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Advertisements & Notices

... IG -ri. MIsLL'M Cl T U l. i1ttiLT'.~ ABh Ac rURrur1 -A ~ ?? ArMil)JUEtNEIl) Mo''II F the. ASOIMItN I-il ;t ['I';ttLak DIItt WE'ME\r I' tile ?? an.! ii )r -i ririr.'r tif A`F ilt: ULUTVI'Al, LABO1 I'JEItis t~r- iy'the lienrw t Lihi' c',nuimi-'S ?? itoh 0 Mat- Iln nt adl t £itpplfl Ul'-ererfIr li ?? IHARRiY STU'ART ii' .SWV r'BII; AN I'AI, CENit~x U 2TE'UIN' fil're l;CI'C I SftG CET'Y ?? hol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'O ON) 1O S SEtR S I -N W I N E S The attention of really good judges of Wine is dlirecied to a large Parcel of Fine Old PALE SHERRY, ofa very rare and superior quality. From the great demand and entire satisfac- tiou which this ?? has met *with, F. J. has found it secessary to remove another parcel from the Bonded Warehouses, where it has been fer the last ten years, and now offiered by the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN GOVEIN9IENT GUANO. T ?? biga respect folly to itiformi t heir Agricill- TEttitrtI'riodts tatu they rtii) lit puresent Suppltly ordekrs for P'ERU VIAN GU A No, 1b a l~ortio ruealaitlifog of their last Caro. 'Ilhey- beg, also to itttiltnatc Ilint theyv bive a Cargo, Per- hoe Iiovn, 1 tiebre 110sf ivc-i-k, fr,tl l-l they will e glad to take Orders for deli very Ir,,nt ?? on ?? te terms. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,LODGING AND BUILDING GROUND EJ FOR SALE. TI To be Sold, by Public Itoup, wvithiltilte R0oyAl EXebangO sallo lIsontls, Glasgow, onl Nednesday tite 1st Febiruary, 185.1 yerat Two o'clock Afternoon, if not previouusly Sold by ~11Ii~l'EEN hNDRED and EIOII'TY-TWO YARDS ki: jrf(AIIDEN ~GROUNI), with LODGING thereon of 3o ~totimand AticsNorth Side of Paisley Road, opposite 'r p~lIrl' 'trct tothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPETS, TABLE CLOTHS, CALICOES, (Saved from the R'reck of the SappI7IrC,) FEW LOTS not overtaken at tlhe late Sale, 170 Buclanan A Strect, have been RLAI)EatON- to the Crown Sale Rooms, 11 Firginia Street, atill he Disp7osed of by Auction there TO-DAY (MONDAY), at Tw'elve r o'clock . It. & J. LAUG IILAND, Brokers. JOHN MORRIISON, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE TO-DAY OF D R A P E R Y G 0 0 D S . 350 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPETIES1N1HIG STREET AND WILSON rHOPRTIE IN STrREET. p R E S P ROE 1 T I ES having been Dis;posed of by TlPrivate Baigain, the(, Elxposure by Public Itoup adver- tised for Wednesday, lst February, wi Ii not take place, TOWERS & RIOBERTON. to AYOUNG ?? baving called at 369 Gallowgatte, on A Saturdaiy, for Chantgeoef a Ten Pounid.Note, got by mis- take Six. Smnall Notes, TIwo Five Pound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLASSIFICATION OE SALE PRICES 'rTrPtTE & TIUTCHEON, SILI; anECERS, anceoL1cene the CeneCee)ence'lenent of their CLEARING SALE., Dvery person ien the least acquainted with business nuevt be awvare that it is far better to cleat out, at the end of cach Season, the portion of Stock pertaining to the bygone Scason's trade, thta to aloloa an accunmulation of bad Stock. W. & 11., since their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Capital HoLuse for Sale. To be Soldl, by Private Bargain, RAT T 9IE DWVELLING,-HOUSE at tice Soullh mid of Union Ter- lm race, Aberdeen, hlvisg its front to Ulli9cc Strcet, wiilt En bclonged to, and was occupied by, the late Mr Clemencts Lims- nanc' don. The situation is one of tle best in Abordets, and tico to in House substantial, clegant, nnd cominnodious.-No Feu-dluty. pror. t For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sp;-nug Ship for America. IrrE Fast sailing Aberdeen-built Barquo, - . ST. LAWRENCE, K 3 000 Tons Burtheou, JANUS TULLOCII, CeinIrUanlder, 'dill 1je desplatelied from Aberdeen, for the Port of Q ; N ll.Dc the 19th April next. Wyi - sVo.l v eil known as possessiug very superior eapa- nec qs for Lbs coxveyvance of Passengors; and Captain Tulloeli tio mcIc~l cselicnce' in the Trade, and is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Dykers. CONTRACTORS are Wanted, to BUILD about 1000 Yards, partly of Double and partly Sunk Faced STONE DYKES, on the Estate of Westhall, Oyne. Contractors to meet the Farm of Little Westhall, Tuesday the 31st day of January curt., at Eleven o’clock Forenoon, when the Work and Specifications will be shown. Employer not to be bound to take the lowest offer. Watertown, 19th Jan., 1854. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A-MPIHTHE1;ATRE, NICOLSON STREET. an IAST WEEK O41' WIIITTINOTON A NI) HIS CAT, TI and Last Week of the Company performing at the Amphi- theatre, ?? to their return to the Thleatre Royal. This present Evenirhg- TILURI4nDA Yj Jafiuary 26, 1S5 1, Tine Performances will commence withl the Scottislt Drama of THEl IOSE OF ETTRICK VALE. After which, the 1 avnuritc Drama of THE TWO FRIENDS ! To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC 'MEETING. I I DUIME OF BUCCLR-UCHI in the Chair. Is Tl:Msr ot, THE. ILiJI4N ;Df AGRICULTUIRAL ?? AD.JGMEETING) cf the ASSOCIATION fbr i'R0OM(Q'I.NG tie IM PROV EMENT of the Dwell mzq n Dwr enetitt Cinilitli, in of ACGRI UITIM-'Lb LABOURERS w il hi' Iccid THIlS DAY, at One K~(i ek'. to receive. thle Rep rT ,dthec Crommittee, tr~st~nction Rules of Manilgemceti t. ia~ppoint ulfice-berircrs ...