oullaay. 1851 at tire Commercial Sale-rourns, Sternv'sbuildialls, Leeds, PIEcIs of NEW & FASHIONABLE 4,000 p1'. APl. NGS, in appropriate patterns for drawing, dining, breakfast, and bedbrooms. llirrlics, vestibules. passages, shops. noficas. sC., the whole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ?? I On IrridYa, the Fourteenth instant, at twelve o'clock at noon, In the Shed8, Brunswick and Toxteth Docks, Liverpool, 47 7 LOGS and CURLS of ST. DOMINGO 47 BiS MAIIIOG ANY. ?? the cargo just landed ex Jane:, from St. Domingo. Apply to Messrs. Rowe, SceiB.SitS, and Co., 31erchants. 602 LOGS and CURLS CITY ST. DOMI NGO MAHOGANY, 217 LOGS CITV sr. DOMINGO SATIN WOon. 6548 PIECES CITY ST. IO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gable !Re. -- ttely. TO THE ELECTORS AND NON-ELECTORS aable OF THE TOWER HAMLETS. utl ENTLEMIEN,-In consequence of my having ulthoe b Eleetors u ?? asrequisition mast numerously signed both toe ?? and Stan-Eleetors, requesting me to allcow myself to be :o be pu~t in nomination as a Candidate for the Tower Hamlata at thle storY ensuring Election, I now come befora you to askc for your suffrages ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. T. P. GREEr lO thanked for his encouraging letter. All'. FSKEIroN's Medical Adviser,' advertised in last week's Star of lFrecdom, is publisihed at One Penny, and not at a shilling, as announced TUE t.EFUGEE..-Among the Polish esiles who were recently eX- pelled from Repleblinanj Ft-once, for being Republicans, is a vetert wiry surgeon, whio completed his studie in the celebrated Yeleri. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ?? It i on ofthepeculiar duties of the conductiors of a' newsopae topitout to their readers anything of real roorill, especially when ?? Is ani article which is uscii by every one, mnore or lessk. We refer to the GtirrNvFJSD PATENT 87AtMI,. which, we believe, is almost ?? used, and we hatie, great pleasure its beariucA our tolstickloty to irs excollenccr. Tihe great elastici ty it imparts to ...