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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wit, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. m: Dr. tal :os. The quarterly return, just published by authority of the BE ltar registrar general, comprises the births and deaths registered wi ard by 2,196 registrars in all the districts of Enigland during the th; eel. autumn quarter that ended on December 31, 184; and the Ide, marriages in 12,093 churches or chapels, about 3,569 regis. cb kets, tered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~:.a euaioc~oets filariiages or Deaths eane be inzserted, u~nles IC over. eanthegticateid by the name and address afthce sender.) ,On the 3rd inst. the wife ofM.AeadrGeorge Mitchell, of LahC lto,al Gb esysre, Ancoatg, oft. daugh~ter. 0cc the Ba1d hist. at Loath, the lads. of Samuel Snowdon, Esq. Cy a son. On ili ot silica MAR RIED. A snc SO the 11th 'last. at tile Cathedral, by Ilie Rev. J. G ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fea int nti aatpo+ MARRIED9 on the 16th inst. at the Chapel of tihe Britieb Emanisey, Pades, aE. P. M. Baillia, Esq. son of Even Blaillie, Esq. of Doehfour, to ?? Fanny Brmce,the youngeet daughter of theflowager Countees 1Of Elgin end Kineardine. ?? the 15th inet, Viecoount Ingeatre, son of the Earl Talbot, to t._4isie CockereDl, oldeet daughter of the late Countees of EglintonI e nd Mr. Holve ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [ {Vo annonceenls of Marriages or Deatfis ean be inserted, unless asthenticaied byi the name end addyess of the sender. . ?? :. ?? .. ?? . ?? ?? BIRTH. SeoaiNoe.-On Sunday evening, the 27th inst. Mrs. John P. Sagrandi, of Higher Broughton, of a son. ATI-WEuL.- ?? . . -- MARRI ED. ATKIN-TWEEDALR.-On thu 23rd inst. at Whitwortb, nesr Roeh. dabl, by the Rev. W. Whitwortb, uncle of the bride, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L~oeonafl,~,mt f Barra8' ;Po l haf h can be macreed, unkes MARRIE ED On the I int at tthe Cathedral, by the Rev. H. H.Westmore, MA. Mir. John' Lanugaton, of Cheatbefm, to Elizabetb, daughter ?? Peroo h same Place. Onth lW is at Provideoce Chapel, High-street, RQOhdsle, ?? ilim Spencer, father of the bride, Mr. Laurie M1. Miller to Mias Mary Harriet Spencer, both of Roohdale. On the let iost, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [N o aneouceeeitC of Marriages or. Deatla con be inserted, unless aothentilated by the name and addesse of the sender.] The MARRIED. Le do on the 22nd inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. II. H. Weetmore, morrc M.A. Mr. Alfred Johnson to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Benjamin ingey Darlington, all of this city. about On the 22nd inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. H. 11. Westmore, offere ?? MN. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [No annlounceents~f of Marr~iges or DealhO C41 be inserted, unkm~ authenticated by the name and address of the , endenj BIRTH- Bowtic.--On the 9th last. Mrs. William Bowker, of e0dfor4 Piece, West End, Radcliffe, of a daughter. AMARRIED. AnooNn-Seon'T.-On the 9th est, at St. John's Church, ly the Ndv. Henry Sayers, A.B. curate, Mir. Vincent Almond to Iolen Scott, of George Leigh-street, Ancoaa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I' MARRIAGE OF LORD KINGSALE TO MISS ADELAIDE BROWN WESTREAD. On Thursday last, at Wolverley, about three miles from Kidderminster, were solemnised the nuptials of John Con- stantine de Courcy, Baron Xingsale, Baron Conrey of Courcy and Ringrove, in Ireland, to Adelaide, the beautiful and aceormplished daughter of J. P. Brown Westhead, Esq. of 8Lea Castle, a gentleman highly esteemed in public ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B - n ?? -- . el . '411* w, FoNBLANQUE.-On IT. roH - ?? Fo~sLx~tre-oDthe 27tbralt ?? Foublanqttc, Esq. barrister at.iaw ,oghtonftb of a daghter Witft Obf MARR IED. BARTLETT-ADAOO5,-OO the 24tb Rev. Robert Leech waarntett, enrote c Dare Coroc e P stone, in the sam DOnytCrsia5 rst l, tred t 2. Joseph Adanis, Req. SnBeat' r Service. t he h ?? olthldal tloe15O )f BEoWNE-LoM13AARD-On the 218tit Alt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? arib Ufates. LanVo ualm ncemtents of Marriages or Deaths can be srnserts un, ues authenticated by ?? io rc and addressof the sender.] ?? .. W ?? ?? ?? MARRI ED. U.slRnEi-Fox.-On the 5th inst. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. Henry Sayers, A.1. ourate, Mr. Holt Barker, of Oldham, to Mliss Mfa'garct For., of Bhilckoy. DAvAtN-HIas1LTON.-01 the 7Lh inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. H. H. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LYO s' ouncaenat's olfafrif ages or Le!'1s carr bc scrtcrfJ, unbesa nulieaticatetd by the naseeani address oftec Seonder.] BlRTldS. Burmitr .-On the 13th 'lnt at Dirtiog Vale, Glossop, thoe 0re of ?? Edwr:rdil cllcy,ofa Son. FARTIING.-On the WLil inEt. the wife of the Rev. T. N. Farthing, Denton, of a daeughLter. MARRIED. ATHF.RTo0c-MsERRe?.Ofn the tlth iltf. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IN *arac ai . ,,tt,,,teodtt~$ iif w ta ulddemi thend,rtkn vlVARRI CID. 13al:L-i,K ?? fir,[t 2 hit ,lasl, th aenln hpl I tet~o, byho t~v Joepitilao. i c niaiuosor of tho place, !er, ;Qr. Will-au]t,ittly ?? oif A I . BlSotIoy h,,.VSot. I i oNora0 .atoot L)y, I ic-rye I hy thep lice. ?? I. .'owLoshbtnnI. bcumbent of 'tty X(-o~ty A,,ihJaints Blootr. Eiq, Ai~lt Alaso iiltwareton, to ?? Co yar. ...