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Caledonian Mercury


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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. First Appearance of the Favourite Comedian. MIR 1. WEBB. who is engaged for a few Nights. This Present Evening, MONDAY, March 27, 1854, The Performances will commence with THIE RAG PICKER OF PARISI To conclude with WHISKY AND WATER. I R WILLIAM HOWARD begs to announce that ha N intends giving a CONCERT in the QUEEN STREET HALL, on TiWEDNESDAY EVENING NEXST, the 29th Instant. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTIS1H RIGHTS ASSOCIATI0N. I The Public are respectfully invited to send their NAMIFS fi ENROLMENT to the Ofiee of the Association, No. 4 ST ANDge' SqUAREF, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? FIvEI SnrLna1nGS. FRED. I-T. CARTER.? JAMES GRANT, j1 JointSees. ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF pjAIN.TING, SCUl.PTTURE, AND ARCMITE.CTURI:E- *fl EI TWENT'Y-EIGHTH EXHIBITION of the 1 ACADEMY for the WORKS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISH RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. The Public are respectfully invited to send their NlAMIES for ENROLMENT to the Office of the Association, No. 4 ST ANnsIv SQcgrAE, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? FIVE: SHILLinGS. FRED. H. CARTER,? J S JAMIES GRANT, Joint Sees. pt Y A 1 C A L E DON I A Ni H U N T. The MEMBERS ire requested to meet at DOu1GLAs' HoTEL upoan'1FSTtN.k, the 14th current. Dinner at Half-past ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CoTTiSH RIG1HETS ASSOCIATION| The rablie are ressctfuly lvi to send their NAMES l~r ENROLiF.NT to the Ollice of the Association, No. 4 Sr AjzaBEoSq9Uatg, Edinburgh. Subscriptin * . ?? Frvs SIssancs. FRED. H. CARTER? JA.NIES GRANT, ' Joint Sees. UNITED KINGDoM ALLIANCE. FOR THa SUPPRESSION OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. pUBLIC' MEETING to inaugurate the EDINBURGH AA ArcXI IJRY to theUlNITEDI}D lNGD0M1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOTTISI RIGHTS ASSOCIATION-~ The Public are respectfully invited to send their NAMES far ENROLMIENT to the Ofice of the Association, No. 4 S' fDRE5 $SQCaTR, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? F SxraaL:ynCs. FRED. 1H. CARTER Joit JAME S GRANT, Oint Sees. L ODGE EDI}NXB1UR{G ST STEPHEN. A p01 re saa? MEETING of the LOIIGE will be held on Termi.-4,y the 16th current (THIS EVNING) at S30 I ?? P..- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COTTSH RITS ASSOCIATIoN. e Fnhilc are Are spect; ulh invited to send their NAMES fir ENRI)LMIE'I tam t' 0~ * the Association, No. 4 Sor A'IiRKw SQIA ief Ediah'aruhi. Srbscription ?? FrVP Srnnncs. FRED). T-T. CARTER Jonta JA.N, ES GRAN\T, j JointSec | ASSEMBLY ROOM3S, GEORGF STREET. Pat/ enessez. T..,y GSfON \tAnLArD. MRS JO-S COCaEuas;E. MRS CUNIS.;UA3MS. Dirf ricer. CAM'AIN SiN cLaIs, R.N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. ]U[ISS FITZPATRICK respeefully announces to her Friends wi and Patrons that her BRSENEFIT and LAST APP'E~AR- ANNCE in Edinburgh wvill take place On FR11DAY NEXT the 17th instant, Under the Patronage of Major iLtGART, and the Officers of the 7th Hussars, when will be perfurmed Shakspeare's admired Comedy of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING! WVith a New Parer, never acted here, entitled A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QcOT'T!ISI RIGHTIS ASSOCIATIO.N.1 Thet Publilic are respectfulls- invited In sen~d their NAM]ES for ENROLMENT to the Office of the Associatioan, No. 4 ST ANRWSQCARF, Edinburgh. Subscription ?? SHILLINGS. FRED. II1. CARTER JAMES GRANT,! J int Sees. Edinburgh, 2d February 1854. HIEi COUIRT of DIRECTORS, of -he ROYAL B3ANX JT SOEAN)gv NtcThat a GEN-ERAL COURT of pRtoliIETVORS vwill he held at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCOT TISH RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. SThe Public are respectfully invited to. send their NYAME'S F f,,r ENRO~LMENT uo the Office of the Association, No. 4 ST A~jtwsIZW SQUARE, Edinburgh. ?? SanILwcos. FRED. H. CAPJEB,, ?? JAMES GRAN-T, 5 I ?? orAI' OSCOnL&asw, 21st IMarch 1854. ITHE GENERAL MNEETINXG of PROPRIETORS for4 TChOV iE nhurntalit to Act of P'arliament, a GOVERNOR, DEPUY.GO7~RNR, TELVE0 R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE-ROYAL. Last Appearance but Five of Lhe Popular and Fascinating Actress, M I S S F I T Z P A T R I C K. This Present Evening, 2IONDAY. March 13, 1854, The Performances will Commence vith THE WONLDER; A VOxAN hKEYPS A SECRET. To conclude with SIXTEEN STRING JACK! OR THE KNAVES OF KNAVES' ACRE. B EDSTEADS & SUPERIOR PURIFIED BEDDiNG.- BU The variety (iF 17'asionablile Bedsteads, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE3ATRE-BO1AL. First Appearance of the Popular and Fascinating Actress, MISS FiTZPATRICC , Of the Theatre-Royal, Haymarket, who is Engaged for positively Twelve Nights only. This Present Evening, MONDAY, March 6, 1854, The Performances will commence with THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL I After which, A BALLET DIVERRTISSEMENT. To conclude with THE SECRET I OR, THE ROLE IN TEE WALL. LAST WEEK BUT FOURN! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cCOTTISH RIGHT'S ASSOCIATIJN. The Vaulie an' respectfully invited Zn send their 'N'A ES A3,DESI-w SQVARE, Edinburgh. ?? SMLLpNGS. FRED. H-I CARTER, JA.MES GRANT,' Joint Seas. EAST INDna RousE, 15th M6archl 1-54. 1 ?? 0C O R? oP IHET .Srf the, EAST INDIA T(OMPANY c'o lb-rtby G4ivie Notil-e, Thnit tlb. RATE oif EXICHIANGE at ?? they wiill recejyp CAISH 5'-r BILLS. ,o BL:N'~GA Pul. n 'MADRAS . ...