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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ST. ii O~~tiDET ILarc-i'ow, LeOd. Q4T.c Nl ?? eire will be SjE,EAiN I!TutO TOA ic -Oipi.Mui:-Wb iS Gi ., Clil ilb ?? (C II.7M~.0clyJ l;OIA2IIN 1110,11 MTASS will I ciei ~ a C. tyrciGlOria, Credo, Setectte, and Agi~~nc I) l Olfei~~~ocy D 17317 ~VFL3'1 ANNVE~iABYof the MET11O- Sil itle~ - incioeiiio wile hi AuniiVCCersi will be preached Viie - 1~v ~t~i3'iaint~i.il4,l5e, inl the Mmoritig, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1UBLIC, PAROCHIAL, and PRIVATE CHARITIES, Supplied with BLANKETS, FLANNELS, | CALICOES, SHEUT1NGS. QUILTS, &c. &c.. on Whosleale Terms, at the MXHANGE ROOMS, ALB_1IN-STtEBT, LEEDS. ?? ?? ?? & CO. C 15819. ?? ,A1oIices. bAST THREE DAYS.-Tho FRENCIJIi L EN lIBITION, with hAlodilo. ROSA BON11EUWS LATEST, WUtKS, w~t CL0,SE eli r ?ieinil vtexl. Morning, tenl till live ;evening vix till finn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F-TIGTICKETS of ADMIS- bO l01et0,~ iway be obtainred hr the Rerpiloitors on w NiS the Iftfofrin Iegistration-ellico, Bandi-street, * ~ fll *~Jul5). between the hours. of twelve at soon f ?? r 210-~ 011R to110 H' I llrcit esily), ?? ii *l 'aif-I Ft 1e15 ill the foreslooiS. awx11i00ir, 1856 A 17132 TO'NN HALL CONCEiUT 8OCIETY l1SIAiIj, will lbo performed io thle viotoria Hail, a8 VOCAl [bSa Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ied;; I - ?? n 0bys ° M I N G E V E N T S .8Au off Corn- Fo)r Christiana so hearty attending- were The joys, that Joyfully close the old year, Li vhich Old Chriatmae, hlis customs defending- mhode A utomn for good Old friends will impreno, Al ,mdiade ERevived in Chlristmas to come- m Aley, In the elegant otook, of elegant dreo, ance, On ehow at famed Nuarorit 0NE. iy1or, Coming events, such as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS FOR FTEI DI l`XX PVeG POUslI AND LIBRARIY. Now readly, Ucristi and Post Free, LIST of' PIuUMOtAL WORKS. Coloured' A scerecrico lllhuninaltod Ranks, and Annuaml': also mussy Btdar~ad wvorks; in elegasnt biridiiics uitable fee Clrsi aIR preseio 1(0w Yealr's gifts, prize book',k, RIC. , oil Icute at W. ilasroo nodll Son78, Casnnoiv--'~tv City, ,a'ntosa ?? -;:stl distil W li:., rt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -pbi Notc4s IEEI)S YOUNG MIPN'S ANTI-SLAVERY' JUSOCIFTY -The, 801REP~willto liet lhin connection with the above eo-ie'y, T11 1S EUItKNI.vI, in heTotrwl-I ill. 'til Rigiht worswitfif thbe 01IA.Yi It, SIR PIECEII tAIRBAItRN, Knight. will pre3ede. The foilolvitw NieihlelnC~ ?? Getletmnen are expected to be preeent, Bed, take part ijo thle tiroceeduilg: - 'the0 Ifiht lone, the Plttt,,, C(ARLISLE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C pAROCHIA~l, aud PRiVATE CHIARITIESw, supplied with BLAN1(ETS, FLANN.ELS ap ALIUJES. SUJESTINGS, QUILTi, &6. &o., otz Wholesale Terry, at the; - IL) C EXUIIANGIS IWOMhS, ALlBON-STRl:T. LEEDS, DEN BY t CO.. C 1m.8 N11 S EVALES SMITH, Tailor, Hatter, and Undertaker, 3!2 and 33, Comnercial-Street, Leeds, begs % ( ?? his .STOOK ¢mbwra chol ?? of GOoDE brooght out forthe masou. Alli (NECoND E XHRI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LEEDS MERCURY IS PUBLISHED THREE DAYS A WEEK, N AlIELY, ON TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY PRICES. Th08TA5IOE D. S7'.bl1OED ON TUESDAY AND TnURSDAY ?? 2d, 3d. ON SATURDAY ?? . 3d. 4d. TO SUBSCRIBERS. PB1 QUARTERvc (CREoDIT) ?? . 8s. Od. 118. 6d. Do. (IN ADVANCV) ?? 7s. Sd. 11i. Od. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Tvilst qt'C &'tcx grcat care to secure thc correct printing. of ad(terlit sencita, 00 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W KNTED, ?? TV mao in alolir iirle'l. hpa thel ruferiroees ar of the 1119J815 Obarlietir'. Adde, C 21.3I rCqrvrd.fiOO, LeedoB. oi14 JIVERPOL Gll~tES~ iiSTITU The above ]i~lnstituOO; Ii0 1101111. ool verv u0tiderate tereis, to 3islngaged aid oidy ee'5i ,(lweruw.i ?? ?? dirog t'he Yatatcotl mi1 to Wel1l illvtkil I 10M310hV, of itO edoseaitages. Far particI irso, Itol Lady ttlitin~ibluet, 76, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~jiEDIJAD, Tilo, HaterandUndertaker, Guildford flouse) .Upperhead~ro*, Leed , ~ b O flfO~CC tht i~ Stckcocles f ?? of GOODS for the sesn h ABTS-uOTN '~D15t~SbtN o scliodntedfort~jtesria eerctepoocesadvntaes hic reuir ony o bown to be aPI~reciated, B 17155 ~3u~ifl~'% ~~J~tC~St$.I TO ADVERtTISEW. -I ES 1 STATEMENTS for CHRIST- 00 IOC.. Engravedr u ?? J3IA-k.t-T-oDAM ON6i H OTELhonse-aee1- AE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E EDS TOMN HALL CONCERTS for the, JU ?? FIFTH CONCF.RT will take place Thisn ?? thle Victoria, iiill.-vicalirta -15 'WHITIHAId, choli SUSS C NT MIR. DELAITANT[. to~ctbe, with the .stembcrs CAll of the LEEDS FESTIVALAI CHIORAL SOCIETY. Solo Piautilitand Conductor;-2Mr. BURTON. I ) balcny ad Font eats 10 Secnd Sats Cd. ohc Seate and - Wreieadh. i.Ticet fr te laren ad root Seate may be had ii3 ~! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t. P I LANI2 (IPF o hear Worda s ?? Oil le,' ho S teed. 'rln ii., idt iril~'-f t IIrn andii I II. Also oin the. foll- ~ ~ ,~.i,,rais tlra 'lrlwsinrrye a rjll'Crt! lies crall, -lh 'naz by 01, 1 leon EIA R~ev. PHI LIP VYoRKIII Irelr.0 t t ii rl iu til e veriuri by The l-ght EeiiithLe 1. ri 'lrilll)i' uf RIPI *J. L~vije cervice siill C~oal. metri~s 5 ii fls Cu OIl hi' f-)jr..t six. D 1g561 . ?? ...