Advertisements & Notices

... CARDS; ObIHAID ALLEI'I'8 IALL Alt ALIM,5,L5 EAuSackvi455'tet, are constaniitly plI With the newett Sityles of Ready-made Clotlihin of bsetr mnater S h. ,. ZZOT'LNTO r aloT3 A ro ist ?? .LI Professor GLT~ifiANS' nt annd peculiar style of PRINTED PORTRA1T9, surpaissg the flit hon~rtyVItu, and yet retaining the most unicoeptiflltbleI ?? THE PHOTOGRAPIIC INSMtttTION, 24, UPPErR SA0CVILTjr-Tl1Etia. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAWRS: XCHABZ ALLEN'S HALL AND GALEiEf as, Lreui A al Sackvimlereet. are constantly supplied wit Etyles of Re adymade Clothing of best materiata T STAB, No. 27, LOWER 6-Ch1>Nt-(jUAy, has 1 a baied a large and welliaesorted variety Of ROOM PAPERS, ' prices considerably lowbr thane ?? in the 9E~SEPNTIN0, in all itse termbs, bhfstmaltneand on most moderate te-m-. FEA.-Wo have mueh Easars n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEAD TME NhW MiDLTl(Z;, 'N R-ZLVUUS AJi]J O1hiu DiSmIiSESIS u Just Published, Twentieth Thusaced, Price One Shillrl, free by poet for eighteen Postage Stamps, 1 H EALTH and HAPPINESS, the meaans by whkhittlb mU way be obtained, a Miedical Work, with OlmervathL's the treatment of nervous debility and indigestion, loss et tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretin,&c By J. D. MOUTON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? TIlNEWEDITITON.OBNERVOUS AND OTHER, DIS1ASESI It lust Publlihed, Tw entieth Thousand, rwae One Shillirg, ot freeli~y post for eighteen Pahage Stamps, EILTLI and HiAPPINUEiS, the means by wldcb they R ainsey be obtaiued, a wedical Work, with obsorvatians ol t he treatment of nervous debility and Indigestion. loes of metn tal and pbysical tone, arising from early indisretimo, &c., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r CHRiISTMIAS HOLIDAYS. on FFIDAY, December 26th. the performances will ,,ene witb the Play of DOUGLAS.-Young Norval, Mr G Melville (his first appearance); Lord tadolph, Pr liair, Glenalvof, ,Mr C Stanton; Old Norval, Mr Granby; LBdy 1Iandolph, Miss Mortyn. After vwhich the New Grand Comic Christmas Pantomime tirtled LITTLE BOPEEP; OR, HA5SLP.QVIN AND THEC GIRL whro LO.T Nela SIwtEP (written ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ANTED,-A Youth, writing a good hand.- W Apply to J. G. Betteris, law stationer, Oxford. ADAM3 JENNY GOLDSCHIMIDT LIND. -Farewell Concerts.-Exeter Hall-mr. mitchell respectfullyannaunces the LAST CON'CERTS which will be given by Madaie GOLDSCHMIDT in this country:- Wednesday evenivg, June 11, Grand Miscellanieous Concert, with full band and chorus; Wednesday evening, Junc 25, Haydn's Oratorio ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRACKLEY CORN EXCHANGE is inow open Bevery IVEDNESDAY froin Half-pastTwelve until Two o'clock. Admission free. C Corn Factors' Stands, I0s. 6d. annually, AIR. EDWARD ROUND, TOWER STREET, DUDLEY, (OMMISSION AGENT for the SALE and ( CJ PURCHASE of OAK, ASH, ELM, & otherTIMBER. Also OAK, ASH, LARCH, and BEECH POLES. The Advertizer has an extensive and valuable connection in tile South ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y PP]ESENT STOCK OF DINNER -ALI SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T IE A, and TOILET WARE, is most extensive in Style lilt Variety, selected with thle greatest care, alld will bc sold at the lowest remunerative profit. J. R. WILKINSON, IOM 108, flip/h Street (opposite St. George's Churchr.) J OT-IN FINES, ElEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-IA..ND D FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMIfHFIELD, B1fast. N. B.-New and Second ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COALS. ALWVAYS ON HANDS, ex SHIP AND STORE, a large quanfitY of Best COALSi for Huuse, Steam, Gas, and Malting purposes. We import largely of, and are sole Agents for, the Kirkless Uall ORREL COAL, ( 31. Thompson & Son's CARLISLE COAL, v BLENKINSOPP COAL, I Hurltord, SCOTCH COAL, Grey Southen CU.MBERLAND COAL. I JOHN CHARLEY & CO. t Offices-Donegall Quay, Steam Lane, a and Tomb Street. 2400 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS EVENING. MI'ENT EE'S BOO K M ART, 86, JIERCULEC STREET, Belfast. UHEIIE will be a SALE oif Books, Prints, and 1 Music THIS EVENING, at Seven o'clock. The selection of Valuable Works already adver- tised will be3 sold on MONDAY Evenilng, See Catalogues-to be had at the lart. M D p. MI'ENTEr, Auctioneer. ZLParties having lBoioks, &U., t dlispose of, are respectfully informed that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS AND AGENTS. WCi beg to announce that we have made every pos- sible arrangement for the carriage and delivery of our uonstaneld papers ill the principal towns through- out Ulster, in order to meet the requirements of tile public, and render the cost of our journal as cheap as it call practically be mnade, consistently with our aim to furnish the earliest nlti best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADDITIONAL CURATES' FUND SOCIETY. OERNIONS WILL ?? BE PREAaHED I il SUINDAY Morning next, 24th February, 1Sj6, as follows:- ST. G R0 Canvcui Bel- The Rev. C. P. Reichel. fa't, by5 ST. JOHN's CilURCOt, Do. Tlhe Rev. ChIa. Soaver. KXOCBItUtD.A CURC The Rev.W. M'Ilwaine. After tile Sermons, Collections will be made for the Additiotnl Curates' Fund Society. The Sovivty contributes to the ...