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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... PROGRESS, CO.\STITUTIONL, and REGULA- P ?? of t~, LIFE ASSOCIATIQ~j OF SCOTLAND. in The Asnsociaton tfc linlset IM3) is one of the moot 0%er tv.t0 55 SO~sosfu Asurane I~littlo~ int~m ingorni. Although it dloes at not155,st Iseale4 ~, bsi~5 duingthe lat five Yearm alone Or EE~wA~a~JRA~cS proposd during fie yet ?? r £3,023,107 (IL ihielsthe lreotrs arpted5,372,-for X2,40:4l6 01. VeSSITArc~lis o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TEXTof KIN'.-GEORGE SIMPSON HAIGH, N fornacrly of, Birstal. If the Personal Reprorentative of Mr'. G. S. 18aho will apply Ato Mr. James Hervey. Aectountlint, Bradford. be will hear of eornething to his advantage. All letters to be Br-ed T HIE CHRIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE _Land B3AZA AR will be held hn the Free Grammar School, North- olviT~SDA 1' (Thusdaytrn), the 14th 4tsstaas. Ptrtill Uder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y)EPLES CNORTS-ToNi.-GRAND 11 ~ V 6 A 'S PRFO MANE -Atieee -3adame ~ND~flSS~iN, Mss IfWBOUN, Mr IihLARD.and Air. taiee f heton ndr~i~borloo. eaer M.HADDOCK, .1. . DCKISON lin. eo. D 638 and HORL CONCERTS. O ~ ~.BURTONhas th honou to anouncethat he will give theFIST f 116R11 o COCETS oaWenI day, She Tiwenip- Numbredaaae 2.. aci ceto e.,gallery Od. The first porfoitanios willbeIad' J,,. pernre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UEEN-STREET CHAI-EL.-Tbe Rev. W5 ° o GUEST will preach. TW0 dSERt0NS in Queen-stret Chapel. 'On t teaching fouud iu thp tve cotetxt dand eneroising topics of the petbl~o mind. On S7usdp Rveecing Slutt Jsnvsary Seentcenlth. On the DEATH - of the COhictianl ,ldiie GENERAL IIAVEIOCiC. 0 Ocn Sunsday Roosiall', Jao arli ''enty-frtlleh, (being the veo of thle Uo011Afliianoee, On MARRIAGE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIRS' SCHOOL, 2, PARII-LACE, LEEDS. TlHE Puipils in this Establishment are carefully Tosgtrsoted in every branch or a eolid and seofol Oine stion. under the direction of the AMISSE PLINT, ahied by Masteretof nekowieeed bilty.The orn forhoad, nd InstruetiOst in lhe Frech s tugh bya rsidnt renh potstant Lady. Ediars Banee Mci.,endFreerikBhlenes, Esqi., Leede. JohnCresley Re., anorHeas, alifax. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sales bp AXuctfgln ~o~te c ~ 11GF I'ETERGAT113 CYBNET FURNITUtE. C111INEY and PIER GLASSES. PIANO-'I FORTES, bV BroadweesId and Solls: H EP % rard; Ausica Box, Brsurels and Kiddertifneter Carglets [1,A CHjNA, Worcestorahire Chi~a in servi~ce, ~richly CUT GLAvs ChinS, Pariall, ]Bronze, Alabaster, and oth~r ORNAMENTS under Glasa Shadnes; SI OIL P`AINTINGS. WATER COLOUR DRAWI`NGS and EPN- GRA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rDEOPLE'8 CONOERTS.-There will to NO PERFORMANCE this e'ening. Nest Saturday, a Concert as genii. particulars of which will be dulyanucd J. N. DICKINSON. Hors. Sec. 0C99 MARRIAGE 0O' THE PRINCESS ROYAL. t fjRAND FESTIVAL CONCERT, in the Music- GX - hail. Leech. January Twcnl-fth. 1818. Iunder thre management Of the Recreation Soniety's Comminttee, and Patronloed by4 The Right Worshipful the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO OUR READERS. IR sincerely wishing our readers a Happy New Year, and taking a retrospective glance at the Old, we have no news to communicate to them as to the Mrercury. Since the glorious revolu- tion of 1S55, when the old dynasty of the Wecckly was superseded by the modern and better r pgiine of the T'Ji- lWreekly, we pursue the even tenor of our way without disturbance, certainly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VP ?? beaten by the tant, a~~~t ~Of famous N imntt ONE. list ~~~For Basrran's friends, in ?? cothee, Have apprehensions none; No matter now it blows or snows. at When dreawed from Numimsa ONE. ah Kinv Frost adtittesl tbloa the note. At Barran's, bad a winter chat, At falemou NUonuPR ONE~- Oil ?? or ail oecuresi at little coot, So low there thiuge are (lone, on A welcome warm is for kIt' Froet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EOP1E'S CONOIERTS.-GRAND CHIRIST- MAS Jis Vswirn r~ 0Tie1CostaNAJoE-T0-Ih ¾ ~aliebCMim H. WALIXE Mr DLYAT1 a-si therF'T 10100.1. Solo0 Pianist, Mlaster TILNEY. Oonadodor. Mr. S1PARK. J,. IN. DCCI[090N. DOSn.See. 0 227 ( 1 C R - GtALPCONUEKT W wll e ivisi n t. Matthew's Scol.1olbecok, on the Fossits 0fJ~505552,158 P IPtcAL ERORN Mi~ 10130?, o Iolbek; and Miss PILLING of Leeds; Puisifte ceist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE ~- FRIN' CESS RO0YAL.1 At the Prmnese'R Varrhage, tlia'pe sykoour anud sta'e. Witls all thant is lovely around her, d Al d tile j 'y of the Nation, shall all emulate, re With Joy and brlght~hope to surround her. f3le1r Princess at poartfing rellace With a smile, 0 If a tear unbldc iesrsloul fail, th For ever you Will, in your owin liritish isle, 0 Reign over the hearts of us all, e May the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Price Id. each, or 2s. Ga. Per 100. TWENTY YEARiS' EXPERIENCE of TOTAL T1.ABSTIN ENCE, F81OG INT'OXICATIN(G LlQtOB'G. BY EDIWARD BAIl IA. London: WV. Tweedie, LY7, Strand, Leesd: E. 134jlles a0.15;11 Soi Pric 14 eah 1WSe.Gd.per 100. VNALUE, of a -WINTER'S EfVENINGS.- A LETTER TO A YOUNG MAN. London- War &f iB EDiWARD BAINES 115. .Bins& op i~odon War & ,a., PosnsterrW eds . lainea,& Solle. A ?? ...