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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ,j-REAT GEORGE-STREET LIP~~ after b aving II en thocoughly ?? wil beft'lttNED for Ilivifl Serice~ oii SundaY week *I Fobi rydg 1F51 Sigued. ?? IB IREEit, Pastor. Leeds, Ill II Folbrdarr, 11i3.nm j) ?? OP~ib's CQ-N(Cl`R'qS-Under tie direction en sq l jI of~ i 1h 1 Rationa Reraiit Soriety, Sir George Goiman, SALL, AMr. %SIN NN, and thefl niefcetC~f5 Condector-Mil. SP,1llK~IS~ Admi~si~l~GaV~ic3d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ?? Letters. Post-vaid, addressed to Adi',rtiyers, thcustyh the e. Printer's, are inv'ariasbly farrisaided to the pezrlu Adveerlsiniq, , if, therefore, an Apiplicant dues, Act reecivea u isiav~er within' a reaownable Unit, he must conclude either that the A I vertiser -is If atreatdy coited, or that franz sionte other cause, it has ,ist beei, :0 thanight niecessary, to return an arstver to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rfio LET, the HOUSE, No. 6, KINGSTON-PLACE, Nvoohc5use-iatte, containing five bed-roollfs, two sitting- u10Isktciions. &c. ground floor. Rient(16w. Immediate t ,Aeiisjljr APPLY to Mr. 11ORSFALIL. Solicitor. 6, Park-row. L BE LE1 , LAKE LUDLi,., STANssLcr near 8 I NVIIicL&W withl large garitoi and Dph-aure grounds.' Tile-S 0-Oi' CQIsiit, of dinixig, drawing, ani breakfast rocime, hive 1oeyic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARK HILL, CLECftHEATON.--TO LET,a JJ DAVVLLING-fOUSE. consisting of three rooms on tho ieud floor, With cottage adjoining ; a good Rardau and or- p~'dbarn, stable, miatal, &c.4 and from twelve to sixteen ,,~grass Land,wtthin three quarters ofn m le of the Cleck- I ~Rt~lailway Station. For further particulais apply to Air. ~ot.Clocktheatoni. ~j1STE - OURT, near SELBY.-TO BE ~ LE. frm Ldy-day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ge e BLet. 0 BE LET, all those FiVE/C&LOSE3 of f ]aeadowand asture LAND.JltuattejnRastrick,.lato in tao 5,,npatIon of Mr. Joe Ebaw, Co tainti 8 9RA. fe. For rent and other particulars incqitre of Mr. SAMUESL WASHINGOTOs Land Agent. Lightcliffa, near Halifax. sARM rTV LET.-The SUfNY BANK J FARM. in Southowram-fnasr Halita6 with Farm-house. all Decessa y oitbtiidigt, hsd 47t days' work of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'D- ?? L ,Id hrbde ADVERTISEMENT. er- Until the introduction, by AMr. DU BARRY, of ties to REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, both as a regimen for f ova,- lbe lidsand infants,anda remedy for alldisorders connected wit the Stomach, nerves, kidneys, liver, and intestines generally. be it misht have been asserted, with truth, that the treatment oi?. %rd patients, in some of the most obstinate, harassing, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS.-NOTICE JU isilerebY given, that thle next GHNEIIAL QUARTER SE68ION1S 01 TIl PieA Ch FO It TUE 1O01lOUG Rof LLIEDIS, -in-the ..untyv of York, wilt be holden before Tkiloz-,s FLOIWER ELLI,%, ESU- Recorder of thle Said llorounch, at thle tCeurttIloitoe, in Leeds of oresaid, oil Friday, fir Fourth cday of Mlarck next, at E nine of the clock in the forenoon; at which time ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OIF PAPERl HIANGixGs, Messrs. TIEPPER Az BARKER beg to annoutup that tihoy are DC listructod to SIELL HY AUCTION, at th0Jr,.pmMerCtaI Mr. U sale lioclms. Sterne's-brrlldings, Leeds, ?? next, Mhe tiEL .Fiffienrthl Febrwu-rjr ?? o LARGEAN ELEGANT SOVCCK OF Ba A ?? ~ A PRR HANGINGS, Ail~ in great variety of Patterns and srtylu, suitable for every kin of room, in tote to sutt puiuchasere. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIVE~RPOOL GOVERiNESSjES' INSTITu- 1 TIII0N,31, ljodnCY-atreet. Liverpuoolis opon for the recreu Klx tien of L Nlc ho are oielrono oillaving a cornfn aliteb A N N tontlsar~tY ?? dOluc. 1`11,1e ui ellis re 1 arrlungeld ?? w~ill expense to etither paroty. Foil Pairticutlars mlay be ilid eon application to thi Lad' stiterilitet, dciii, th %V. If IIAINiIMIGG~E, I~ hloorary onl 0:] JOH!N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the falal Of Commrce.Y. London, o1 Thtur'slal. Febrtsary ) isevent f,deOl'iisI Ij ldaieifiog, '1'eitty-Akird .Februtrv. a 415q1 BALUS COLO(N'IAL WO 2Nb , EGYPTIAN WOO-. l~os , BUENOS A4KttES, ?? WOOL. The low wools on the 23rd jinstaut. Catalogutes its due time by 11 laoisg-4411-otreet._ WITL111 AM ALL, Broker. Via Thureday, Se&,lr~oee'sf Februarfl, 1001, at the Hall Of Corn- merce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,%alE0 tv auction. PAjpERj HJANGINGS. ON5 TUESDAI' N~EXl', at thle COMMERCIAL SALE-ROOMNS. Messrs. 1IL''jtad BIARKC llt beg respeotffo'ly to announce thbe nxt SALE OF PA[Elli HANGINGS,,will take place att their Cenomeorcial Sllle-roOm9. Stesne'i-bu'tdiuga, Leeds, vas T'estesdY, F ebsrasly icaeiily-sEcf-as, 18.33,/whVen TTWARU~S Of OINE II UNIM{ED and FORTY U NEW A ND ELEG ANT PATFErtNS Will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oVE IUNDRED AND TENTH THOUSAND. TESTIMONY AND APPEAL ON THL) / EFFECTS OF TOTAL tBSTINENCE. BY E3DWARD B INES. FOR TY-EIGITTI O USA ND. ON THE VALUE OF EDUCATION TO THE WORKING CLASSES. BY EDWARD BAINES. The above articles are reprinted from the X6ercury as eight-page tracts, and may be bad at this Office, and also of W. Tweedie, 337, Strand, and John Snow, Faternoster-Itow, London, at 2s. per ...