... Wellinqton, as Warrior, Senator, and Mfan. By II T. Binney. Third Thousand. London: Hamil- Is ton, Adams, and Co., 33, Paternoster-row; I Jackson and Walford, St. Paul's Churchyard; at II t a ...


... [The following songs have been set downi Ot- paper, in a fine running hand, by Sergeant X.Y.Z. ; and have been composed chiefly during the happy ten mhiute intervals allowed by the Commissioners for luncheon. They have been read with approval by the Bishop.lane Central Committee, with the exception of the Chairman, %%ho sternly refused to see or hear any thing. On being blindotlded, ...


... ho( A fight between a bull and a bear took place near Ncw De Oleans, on Sunday, the 27th ilt , and is chronicled as follows by the New OtleansaCrescent of the 28th of March -. Yesterday, pursuant to public notice, came off at Gretna, opposite the Fourth District, the long-heralded fight between the famous grisly bear, General Jackson (victor in fifty battles), and the Atlakapas bull Santa Anna ...


... I THE.VOICE OF AUTUMN. Thou lonely man of grief and pailn, By lawless power oppreosed, Bunt from thy priron-rend thy chain, I come to make the blest ; I have no springtide bods; and flowers, I bave no summer bee9 and bowers; But, oh, I have some pleavut hours, To soothe thy soul to rest. Plenty o'er all the quiet land Her varied vesture wceaves, And Rings her gifts, with liberal hand, To glad ...


... iZ T&BJ14RATiVE. r ,, ; 1 'LAYEI 1501 BEFiigs aY' Hawv LiNODOuN.(L- do and DtsJin: kicliprdsoiii ?? ;967 .1 ESSAYs :AND.DR' '1yf5,OHIE'' one Tuonn', OUITI AND SoCIALISM.! By 0. A. BoeowzsoN, LL.D. (Mfew Yor'k: D. 'ccc? J. 4adile' and do. LDublin: J ?? These two remnarkable. look& present thenmslves for our consideration. together,.and although there are many things~ III which they are strongly ...


... I nOBERT COWaN AND T~Hf RAPPnRS. I Mr. Owen has put forth a pamphlet-(c!ce on fioe paper, ?? on ordinary, in obelience to tho advice of the esirits with whom he is on intimate speaking termas)-a pamphlet called The Fuluire of the Hsmesan eRace; or a Great, Glorious, and Peaceful Resolution, near at Hand. To be efcted through ?? of Denarted Spirits of Good anrd Superior Mete and Women. On ...


... ?? A LADY'S VISIT TO THEi GOLD DIGGINGS. The lady (then a spinster) accompanied her brother m April, 1852-53. She shared with her brother all the vicissitudes of a digger's life ; and narrates them in a free, fresh spirit: there is nothing artificial-nothing. hackneyed in her Paces- She begins by avouching their accuracy of detail. In a lack of the marvellous will consist their principal ...


... PUB~LCAfOUM-B-N~L- I Igl ?? THE WHIM AT THE LYCEUM.f. Tce Urania of Tie Bachelor of Arts, is a series of romantic whims. The here, having ?? all the pleasues of life, is anaxious to invact a ?? oe. As a whim, he will go as a ft~les in. a private farmily. H~e does go, and throws cat for a father's inspection the most caorisus vattern-book of accomplishfments that a young man 3bout' to enter ...


... CARDINAL WISEM1AN ON THE ARTS OF I DESIGN AND PRODUCTION. On Thursday evening week a very crowded auditor to assembled in the Manchester Corn Exchange, to hear his v eminence Cardinal Wiseman deliver a leeture on the re- A latioris between the arts of design and the arts of produc- di tion. His eminence was received with enthusiastic ac- of clamnations. mn Dr. Tuasina, the titular Bishop of ...


... I| - ., ?? FLOWElRS. ,, y I O It .A C E S 3I I T H1. y e ?? worshippers Who, benlding lowly ,ifore tile uprtisel s5u, God's lidless eye, Throw from your clhalices a sweet and holy Incense oin high. Ye bright mosaics! that, with storiod beauty, The floor of natures temple tesslate, What numerous emblems of itlstruetive duty Your forms create I 'Neath clustered bou1ghs, carl, floral bell that ...


... l _ ~ ~- _I_ HAYMAKERS VISITED, (RESPECTPCLLY INSCRInED TO MXISS ELIZA COOK.) [Freom the Village Muse and other poecjs, by Elijah Ridings, On the eve ef publicalisal.J . brief time ago, I was hcart-sick and dreary, For the .orld, now and then, makes the best of us weary; i spirit was drooping, yet restive and wild, And my heart turn'd away from the mirth of my child. I Closed iny book, ...


... rrs YSBRnD0oN ANUNa' gan Iorie,'tlb Glan AIed. I It There are four or five points which should never be l slost sight of in estimating the merits of any poetical a scompo ition. As poetry is a very powerful moral 1. agent, exercising great influence for good or for evil, t h and forming, as it generally does, an index to the , n moral condition of society, it is of the first importance tnto ...