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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... NUIOb.Y-_A Lithigraphed lAlt~ showinig' JL sh e f ertilied arid tni' ?? tow ns, is O OI tE Ni w ithl ta o N CASTLE~ CIIIOUNICLE ?? of this W k.-15:h July, Nt 11153. I FyHE- Pl~A-TE-NT11 M1U L- 1TUPU BU LA R BOI 1L E;R, l .tw th ere large Fire Bome, wilt do thre work ,`f two ?? nish Hollers, with half tire coals, or of four Wtsjgon Bollers with one-f- urthl of ?? esalsi, by which the cost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... h T - LD EES MECHANICS' INSTITUTION AND L, TELITERARY SOCIETY.J .0 LITE AltY ~ L °CE Y-yAR ARE NOW C H SU1BSCRIPTIONS FOR THE HALFYA R O DUE. C 0 LECTURE thi arrangements in progress, of which full particulars Will be anmleicet in a few days:- MISS RtAINFORTH, S ,f (The eminent Vocalist.) St ,y Illustrations, (recited and musical,) of the LYRICAL and to. *e AROMANTIC POKTRY OF SCOTLAND. t e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O n ursday~, 14'ts. Tucsidq, MMli test., sod Eritay, llth Augu~st, attelush! Of Lsinamorce. Throaldnsedlo-'treet. WOOLaG5 leaAUbTIIALlAN. PORT 12tILLAIP, VAN' iEIbSLAN), AE.IM N\ Zl'A.- -LAND),and CAIE, I~nluIstS(natianglel, ls &. It lin a diartosud).V, 151I. 11,11cAI FIlch S A D on a diamnoad), andotlser Approvedlnmirks. 1313 Ilales BUENoS AYRES fisne Merino, washed end unwashed. MAlo, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTEDaBOODIsK PERwivio ?? I| oingle anddoublheestry. Alsoa ?? *single ian), anda agood lJOUSEHIAIIS. Apply atthelialland I Bloutt, ILeds, on 'nrhivstv neat, fromn 0 to 7 p m). | EAVELLERS WANED.-) WAN'T'ED, by a l TOuSe 1maou1faetnrng damask, table cover ?? a I'FPR ?? 0 CoAtNIIlS~iN in the Southvl~nd W 'eet oFloI;ugltnd-Also. WANTED by the sanem house. Jepresen- ltative on Commission for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cheyin-end Farm, near Otley. 01W M CARRI, at the house of Mr. Henry Roundell, the Wh'ite ~11 lje~rse Inn, in Otley, on Friday,. the Fifteenth day of July, 18533, 0t three o'clock in the aftoritoot, Subject to Sucta conditions i- sahall be then and there produced, ALL that FARM, called Chevin-end Farm, lb in the ocoupation of Mr. Johin iladdlestone, situate in A ctownship and parish of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF' PAP'ERIt ANGINGS. ON' TUESDAY NEXT. ~.ilHIPP'ER and BAR3KERl beg to t~nnoienco that they VIwill etfer fir SAL1E by A UCTION, at their CqwfllITccial Sale Rtooms, S~torne's-buildingF, Leeds, on Tueesaiexrt,t 2tireeel f~ ( eJ J ulIy, I21, A LARGE CONSIGNMI , OF N LEGANTV PAPER I-I A IN G I G S, Or in lots to Euit buyers. Or Sale to commence tit eleven urtiockt amI. TIlE INUSIC HALL. SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS PARISHI CHURCH.-A SERMON L will be preachad on Swirday Afternloo, tl~e Xwuenatpfourth Ja1,,j by the lion. and Very Rev. the DEAN OP JRIPON. after which a collection will be made in aid of tre Leeds Choral Benevolent Fund. There will be full Cathodral Service; aqr on this occasion the choir will be augmented to Sixty Voic 5eavrcrs5MagniifOt and N'Iunc dimittis ?? .l'csiey~iss Fs. Asrrtell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D [UMINGAM WOLALES.-A P BLIC j) SALEof Flece and kin WOLS Wi~.llta~ place at1 categiee nd cer inorm'.iiI illbegiven on application lO~l~tLOSNosn-et, froer.~3Ior'lret, June 25th. 185ll. CE 7'OOL SALES AT -STOKE-UPON-'ITi9NT. WV The next W~oel Sale 'will take place so Thttsas k ?? at the Railway curmpany'e, Good.,5~lrhU5 p-tok~e. at three o'clock p.m. Tihe Wools received Aeof sune' ric ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASHION -SBLE1 iPAPI`lR, 11ANGING's. iessrs. IIEPI'I'i and ISAK iftl itote o L r, SV ALU 'r I N , en, I ue s diay9 nex t, ?? CFifh Jute. Of 51 IheI I0r Cer n mercial Sale itoorno, teriie's-bui Idings.Leeds, C A ill o;to su pre j'v 's r' Sale o ?? t elven 'clok. . . der FREtFAIOLD ESTATE. lull Ninel THE Toi, uen !iE5unv;.L,%s15, LcEESe. Sto By yieo;RrA. JilA'PK'II ard ISAIUIICE, oil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAIER, HANGINGS. Iets IEPPFRI BA RAKERE will offer for SALE B3Y AUG.- 11I10 IN at their Commercial Sele Roonie. Sterne's lild-1dinigs, Leeds, on Tuesday next, the 2tineleertlh inssiat, abouil PIECKS OF PAPER H-A~# IG' ~2,000' ?? for every kind of roam. Sale. to commence at eleven o'clock. 'ON THURSDAY NEXT, AT THE COMMERCdIAL SALE ROOMS. (SENUINEF MiODER N FURNITURE, liasdsoine LOO)KING1 GLA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the IAl. Of (Cr'Mlnereq. Lmiadon, on T!,it rojoa,, Tiwcoty-eighill Solo, auid Thuidao~y. Fesrill AugstI, hliO BaltI .LusritXtLAN, P'ORTLANDJ .B&Y/~N; CAIE (Il WWOD 11011't4 WOOL. T I, EINO 01)011SA Do. / 1401, BROOIAKWASIIEO, Do. Do. 150 SP0iANISHI DO. ~;j EGNYPTIAN ISo. '200 BIUENOS AYRFIS and MOGADURE, Do. 1,4 ae.The LOW IVOUIS oil t11e 4th AwUIUt For cataloliuei, 6ze., 01p)1) to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISSiES PLINT repectfuiiy anno/11ce that - MLJ their School wiil be re-openied on We~sjsday, August Second, 1555.-No, 2, Park-place, Leeds. W ~IISS WILLIS'S SCHOOL will Re./pen on MTuesday. T itnty-sixtle incl.-2, Woodhl eoeqtirfre, Leids. ILCOOPER relopectfully informs her Friends ?? her School will be ite-operod onw 2e 5scstl ;stentl/ instant -No. 1, Park- squaro. RURMANTO l.TS GIALl. EII,- T ...