... A CASE OF IIEATFs PROCURATION. At ?? G,,il'lliull poliic court, *1r. Pill15 fhe a mnster of the WVest Lonidon Unaion, i I tef-re Sir P. Lotri, ?? by an iatcre!t.il l5fl Scotch girl, to ask hils uidvice and assistance un!';d.t-r fI1 following extraordinary and cruel cilLIohllltan;ce: Mr. B iwring reetil a very itotrcs'illn and ;jfithe(g stateuieiit nmale by the girl, of whictl the ftillouain. ...


... .POLI .1 IGENOR FRIDAY, JULY 23. BEFORE MB. J. S. MANSFIELD. A: -relsnand CA ?? Magtunal, a native of County shet uxlndt iasbogh p by Dete,'tivc Carlyle, who K, Union, end tha du arie from New Yorl-i the Anesricama ha uing the passage she hod been entirely de r, Pendeut nussn the, other pawoengr. for on~ -port. She ions without money, and being weak of intelkect, the Passengers Hadrat ...


... sber, of 19 silty BEFORE MR. TEMPLE. in Lo ioln. AssAuT-SmaIT V. LLOYD.-The plaintiff in -in stow this case was Roger Smith, a stonemason, residing 1>6, i they at Standish, near Wigan, who claimed the sum of ter fo £3 lOs. as eomnpeatamtion for an assault committed but is seen upon him by Thomas Lloyd the defendant, who is a childr, I his market gardener and shopkeeper, living at Kirby. convy ...

Assize Intelligence

... THE REDPATH FRAUDS.-DISMISSAL OF MR. MIOWATT. At ChelmsEford Assizss, on Thursday and Friday last, the action Hewatt ?? the Great Northern Railway came on for trial. The plaintiff who was formerly the secretary to the Great Northern Railway Company, brought the action to recover damages for having been wrongfsslly dismissed from his office. lihe defendants put a great variety of pleas upon the ...

Birmingham Police Court

... sinaiqq?pmx ?z.GOV ?? 0a rt - YESTERDAY. Bcfierc Mr. IV. Sends Coe. Tin ''FOOLISH ANDu DnU~icLcVFlilco1Loct-We yesterdlay re- ported a case of drunkecnenso agaeinst a 1 reopectable person froi it neighboaring village,' and forbore to montion his name, thinkinlg that the jecublication of tho fact wvould he a ouflirieict warnieg. On tlh:tt eccaoton no less a sucii than £4-5. 1585. 10d1, was ...

Birmingham Police Court

... Airm?abgtam valict (bal. YESTERDAY. Beforc Sir Johns RBatelil Ml/ir,tajr, Messrs. T. C. S. Kynnersley, (ttid F. Vint Wart. ClIARGF OF Pocicer-Picnrioa.--Jates Nevevy, alias Eyland, gun stamoper, Cross Street, and Jhln Andi reia, alias Planti, brass founder, Broad Street, were charged with attempting to pick pockets at the London and North Western-Rlilway Station, on Mondy night. l)etective ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girmingam Volkt 6nd. gEiTERDAY. Before T. a. S. Kysc5 Vklf liamn oances, easI Thomas Phillips, ANOTHR MAISiLSET ol TILAyoung fellow, named Jamco~5Uur, lia Brsswc, romtheOldInkleys, was brought up o a carg of hiskind Mr. Gaolie Guest, eartthenware dealr, ?? oter itnsses, proved the utter- aetnce of rasoers halfhcr lns and other coek byuth)e prisoner ; and the Mint authorities deciding ...

Birmingham Police

... ,?Oinllill 'it I diu. .all, III YESTERDAY. BJ~fore lessrs. 1F. wills edl TV% L. Iar.Seal. DioRonDERL CONoDucr.-Sesl1 Ma?0ide, aged 32, Bronisgrova Street, servint, vxs charged with violelat and abusive conduct towards r. SuItton, of the Sus tlien, Bristol Road, about half-parst seven o'clock onl WIednesd:ay night. The coenplin airt said that for the past twvo ye rs the risifeirdat had ...

Birmingham Police Court

... girlniug4am volfte doult. YESTERDAY. Before Sir JohnsRts.?ldiff, Mayor, and Mvr. AKynssrsley. So~lf. STATISTICS AS TO MILITIA DSE5ELTIONS.-Satalld Astbsry, Aston, gun lock filer, and JazieS E'vaas, Msoor Street., labourer, were chargesi will, deserting from the Ist Warwickahire Militia. Sergeant Benjamin Francis sand Private John Boden proved the charges, to which indeed the two runaways ...


... THE MANUFACTURE OF WIRE FOR MIUSICAL IN.STRUNENTS. IMPORTANT PATENT CASE. (Fmmi4 ote' RBcjoi'ttr,) COURJT OF COMIMON PLEAS.-TccUe.SeAY. |iileas a1 la t Nsi Peoh. at Clidhall!, before Lorld Chief Jel~tice Cdchlti'un ad CZ Special Joy. WVLBsiTIM AiSD AxNOTIIER iS SMITII ATH ) ASOrTiEII, Tice Lard Chief'Justico took hiscoat on thc benich at ten o'clock, when the case for tilc plinitiff wes ...


... THE SHOOTING CASE IN THE HAGLEY |POAD. We have already given the brief facts of this very serious matter. On Saturday last, at the Public Office, West Bromwich, before A. iKenrick, T. Boddington, and W. Sharp, Esqrs., John Arkinson, the watchman at the Lightwoods, H1agley Road, was placed at the bar charged with unlawfully wounding one John Male. Mr. W. J. Reeves attended to prosecute on ...

Law Intelligence

... 9'Fallv COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, Westmninster.-Jan. 20. SITTINGS IN BANCO, BEFORE LORD CAMPBELL AND JUS- TICES COLERIDGE, WIGIIT3AN, AND CROMrTON. The Ouardltaus of the Too- of Birnuinghams, v. Brassnoit, the Tr,-ssrer of the Borooyh. This was a special case, stated by order of a Judge for the opinion of the Court upon the question, whether the Treasurer of tle Borough of Birminghamn is liable ...