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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ~A GR EAT M PE T I N6. Detween old and new fashion, a feud late arose, So blith thlt no one could abide It; And to end the dispute, and save them from blows, Corrnion sense came in to decide it. O A meeting was called-atyle, Ilish, and taste Spofe well without aoy digression; Throaghout sornonos sense hi each speech issight be traced, As they talled of reform and progression. t Old fashion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r SRENC ENGLISH EDUCATION BILLS-At~ ?? of the (iflf1MITIEE aotspsintcA by thle COXll srnlloii, cii th-e Sixthi Of May,, 18531, rerrveiicr t consider the O .iict 1 lil itictfeeirg 1'Iiiglriird ant, walobs, rlow before Parliamnent itA liC I.: , )titt,(14Y, Eset,y itt thle Chair:4 If was resrolvedt ?? 1. 'that this Critir itti,i have iatch,,l with the liveliest interrstf Ire1: Proeediniig of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIHURCH PASTORAL AID SOCIETY.-yA LXEIDS ASOCXGATION'.A Patron.-ltight Rev, the Lord BISHOP of IRIPDOg. I A SERMONs Iin ait of the fands of the Society will be preached (n -5-) the h icc Leeds; ?? the neighiboerhood on ?? thce 7Tccecity-fif'th inj~ home The ANNUJAL 31iEKTt'N will bce helcc on Mo~d~ Way cctcu totyp, ql'cc'.'tc-ixsctc inscento, in the Stock Exchange- Roomns, atI seven O'clocic. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EESBOTLOUGa BREWSTER SESSIONS. M OTIC is hereby gisen, that the Jos~ticeii of the P'ea, for the Earogh f Leeds will lold their (IlINE~lAL ANNUAL IME (iN4, Tr th iensing of Persone Keeping, or being about to keep, INNS a AMBEEOUSES. and VIQTUALIAAXG HOUSES, within thie saisl Bo0rough, at the. Courrt-house. ini Leeds. iil the said Borough, en Iv,,l- %toAdly Ith Tw,n~tg-rinlih dr,v of A amsct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twenity handsomle Marble Chimney Pieces.-Tuoic-lhall, - Albion-street, Leeds. es Mess IARDWICTC beg to announaco that they are instructed to T2 Sell by Aucation, on Tusesdasy, I/se Seoriiesoteen '[Lpsil jestsao, at the Li Mtssic-ls-sll, Albioss-slreet, Leeds, the remaining portion of the stock of a Irigilly respaectaible Marble 'Masossi ansi Sculptor, declining this _ branch ot hsis business, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N~-EN PATENT LAW, 15 & 16 Viet., Cap. 8:3. ThA~e tCtftCTIUL.Aof INFORMATION, with full vrticularsss J ~o tim rd,~ccd epense an facilit of Protction for Inventions foe G ~e Ouitd Kngdm ?? ad ratis, by ap- to ~lyssg~r~r~llttC b leter po-pad, o 2tr ?? Office, Agen fo LeeS ad Neghhorhod: r.P. Hlobson, Lreido Timles- 015c. o whm ny b ba th cicule cntauagevery explanatien. OL1ENIVS'OF ENGLAND.-Have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - rh >} ll!-: ii zu: o;^ X t lttglt ?? *sillshc:s theei-at-!. Tltc tslalls.u S {,eI.ssi .ul.i p!vttr:groul:elilisary b:l i:esuedbyl)erill:siloli ori Tl ItLlss;tw:LL,^rt.;tE r.s :re lure1>ari:::. al:dnvill IIC ?? of ?? F- ?? li ,; ,, ., 9 X ,, xssws-S .reet, Lotidox; 3tessrs Ni illii loby t iu .S 1 ,, rt (, .ors l ?? ?? ll;xy bo hrtl rsf Ales-rs i;.Pl:al:d-y i esta -) il-!l. :.ud Si-iiji:wi,^ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '1e RAINTREE CHURCH-RATE CASE.-By on the decision given bl the House of Lords ice this important case no Church-rhate cal he nmado except by the consent of a majority of e pari hsouer s ii vestry acsemlied. A enbsorilptiou has ben comn- at eeced to treoent a Testimonial to Air. Sitmuel Cortauld, to whomn 1e eseuch credit Is dae for the totA and perseveranco, ns well as for the e. time, Lnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iiburation. 'WILLOW LODG,_, -NEAR SO WTOZ1BY BRIDGE. THEP LS'E PELT'ER reapcectully announceI clay, .1 or' ITci--lfi,. Trsa l eeece im r7ldt0alltiat'e. ADV A N CED E D UCAT IO0N f or MOVI N GI A LADII'S. ?1T1 [TON LODGE , lear Let-Us,- Mrsi.BLiIEXEJNsw begs ret pee ?? t it'dl knloaa to t' er frtecis thait at ratnain , bae ee lap ct-itl ?? ?? he- nowl to recete Liowe yfIot; flit Ladies liie 'ta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tit At tile Wool Sxlc Ii -i, M. orgate-otreet, London,, onl Tml.r.(day, 1 !1,, o'd T ., Xl,- , 't4 l ,1l 1 l, 800 lIA lr:S Al!' l'RiALL-, POU)lLT PHILLIP, and CAPE 1,00J0 ,, 1,1 ?? AYR\ i i, USiS;IAN, TURKE.Y, aild Thle 1he.. o i lil. cttal Llle ill Jle time, by WILl IAM liML, Btroker. 20. ?? ' . t ,- th J, -- At the1: ',01 .! ii J.z.,X.101 .t- -- rets ti.'lllul,, i 201 10 ?? l), >t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 Qitcf P?? 11 tiE '1 ?? ty cf Vofi,, - I lit I' '''p 'iii' 'Pc Ct I ?? - F' ' . ii Xi ' ' I Xl'. F' ?? ppi P ii ii p i'7. Pit N' ci Uk ?? -''ip'tP,.tApliNt I Willisit '\t'IIXPP\ F 'ppl'' ?? 'pita' I ci' ?? Pp'? ?I ''p p it-i it th, iii'' ?? pP'' ' P F Ii ?? Ti CPU it cliiIP tic' \ pci p 'PP XlPcPiP' ?? ?? tli ii ii Fint iii lton It' p ?? ph ' P..itptt' Pi't ?? p P , iPit,.?pp?ppp' a Ce i' ...