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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... ( ANADA BONDS.-GOVERNMENT OF t CANADA hIX PER CENT. STERLING BfONDS, irened under the Consolidatell Muniotpxl Loan Fuind Act for UpperCa- nada (16 Vic., cap. 22) ; interest a per cent. per annun, payable balffyenrly, in January ald July, at the office of the Receiver. General. The undereiened i8 prepared to receive applications for a limited amount of the above bond6 at par. The Bonds are in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TgALIA._-WHITB STAR LINE of jiR; sod AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PAC- Bpl1T b etween Liverpool and Melbourne, on the 20th and 5lin betbpassage money, £14 and upwards. every j30' Captains. Register. Barden.To Sail. ship;, ?? Sbi! 2~Seats . t 2,408 6,000 May 20 . 'Heron . 1,20 4,000 May 27 .;i T C kEtrr.. 2,360 5,000 June 20 o Id of sen o the largest, finest, and fastest Deio3 nre d 'sj ched at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E UROPEAN and AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY (Linifted).-Appointead by the A-miraltj 1 for MELBOURNE and SYDNEY, carrying ber Maejesty's i's emsi TA, 2,215 tons, 500 horse power, will Pail ~ otlinapon n Tesay, 21th February, with mails. pas- girec ad igt ooe os Malta, Alexandria, Ceyloni, and Aunt- Arr~geeets re n regeanorbooking passengers, specie, and niechaidu diectto nd romCalcutta, Madras, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F OR 1857.-The pubhlicao informed tha : FL LEMS' DIARIE8, POCKB UiOObS, HOUSEKEEPERS he., from Sd. to 14s. each, and catalhgues (gratis) may be had o 410y bookseller In the lingdom; and Letts, Son, and Co., 8, Royal Zxshage. . . ' pOST OP FIOl DISTRICT MAP of LONDON, t1 isacking the boaudary anud initials v; ffi> * ~ixdcerespndilE lthb~ ew ~eniy ist Of Stroete in 40ndon sue fro th era Potc.F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPANISH FINANCIAL COMMISSION.- On the 30th instant will take place nt Madrid the AUCTION of the FOREIGN REDEEMABLE DEB' for which purpose 876,000 reales havo been assigned by the Government. Tenders wilihbo sdumittee at the Spanish Commission until the 21st instant, whbere ceo' forums may be obtained. GA, Tokoohouse-yare, Doeember 7, 1857. 18,58. -Fail not to begin the New Year with a DIARY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hi R MAJHSrtV'S THEATRE.- FAREWELL PFERFOR MANCES AT REDlU9CED PRICES. MlOntlay, Auigust 3 (Laist Ni lit lout Three).-By general desire, LA FIGJ;A bEL, REGauIM1:NTO (lest time this season); anid last sceic of LUCIA Dl LAMMERMOOR. Edgardo, Giugliuli. Tuesday. Auguet 4 (Last Night but Two).-Lest Night of IL DON GlitVANNI. Wednesday, August 5 (Last Night but One).-Last Night of LE NOZZE DI FIGaRO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF GREENNY1C01- lTF h~avinn bseu announced upon authlority that a a ucayiR, likoly to occur in your ancient boroughlt, I venture respectfully to plate at your columanld ily bumble services in Parliament. aebrlsieial I have never cetsed to regret that, in December last.,nevitable dreumetancee preveted w~e from proflthl, by tho hivitation' which ejrcumqtanceB ?? - ?? I clectoni ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITY of LONDON.-POSTPON~EMENT of MEE'TINq-PARLIAIENTAIIY ODATH BILL.-In c in. eauence of the adjournmwent of the mtetlog of ermbers of Parlment to Tuesday netS, to oonider the 'answer of Lord Pslnzterston to their deputatio, the MEETFNG of LONDON EDLECTORS8 will bc POSTPONED trom Tuesdry to Sthurs~day next, ?? e'cloek at the Londor Tavern. f'IAMDEN & AMBOT RAILROAD COMPANY BONDS. Loan for £210 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HI ER MAJESTY'S TUEATREi. J.J TWO EXTRA PERFORMANCES ONLy at REDUCFD PRICES, THIS EVENING, September 18 ?? Toinuorrow, SoP- tember 19, witlh Piceolomnil, Spesia, Ortolail, Giuglilil, Be' ventaico, Vialetti, Howe, and Befletti. Two ExtraPerformances will be ?? Evenirg, September 1, IL DON GIOVANNI, and on Saturdtvs Sesteolbter 19, W TRAVI ATA and the Grand Sceca from the *third act of IL TR- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREEK LOAN.-Extract from the Report of the Commissiollera charged with the Reimbursement of the Greek Loan. On Friday, the 13th February, 1857, the usndermentioned 817 GREEK BSONDS were destined for thre Half-yearly Rodeosp- tion;- 279 Bonds of the Series guaranteed by England. 255 ,, ,, ,, ,, France. 283 ,, ,, ,, ,, Russia. 817 Bonds. Of whleb It was only possible to perchase below par- 82 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M ODERATEUR LAM PS.-E VANS, SON, and Co. respeetfully inivite their friends and the public to al inspection of the extensive and besatiful STOCK of these much- admired LAUPS, just received from Paris, embracing all recent improvemelito, in oronze, or nmoulu, crystal, alabaster, and por- celain, of various elegant ,designs, sutable for the cottage or man- CLANDELIERS and GASELIERS of the newest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DRURY-LANE. Lessee. Mr. E. T. Sairsl. The greatest hit of all is ?? Drury-lane Pan utoeuim A Morning Performance of the great Pantomima every Wed. lesday at Two o'clock. The eminent comedian Mr. Charles Mathews will perform every THIS 1VENING her Majesty's servants will perform the petite comedy entitled TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE,. Characters by Messrs. B. Roxby, Tilbury, ...