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Advertisements & Notices

... ThEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN'.' On EASTER MONDAY EVENING the 17th of April, performoances will commence with the Nautical Drama, in Five Tableaux, with new Scenery, Dresses, and Appoint- mentai called THE SEA OF ICE; OR, TIM PAThEB OF THUI WRECKED AND TH} GOLD sEEKER OF SEX1O0. To conclude with the New Fairy Burlesque Extravaganza, by J. R. Plancho, REq., called ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WERE TWO KINGS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HHEALTH FOR A SHILLING. ROL LOW A Y'S P IL LS. A OANcEos6us Lrvia CiscPAU14T AND SPASMS N THER STO- MACH Et5'PLTUALLY CuasEn.-Copy of a Letter from ?? Bostoci. Druggist, Of ston~uhcder-Lyne. dated Juy1,1)5. .. To PRoFESSOR HIOLLOWAY-DEAR sn-I ?? n1111011 pleasure ia handing to you a testimonial of the effiefacy of your Medicines. A person in this neighbourhood with whom i ~am well ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ARDS. R uOM PAPER-Purchasers may select from the largest et Stock of Room Papers, at MAURIOE BaooKs' Wholesale and Retail Warehouse, 90, Mddle Abee.streut, Duhbli. UPNITUHLtl-P. BIROWNE'S Wareroomne are constantly F1 supplied with New and Secondhand Funmiture, from the mansion to the cottage.-16, Bacheloes-walk. R ICHARD ALLEN'S HALL. AND GALLERI}:R 28, WLser RIL) Suckvidns-strd, continue to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR~NIA -NtOTICE to PASSENGERS.-- 'he Ship LADY FIlTZl4RBERT' his THREE CABINS still bC e sP ill ash on Wednoeday tho 12th ?? to t ?? AGOtEON eud Col , 6, Billiter-.quare, agents for the Original JuoorniaM Lire ot Packet Ships. AD Djt'ct, the beautitul fast sailing ship jy . 5 ~Nt ON. A 1, 4i3 ton'^ register. CHARLES GcltlBBLE, Xm BAdr iag intheLojdoflnDioks, will havedeapaveh, having ,u, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRAPERY STOCK FOR SALE, BY AUCTION, : I one Lot,. Upset Price £200. To be Soid in the Auction Rooms of P. Burn & Co., 9 Ex- change Place, on Wednesday thle 12th April, at Twvelve o'clock Noon, TrHE vwhole STOCK of DRAPERY GOODS, belonging 11O tothe Sequestrated Estate of John MI Donnlell, Draper, Baillieston, amounting per Inventory to £286.. Inventories of the Stock may be seen on application ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO A.DVIE1WI[SEltS bconlseqttaale of the entift repealt of the Advertisemen~t 035At thorroprit~toreof the MANCIARSTER EXATIINE1I AND TnaEC~ have adopted a Scale of Charges for Short Announcem~entB, which gives to that class of advertisers the benefit of considerably more than the amount of duty repealed. The lowest price for the sbor~~rte Sd'eertisement has hitherto been Three ShillittflO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A GRANDCPEVTST Mrs.SCAISBRCE, Mr. .ItYAILS, ilsWEMYSS, Mr. SARISIBRICE, ~iss. wEHYSS, I 3r. H. V. LEWIS. Mmd,. ou: Bodyt ad; Side Gallerfes, lid.; Reserved Seats, ls. A few sason the Platform, 2s. lid. each. nePBI0NEWSROOM to opena daily (Sundays excepted), ~ PUBLIC Admission, Id. FRF,)MR CLASSEs on MoxDAy 9vesixesj under the dlirec- tion frocsser L, P. GuILLAvul LUA. The Class for Begin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. al ?? .. . .. . ?? ?? . ?? di Civis.-Apply at the staup offlee Revenuc-bulidings. lo Ingo.'-Apply at Mr. Whitowan's 1lotel, ClaytOn-square. h4 W. S.-Apply at the Post offle fr Al ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E LORSIO 'tRINSevery SUNDAY, till further notice, leave tile Wico-nOD tuition. London, at a Qluirter hefore faree teas arC ?? Cariages, S Of; Closed Carrages & S. l's~bnOOO ith nggae~bythee trains, ?? A HOSCT\Traffic Manager. Waterloo station, APrl2,84 CH-SAP 'ESCURSION, U IEAPr~xritiO TRINS ?? BRIGHTON Lofian Fortiras l'iEDRtC.KSLEIHTSecretary. R AILAY T.AVELERSnuw btol Ticets of Insurance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACKBURN ADVERTISEMENTS. WESLEY-CHAPEL BAZAAR, BARTON- STREET,1BLAKELEY-MOOR, BLACKBURN, -This Bazaar evill continue open during this day (SATURDAY) from 11 o'clock, a.m., to 10 ?? by ticket, Gd. each, to be returned in Goods on application at the Stalls, Y AITHORITY.-ROBERT TUN_ BQ z STLL, PATENT SELF-ACTING ROLLER TEMPLE MAKER, Betheda-street, Bureley. N.B.-No connection with any other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al 1NA BRIDGE CHURCH BUILDING I t COl Ionhas fcr its object to vaise £2000 in 100 1 2O a share, aud to obtain through the Cased comfort in the Churches in C two Suvices on Sandavr. i -J- G. J. ILA;, ?? Vi tcotia ord 86~pli5rsd~ae.'I AML LV C H. ;D C,\II'G o. AGE e, L R. I, M. W'ILLIANIS ! ' DI-OLK'LEY, ESQUIRE. 1V 'ricetsls and well-wiahers of Sir RICHAkRD kf ,L IKLLsE~Y, Bait., and the ?? of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAsY CHAIlS, Chaise Lounges, Settees; Couches, i ('sol, ertaaions Sofas, &c., &c., of the most fashion. ,ble, (elegant and luxurious forms, stuffed in the French I ticrnas and Engliu h manner; also a large stock of i autIloI inlaid Cabinets, Cheffonieri, Tables and Chair& Oi ;jIc newsct style of Foreign and Britis manufacture, sud ecery requisite for furnishing any class of house is on view at ...