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Advertisements & Notices

... Sales ii) %uation. Sale of virrable CRRIAGE HRS ES, Til Ich Cow-,CsrriugE, &rC. This BY MESS~RS WALKER AND ACKERLEYC T'o-morrow (Satur~day). the 1.7th insa'nnt, ?? Two o'cloak pro- Th ct-~ely, at Parl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wregh byth ~ NOTICE. ;~IAby kdire team4 ers to, HAndlifax and Boston, and to No ork direct6. 4peratoh and 5pw per oent. primage. Xtelqhton. Pacl e ahadu rds, according to lsie, PARCELS for different C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BL A CBIu RN. GRAND WHITSUNTIDE FESTIVITIES. T IE Committee of the United Socielies beg to inform the Public of Blaekburn and its Vicinity, that in consequence 1 of the Mayor and Corporation having refused the use of the Park; after being promised, the Sports will be held Field at Higher Ouzebooth, adjoining the Park, on WHIT-MONDAY, MAY 12th, 1856, when A G RAXND P RO0C E S S I O N Of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... READ THE NEW EDITION, ON NERVOUS AND OTHER DISEASES I It Sust Published. Twentieth Thousand, Price One ShUlliag, oi free by post for eighteen Postage Stamps, EALTH and HAPPINESS, the means by wvhich they A-IL may be obtained, a Medical Work, with observatlons on the treatment of nervoug debility and indigestlon, loss of men. tal and physical tone, arising from early indiscretion, &c., By J. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ANTED,-A Youth, writing a good hand.- W Apply to J. G. Betteris, law stationer, Oxford. ADAM3 JENNY GOLDSCHIMIDT LIND. -Farewell Concerts.-Exeter Hall-mr. mitchell respectfullyannaunces the LAST CON'CERTS which will be given by Madaie GOLDSCHMIDT in this country:- Wednesday evenivg, June 11, Grand Miscellanieous Concert, with full band and chorus; Wednesday evening, Junc 25, Haydn's Oratorio ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Y PP]ESENT STOCK OF DINNER -ALI SERVICES, BREAKFAST, T IE A, and TOILET WARE, is most extensive in Style lilt Variety, selected with thle greatest care, alld will bc sold at the lowest remunerative profit. J. R. WILKINSON, IOM 108, flip/h Street (opposite St. George's Churchr.) J OT-IN FINES, ElEALER IN NEW AND SECOND-IA..ND D FURNITURE, Nos. 64 and 9, SMIfHFIELD, B1fast. N. B.-New and Second ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Batley Station. By Mr, CULLINGWORTH, onle Iaaedaep nexpt, IEVI~llAL valuable Consi:,1nments of SHODDY bE~E1{AL a'ant MvNjto. Tirae, wo p.m. Cataloguass on Tuesdfiy. _ rl5ltreelid ansion and Biunlknlg hntud onl 15,5 5v5Sat515 of 'he town. andin the borough of 11nilfax.-Prelhi-i,.Ly Notice. te ?? Of June, or early in J,,ltueit, will be offered for 1 j1e is Sole by Public Auc~ion. I, that modern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f ORSES taken to GRASS, either in pasture or- JL .loose boxes. Apply at the Hall Farm, Ileadingley. the Farmers and the parblic generally, that he is now offering his well selected Stock of TURNIP SEEDIS, at the lowest possible market prces. Price lists can ho bad on and after Tuesday, the Sixth of May, 1856. 7005 * SKI~~~tVING'S ~IMPROVED SWEDE TURNIP. ~ F' X T SKIUVO ING, Queen-square, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At the Wool Sale Rooms, Mrlorgato street, London, oii Wednesdayt, 1,000 Bales Australian, ?? Ma, 2,W Baes ?? Piiti ?? Australian, and Cape WOOL.Is No ,, acniog Ayres Ifilerino) do. 51 200 , Cisilian unwashied do, 1,700 Bales. And 1,000 Ballots Peruvian do. Also, in Supplement, 500 Bales East India. Egyptian. Turkey, and Peruvian WOOLS.1 Catalogues in dloe time by WILLIAM HALL, Broker., 20, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... zrl~OFTVS PONCRT.Thefinal (JO)KOERT ? ~~FLAD MISS N 3F(Bo'uND, r Mr. DE!LAVANTI, and chorus conductor, Mr. t For pa~rticurlars see prograrerme., $[LF PUBLIC HALL._-Th`6-,0ricert Comn- ~itee have ?? in announcing, thsatA 411he above Hall, er of nlursdapcand PFriday, tire EV.91Lth and NVinth Of pt'nidMrs. HSOWARD PAUL ?? geteir liw vtusical, %f ,Lir. fanf Bataitrta nment, eutitled f'AI'CVtWII K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To ?? JO w '6 Des C ILT AL' P1 Edde mixed adVW salemr B PT'. Is the desired Gnd 1a H T, For eliver r Mine lverya STEA C Jude iD aa Are an' C! Cali gune of coo nay t sithos A 1, 1I, Cr DARASOLS.-PeADFORD AND SON, MANUFACTURES P A M~~~19 I~A R K BT-S T R E T, (%3Ppoite B`. Hyism'e4ER) THQMAS JUBILEE WOOD, Hat Manufacturer, 33, Market-street and 51, Markipt-street.- - ?? Btranlgeway. Manchester. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNPORTANT to SCHOOLS rand EDUCA- et CATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. COLLINS'S TWOPENNYimproved HEAD-LINE COPYIIOOKS, e0 tcp. 4to. Collins's Twopenny Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. e, CollinssThreepenny Superior Engraved Head-line Copybooks, fop. 4to. Collins's Fourvenny Superior Engraved Head-lint Copybooks, ,ost Ret. 1. Initiatory lessons-2. Combination ef letters-3. Combina- t tion of ...