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... T W IL I a H T. Twilight! how I love the feeling. Sweetly Soothing to the mind, When o'er the soul thy stillness stealing. Leaves a holy calm behind. Then, to fancy's eye appearing, Forms beloV'd, though distant far, Wake affection's glowing feeling, Silence every passlon's jar. And upon my rapturld vision, 'Mid thy dim and sombre light, Burled forms have burst their prison, To sweetly gleam ...


... =T~ ?? LIVERPOOL'S LORDLY CANDIDATBE,1 OaAIMLES T-X, THE COMMITMTEM. I By his honour fair he swore, Rh That the loyal town of Liverpool (i Should suffer wrong no more. of By hh hononr fair he swore it, And for the polling day at He bado the cinvassers go forth, East and west, and south and north, TD To summon hia array. E East and woit, and south nod nor'h, re The canva oerg do fly, ao And ...


... On this day we took the city of Rivas by assault. Lieutenant O-, a young officer of the ?? Brigade, was mortally wounded. When brought into the hospital tent he was delirious, and, fancying himself at home with his mother and friends, he continued conversing all night Me if with his mother, telling her whore he wdshed to be burled, &. cle died during the night, and at suarise Wau nrled in a ...


... There hsve been found drssing the excavations for the Blrkenhead new docks many Interesting relics of the past history of the world. At a 'eepth of 25 and 0 feet Srom the present bead of the pool, horns of the buffalo and red deer, of an enormous ilse, interspersed with Immense spe- cimens of the black oak and other timber, have been dis- covered, giving evidence of some prior existence of ...


... Pr Not nunerons years, nor lengthened life,i Not pretty children and a avife; Not pins and canes and fancy rings, mi Nor any such like trumpery things; fir Nor pipe, cigar, nor bottled wine, as Not liberty with kings to dine; ob Nor coat, nor boots, nor yet a hat, ru A dandy vest, or trim cravat; Nor houses, laud, or golden ore, at Nor all the world's wealth laid in store; pH Not Mr., Rev., ...


... A-- FAULT AdONFE B A FAULTX CoNF.g3D. A fault confessed is half redressed A simple laying, bglef and wise; The ready truth Is ever best, If truth without dl4gnlm. If in a weak and argqy boar We utter bitter words and strong - Oh let, uS strive With al our power To rectify the wrong. it we attempt to mm anr d Asia A fellow-being's posts and name, W nat does our selffsh spirit guaia But ...


... On Fridav. Cardinal Wiseman daliverd.A at thV ?? ?? L - XLe . 0. L792 On Friday, Cardinal Wiseman delivered, at the Maryle- the bone Litezary Institution, London, the first of two lectures over for which he was announced, On the ?? per. and arranging a national gallery of paiating.' He was ass. attended on the platform by a gentleman, apparently a. ,to priest, who carried the manuscript ...


... e Naasac Review NO. IX. July. The national oarmmcter signified in the title of this review, and heretofore sustained with as energy and dliiity highly creditable to itbelf ana advantageous to the public, falls in the current number all but into abeyance, there being among the numerous subjects treaite in it 'Igl two the esope of which ean be regarded as naitional- The Sew Parliament, and ...


... (From the ltusftrated London Newy.) The Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace-the recent at floral fdtes at the Chiswick and Regent's-park Gardons, tb together with other gay amusements, al fresco-bave at drawn together numerous assemblages of fashionable com- ro pany, anu given occasion for an unusually elegant display to of out-door costume. At the flower shows, indeed, the tu dresses of the ...


... INBES ON THE DB&TH OP MISS MARY WHELERI AT CAWNPORM (N th ilzs (Pm fit OVkAd [Coaeftaj Rngliesinm qf OOc &) WM==u I thy namee shall aofleued be, Where'er our banners wave - Acon 8 each land, far o'er each , a ShAl heroes seek thy grave, HeroIc fire was on thy brow; The light wing of thy soul . Rose, eagle-like, and bid thee flo0i Up to a heavenly goaL. The Moslem bloodhound, drifk With wine,- ...


... 1 1IEIV S. .. I. . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? -t l-- i.InancIatl Rf.nui. T. actC. No. A Vii of XewV selies, hue Cook-onel of tie ?? . AlCcutcanl8: Wacit th y are Uaad w/4aG thet/ oeygh to lb'. ad '7bis Traot po it ,.thi:idl evid ace of the itunois. an pletenesauand gro a in ucit utia of the publicoaeliiuiiu or for the year 1OO G6, p jitS out the causes tbteeuf, aund in Apecilies thle rn io, in. ti*esary ...


... . .. . . I 'Tis sweet, I trow, In summer time to rise At break of day, To see the sun with gold belace the skies, And fragrant flowreta ope their dewy eyes To greet his ray; cC To bear the blithesome lark high-poised on wing, pi His umatin at heaven's portal carolling, at Refreshed Nature, waking from her trance, ti is tilled with glee; al Gay dewdrops, sparkling in the sunbeam!., danuc, ...