... DABING HOTEL 1RBOERIES AT OKESTER. Early on Wednesday morning, an impudent rob- bery was committed at the Albion Hotel, Chester. As usual at race times the house was full. On Tuesday night, Lord Extnouth, Sir G. Armitage, Colonel Dickson, Mr. Wykeham Martin, and Mr. Oliver were all staying at the hotel, and during the evening had visited the betting rooms. Soon after twelve o'clock on that ...

Law Intelligence

... Raw Intelitsenm f- ?? 4- - NOTICES-THIS DAY. BANKRUPTCY COURT, DASING CALL-SIREET 13oax li. CoYlesrssasoelaaovuvau.-J. MuxileB stJmulnation, ot 11-IL Tatleane cholec of calges, at li-isllropand Glaig dobtor,, at U1-i. Amith, last examinatioss, at 12-L. Zucker, private. as ,1Y-W, Thorn,' last exaination, at 1-C. Chrbstmas, last esmlaton, at 2. ; . ADMILALTY COURT, DOCTBS'-CO1MlNS. l 17; Prl~day ...


... TH2I XU1DUB OF A WOMAN IN TIrB I BAdYHARZET. I ~ sfx d APP'REHENSION OF THE MURDERER, Is On Saturday morning the police succeeded in a' effecting the capture of the murderer of the unfortunate t HelcIse 'I~aubin, whose murder in a house of ill-fame in lo Arundel-couAt Haymarket, under circumstances of peculiar tb cruelty and atrocity, has already been described. ot It appears from the ...


... JTHE A~s1s12snyz701V OF -A TBR4D74M4ATd F 1'~~-ORTSMVOUTH. I- ion. IThe coroner's inquiry into the ciromstances a4- Loes tending the death of Daniel Hart, draper, of Portsmouti, we e resumed on Wednesday and concluded on Thursday WIc nigt. nte . On Wednesday evening Barnes, an amsistant of the ea- pa. ceased, who boarded and slept with him at the house of Mr.. o; 'Vick, stated that he was in ...

Law Intelligence

... LOa inielligence. N-OTICES-THIs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. L1!NCOLN'S-INN.- AT I J.-IIRORY Tri LoaDe JUSTrctzA-Appeals: Stanefleld v. Cbttpa~rt ?? v. rchbutt -SRttlerv. Alaidott. RIOLLS COUIRT. CHANCEiY-LANE. AT IO.-L'y Older': Me~rie'e v. Laws.Causer, &c.: Nutting Y. Colley- 31atts V. PlItmer-liett v. Robert-o-Welch v. Chandlor-Donaldson v. Corner-SBiitleyv. Reeeh-Eltoun v. Elt~on-Wilkinsou N,. ...


... A- POLIol COUR8Qg wtgC A z wMANSION-EHOUSE .fhst- 'Vary n A onva n was charged Wider the following e- 'Il, Al 7 yopng gehtrleman narned Lemnuan ?? I w ild be Vh z Threadseedle-street betwee nine sad t rI Jn TsLd ayrhiponrecoiqute, ?? d lattfh'he defendant came up to me and asee. st Dte hrahalfay. I told her to9 Fe foer handeto the cohai of my watch. I insisted unPun,, tver leavng Pie, and she ...


... - I- ?? d ,- , El A I i - I s C C ?? A. R,- T S . of .4 . ' - , .1 I * . , , I C7~arboa Joe3i, . Jdefinat 7A .Wrma eoud mnato ?? . ?? ?? _ . - _ The vessel had4 gone from London to: Yarmouth with- o ca0go of1t00ov ugtrand :Dutelc hM, es, While t oargo Was beilng dlslarged the mates kep b thechec and diatribute4 ?? f1e ;or e;h - Ad sobecauss hpe thught ,they .were.oover y The Lord.,Mayor ...


... I _ ._ I OLD COURT.-ArGtUST 16. The sittings of the above Court were resumed this morning before the Right Hon. Sir R. W. Carden, M.P., Lord Mayor of the City of London; Thomas Chambers, Esq., Common Serjeant; Aldermen Sir C. Marshall, Farncomnb, and Sir F. G. Moon, Bart.; Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Law- rence, Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Allen, Mr. Under-Sheriff Millard, Mr. Under-Sheriff'Parler, ...


... THE POLICE COUB73. CITY POLICE COMMITTEE. Wi2liam Burt, a baker, residing at 4.5, Whitecrmu-sirg was summoned by Mr. Knott, Cue of the City Ineipectere ol Weights and Measures, before Aldermen Pheilip5; and Wir0 for having one llb. weight 1 oz. and 3 drachme ligbt, Mr. Knott said, before this case, was gone into, he wisflo to state that from information. he receivd he went to Whji. cross ...

Law Intelligence

... Vaw futtlHOMIC4, NOTICES-THIS DAY. V1C&Ch'ANELLOLRS' OHAMBERS. LINCOLN'S-INN. BSrors VOCE-UrASCELLOU 81s J. V. 1rTVcA.-A to K-At 11: Brown v. Thomnpson-Earp v. Lloyd-Cotton v. Butters-Cox v. Wil- ?? v. Herzewell-Gould v. Hugbho-Hay v. Wall-Pill v. plymouth Great Western Doik-Green v. Green-Head v. Godlee- laroland v. Murroll-Cottonv. Butters-Crots v. Maltbiy-Hawkins v. Bennett-H odson v. ...


... lTHE MUSIC AND DANCING LTCENSES. t: The following is the list of the new applications for licenses, tb under the 26 Goo. II., c. 36, just disposed of, with the tb results. For music ?? Davey, the Sluice House bh Tavern, Higbbury, granted; Wm. Masters, the Prince of hl Brunswick Tavern, Barnsbury-road, granted; James Allen, b; the Havering Atte Bower, Anu-street, Ratcliff, granted; m Spencer ...


... CENIAL CMRIMINAL CO UR7. ?? tO, n1. .OLD COURT. I At the eitting of the court, Willm LenoN Okt', th ve stockbroker, vwas placed at the bar to plead to four ?? kW i ment fur folony ana miademeanoar, in having 6saPPrI !priatd certain valuable aecuritiea that had been en. t ydhimnfor aspecifo purpose. X, The prisoner pleaded guilty to the whole of the cb5T53 It and he Vas then removed from the ...