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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... | MOTTO FOlS A STrEPFATIHERt- CCeSt IC Ple711;'J s I(17(i colute. IPoT--~ucF.-Th~e luck of finding a quart bottle that will hold a pint. Qu:ntv.-Will tihe board of directors of the amnal- gamated railways be stigniatised as a collision Govern- atlelit? FRINCsi USUEoS AT PAI:rT.-France has Iteen accus- tonliLe to set copies to Europe; but site witl hardly bo able to do so now-with no pen. but ...

Published: Friday 14 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2090 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... TIHE BRIGAI)E IMEETJING IN DUBLIN.- TH1 Pl,,ACEMEN TRIED, CONVICTED, ANI) COND)EMvINED). Wai, anticipated a good deal of amusemen t from the proceedings of the C'onveniion, called in Dublin to adjudicate upon the conduct of IMessrs. Keogh and Sadleir, and wve have not been disappointedt. We enable our readers to judge for themselves of the ex- hihtioii. It was a truly Irish trial ; the verdict ...

Published: Friday 14 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1208 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

The Army

... gilN Ic nlp . PROMOTIONS AND' EK'OCLfANGlS . AVAR-OF I ICC, *TANUAItV 7. Ist Dnagoons-Licut. IV . Peareth to bo Captain, bv pitl'lchae, vice Carc'v, whIto ieti tes; Curtikt J. Ian - cocke to be Lieut., lb purchalse. vice PI'areth; Ensign A. J. P. WaIittatii foiit 29th loot, to be Corinet, by putchase, vice Hancoeke. 12th L,ight DNrug0ootcli-ieLt. G. C. S. ])uratit to be dalptain, by pulrchase, ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 778 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Foreign Intelligence

... jTorciglt r-litc1lipacc. W E ST I NII) IA MlAl. rL sI i p, Captain Vincentt, has artrived vvith thle W-est Indiai miail. The ilfe~qdidcltr hadl beeni verv sickld ever since shte left St. Thooas's, havnig lost twon paissengci'o, boith of' whoIlm wecre fo Mcxobesidef Mr. Duke, tftwporser's ste-wirless, aend five of the c-row, all of wihom, with Ithi exception oif two, (lied of yellow fever. ...

Published: Monday 10 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1929 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... IRISII TENANT LE AGUIE. A GitNitiAL leetillg Of the CouICil Of' thle L'eague Of iiho Irish membethrs of Parliament wvii supported M' Shtarmian Cra wford 's bill, aid of thle Other flijen Is Of' the mneasure, wtts hold onl Tuesdlay, at tile counicil i'O011ttS of' the L~eagu e, '' t) (Iectide upon tho poli cy best sui oil to tile Pr'esent priosperou'is but yet critical ptosition of' tile land ...

Published: Friday 14 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5266 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... T I-IE 3.I GAD) E B 0 Y S. SOME newV featurles huave 'turle(l up since out last, which would show that the breach betwveen the de- serters aid the rest of tile Brig-aie is growing wider end less capable of hbeinig britdged over by mutual ex- planationis, wvere wve not confident that tile whole I r'itnlpils will eveLntually hoe Lttled to the mutual satis- factiou of both parties, as so0on ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3239 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... OXFORD) JNIVEIRSIT V ELECTION. S' TATE 0OF rTHE Pot -~SAt'ITD.AY. FIVE 0. C1OClL (CeOSN). Gadktoll, q Pereeval, 49. ,AO.ND-`AY-,S1XTir DAY. Gladstone, .. 602 Pallt5AS'T ONE O'CLIOCIL. Cld'ttune, ~~~~~ .. 63 T'I''leval, 540 T1ho po lug ')Ioceeds 'e;'-' slowly this morniellt. The(~ 'ri'v'lls hy the afternoon trains are watched forwt interest. GI,.ldstone, .. ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2036 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... '1'ElR11BI3BLE EPEC'1TS OF TiHE YELLVO\V F1E\' 1R11I. I: consequenro of the awlvul mortality amongst tile Officers annd CrC' OF the laoUlide'.e, thilrtv-thir'ee. scrnw- frig te, Captain Ilaisted,at Baloradous, the letters fIom that ship alre cominpalati ely foe'; hut those Which have come to hand are heart-rending' ii the extroL e o, for, uL) to the ]Gth of December, no lesS than 120, out of a ...

Published: Friday 14 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1473 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... (?ovr?ponbEncr. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION Or THEE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS. TO TIlE EDITOR OF THtE BELFAST NEWS-LETTER Sin- I have read, in the Belfttst N~ems-Letter of the 5th instant, a letter sig-ned 1 Clericur Duneinsis, inl which thle writer aninradiverts, in severe termsc, irpori the conduct of' lire Venerable Society for the Pr-opaga- tion of tire Gospel iii Foreign Parts. His ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1444 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

The Belfast News Letter

... p . Z f), 0 BELFAST: MONDAY. JANUTA1RY 10, 1853. TIIE ENGLISH SOiACITOLL-GENERAL. Wu must confess that our acquaintaince with the antecedentts of Mr. R. B3ethell was very slight, in- (leed, until wve learned that a gentleman of this name had been mentioned in connexion *vithl the personnel of the Aberdeen MlIinistry; annd then we were prepared to regaid vith some degree of respect a personage ...

Published: Monday 10 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 730 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... (Cc rcp~ aiwncc. T'lll, GOSl'EI PRO'P PAGA TION SO(AIETY AND '';Ti-l, t'llANCE~lOli OFL l)O)WN.X TO TFII. Ell)TOlt OF'I ITHE LELFAST NtEWS-LETTE:R. S n1I atve Jaust real ill to-day's X'0s- LUtrio tile Couzmimunication ot Illc R'1ev. J. L. :I., Cu i'': :t ill-, ill p;:SiOlttu 1,w'ilC, 011 my letter in ri.Cf'r'te tCo! J tile Society 1ev 1 lte Propagation of tile Gosp[l, I shouldl ...

Published: Friday 14 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 609 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Foreign Intelligence

... .rr jj-crrtgR A M E II I C A.. .A li 1 F 1' A X1, 0 P T 11 iE, A PR It 1 A. T,' I il V ovtu. SUN.kV `aNi 'r.-T!he . hit isl.i aonl AJine2.. rican l-3ov'ti lj nil st(eaali-stip) .j'n, if 1,0t. ciiitiniled,- arrived Intcre tn-lniglht. ilir ect fr'om1 New York, having' left that pOlt at. noon on1 the 29th nIt. Sbie hrin[rs :;1 p5ssei'i'ert, tii)41,0(\ dollr's in spl'('iC onl freigiht a'd t h ...

Published: Wednesday 12 January 1853
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 908 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News