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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~roMASONS, &c.-TO BE LET,the,,TlakING DO WN and RE~BUILDING of a AVORKG#OP at Wood. tl~cr.For patticulars apply atNo.7, West Bar, Leeds. r (RKSIRESLABS.-WANTD S-Ps ?? of about 3,000Lna jto W ,bakhire Slabs, ?? twelve inches Wide by si ncI5 hck in lengths not shorter than 2ft. Gin. Fo IVti~ariu ~ alaplbyletter, pro-paid, to Mr. G. G. Sco ~ Rimtor I re Lincolleshire.- Sith archi, 1853d BfUILDERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REMOVAL. SLOCOMB11E, Boo~scELLER' AND STA.TIONER, RjJ*begs to infvrnm his friends and the public, that he bas Ifor thle presvi,'l ItE51OVSD to the, Shop No. 5. BOND- sgtiNT, LE.EDS, which he line Re-opened withwnll entirely i~w And cacelully selected STUUiK of liOJ iS, STATION- EitY, &c./ R0. i-1,LOCONIBE embrahes this opnorte ?? returning his -grnieiae thasnks to the many frieada Zlr ii hoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ire antl Riftf Oftc REFDS AND YORKSEIRE FIRE ArND ELIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1824.-Capital, uOneMillion. ,,rurersyae respectfully informed that the Renewal Receipts 1'elicies falling due at Ladyo-day, or Mlarch 25th, are now foI dliA r.FIRE INSURANCE. ~The three ordinary classes of inaurance are charged after _e respective rte of Is. lid, 2s. Wi., or 4s. Oct., Premsium 1,1 cet.ariual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( 0 'THE ELECTORS AN D~ NON-ELEiU'TORS T F' 'rInd BOROUGH OF 1' UDDIERSFIELD, A Cmnztt~i (f tiO loiso f Cmmoshilgtdecided thatt ourtot ?? ?? 1.U. tasstol. lsr w, W not 0 dulyeleted 1111 eprsonttio ofourborughin I'orliamnent 1. baa beome viront sid leowant tus creted hst IIaturally efictienitly to di chvfizre the varied and impratdtes ?? tienerally duvolve upon it `Member of theliis Lejiltture. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADVEaTIS5iMENTS . Until the introduction, by Mr. DU BARRY, Of the REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, both as a reginiml: for iliva. lids and infants, anda remedy for aildisoclers coanected with the stomach, nerves, kidneys, liver, and iltestille n ellerallY, it might have been asserted, with truth, thit tl:e Ileatmeitr Of patients, in some of the most obetilnate, liarassing. alto iainftil complaints to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V 11HONAS GiREIN, 1110UN FOUNDER, iNANUFA.C- I1 TResta OF ORNA51V;7TAL 11R11KANU Wiag WORKa, MOWING MACHsNF, 6ALT1NGINI AltHINKSt, U.AISIIKN ROLLIMRS, IRoN dico-~ SraADS. &,Cl, Wo NORTH STRK1T, Avid 34, LowEaHuAL) Row, L~~ans. AND 52, ?? troaa. T.G0 wivillelto ca.ltl thettentionaof the nobilt, gnty ?? to his improved IRON and WilzU FENCING, IRO)NGA'E, PALISAtIING, TREE GIIARDJS Ac~. c.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NNIVERSARY O F T H E WESLEYAN l ASSOCIATION CHAPEL. LADY-LANES.-O'5 Fridab Even - M10Aorch E1041eenth, 1853, a SERMION wAINbTpreof~ Binstol. lbve cliapol, by tne REV. DR. BrAUMOT o beitl qerviee to commence at seven o'clok. A l ,,,de after serice in aid f tjlIIE ANNUAL MEE~~TING ofth LM:?DS J. CIIURCl l PASTORAllA SOCIETY l ke place ''DtSe Evenh~lt of Monday. tic Tivenloyirst inssl SERMIONS s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -1ORK CASTLE.-In pursuarncesof a Precept, ' Y sinned by Two of liar M~~~ojealy's JossItces of the Peace for of the w,~~t Hieing of the county of York, %, ~~JOSEPH MUNBY ' r Clek t th Geera Ool eososs ,f'rthe said county, do herebY summon the Justices of the Pedee ~~~for the three Rlidings in or hesad cunyso iiiet' t CURT of GAOL SUS- stflrsfiforthesame county, atlhe Castle~~~ofYork, on Tuesday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Alto 1tr auction. 2cj CTIIIT~CII-LAXNB, PDf Messrs. IIEppEFI and IIAIIl{EII are histructed to SELL B3Y .AUC~JN, wihout eserv, on oniday rnext. the Stwnslh OtfJ LL the STOCK of GiviCn4Us, PacOV- SIONS. Sti0l' FIXTURES, 11otUSEtOLDs FURtNITURtE, and EIFFECTSi. Tlre aile to commence ait elsven o'clork. PAPERt~ IIANGI-NuS, IN NEW DESIGNS. MeSSr.S. R1EPtIlE and SAlKHItH respectlfully rrtnounfce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1)SCURCH PASTORAL All) ASSOCIATION. PATrRsOa-The LORD DISHiOt' OF RIPON. j-,fNVAL SERM4ONS will be Preached To~siorrow do1l's THIC AtORNtNG, Al 0,ie's-by Rev. J. 55. 0 WVER, MA1 L., VicJ84of Bilston i Ali'Slitnts'jby Rev. W. SINCLaIV M. El n~evsby Rey. W. Cni)STHlW*11lE. MLA. 'il rtley-by llieV. W. RANDSAIAr, 3MA. ?? THIR tY.tO AT fre'-Y11ev. 2, 11. OWEN MIA., 'Vicar of B stoil All SIits-by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mHE WEST-RIDING HOME MISSIONARY I ~~~SOCIETY. n b TeThirty-third Anniversary Of tir abovit Society ?? hield at LeedS, on ttindlaa, ITucsday. eind lf'edresdas, the.41, lith, ?? 611s of April, lIIDS. On M1onday .Evenin,r a United Missionary Prayer Meeting wilt be hold at SAlemn (haPel. to begin at severs o'clock. Onl Tuesday Evecr rt, the ANN UAL 11 EUTI \ G will be helid at Quoeen-street Chapel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Extensive Sale of valuable Timber. Marston, near York. u31 Mr. THOMAS WAITE, in one lot, at thre house of M~r. Ijoliday. the York Station Hotel, onl Wednsd~'ay, the Sixth, I rsaireof April. 51853, at four o'clock in the afternoon prrecels'l, subject to huch conditions as5 will be then enid there pro- duaced, rV1HE following valuable TIMBER, Set oat for JL sale, sttan liug and growving in Fox ...