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Glasgow Herald

Advertisements & Notices

... GLASGOW, ROTHESAY, AND RYLES OF BUTE. A -- ?? rNN THURSDAY the 1OTH MARCH, tle A Steamer EAGLE will Resume Sailing C from the Bridge Wharf at 3, Train 4 P.M1. And from ROTHESAY on FRIDAY the lIth, A at 8.45, Train 10.30 A.3i. A KYLES OF BUTE Every TUEsDAY Returning the following C Morning, at 7.15 A.M., until further notice. E GLASGOW AND LOCHFYNE. is T H E Swift Steamer MOUN- ir TAINEER, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLIJBY PUBLIC ROUP, T Withn tile Faot ?? Gog'PlcGlasgow, on Wod- I T1GlasgowN, betlongillg to a Sequestrated Estate, anid presently t ocnico by George ltcioEsquire. The Loidgin ?? fl~jn~toii Dawig Rnut, Prlor, Five ?? R(losnn, llutler's Pantry, Bath Roomi, Kitchen, Laundry Servants' Il0noin, &C. An Upset Price, £000. Grorid A6nnual, £10. A Thi Poe tyis fish..'l in a superior style, has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEIRS ADVERTISED FOR. W HEREAS, about 40 years'ago, HEIBS were advertised for to one PAUL or NINIAN KER, who died abroad in the beginning of the present century. Any person who can give information ofthe paver- and ,;ear of publication of said I advertisement will be suitably Rewarded. The notice, it is said, appea red between 1814 and I824. Address G. R. P., Herald Office. TLOST, Yesterdlay, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST. J OST, Yesterday, in Town, a Circular GRE Y PEilBLE BROOCH, sot in silver. The linder. by bringing it ti 7MTr..Williamn Sharp, 117 Buc-hanan Street, willrecelc a Reward nf Five Shillings. XVANTED, 40,000, oui Security of First-class Bnildling in Glasgow. Apply to Mcessrs. Brown Du Innlop, Writers, 49 Virginia Street. P3(-00 TO LEND, on firs!tclass Heritable Security. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pusfcii (Car- 5-(CONTrrED~.) * LO'SS OF HAMR IIESTOED. Pat ronised by1 the Prjaye Fam ily, Nobility, aend PaeelftI. .NJ MIRS. TERRY, of `0(A Regent Street, Lonjion, -L hting benslcdto attewl Several Patients iuflScot- Iland, biegs to intiniate tihat shl is 10w at 221 SA UCfl-ItEIIALL .liTRlELT, Gr.sasow, and will oniv roiin til thu7th iobrilry; atter which suelwill t attend. in Manchelitcr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stisiu% eavb-(CONTuxUnED.) T O ] NA M I L L E Stationer, Accot-Baok' U Enanialled Paper and Envel Manufacturer, Bookbinder Engraver Lithographer and Printil; largest Stocl OL:PAP Ii 'and STAiIONERY in 4hlasgow. RETAIL WAREHOUSE, 122 ,AM STREET, (Corner of South HlIanoM qftreet). EXPORT AND WHOLESALE WAMREHOUSE, 1 AND 8 SOUTH HANOVER STRIET; F-A C T O Y - 1-7 8 DIM I'D LE R 8 T ?? WHOLESALE AGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L* OST, betwesn St. Mattliew's Free Church, West Bath Street, and Lond-an Street. on Sabbath Week, a 'WATCH RlNG, a GOLD MSAL and KEY, with Finger Ring, attached, beeing the Initials R. Al. S. Whoever bas fonnd the lame. by returning thou to W. G., Herald OJce, will recelve a suitable Reward. TR.AYED, from 01 West Milton Street, a Small K; 'ancy '1'ERRIR~l DO1T, light hrown, vvwth white fect. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3briok%5 4t.. *The Stiry of olt Lives from. Year to 1feir.-SNiae-peare.. Tlhe First Number, 1rrice Twopence, of the iiew Weekly Jonrnal, A LL THE YEAR: ROUND, will contain the FirstPareof A NEW STORY, entitled- A TALE OF. TWO 'CITIE ?? By C1ARULES DlCKEtNS.; To be continued from, Week to Week until cornpleted. The Story of our Lives from Year to Year.-SliokRyeare. On Saturday the 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In, ?? 1OR SALE, an Old-Established BUSINESS in I the RAG TRADE, with GOODWILL, STOCK, and FIX- TURES, 'ituated in a central locality. Address X. Y. B., Herald Office. FOR SALE, a WINE and SPIRIT CELLAR, convenient to the Cross. Apply by letter, nddressed t0, Herald Office. FOR SALE, A SMALL HOTEL, with Spirit Shop attache(; Entry immediately. The present Proprietor retiriug from the trade. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 0 SajIcf* Rjj WT ,0jti-l(CONTrNuED.) O COUNTING ROUSE FURNITURE 2 cox:SUT[]NG TABILE., SET DOUBLiU DFSKS, (T UnNCLAIMEDj GOODS, &C., BY AUCTION. At rreeand Bounded Stores, 13 Clyde Place, To-Mforrow (Tuesday), Sth Nov., at Eleven o'clock. particulassi on applicatlonl to HUTCHISON & DIXON, Auetlieners. TO-M1ORROW, AT SuDSP 53 BUCIIANAN STMEaT. AN ASSORTMENT OF CHINA AND DINNER WARE, ELECTRO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t - - - S -- -- ?? _ __ t . 7GROUtND TO SHEIA OR FEU. THAT PLOT of G (ROUND at villafield 17iscr T top of Taylor siteet, coll=ining 4519 Sq:Uare Yn'ri-. oul thereby. It is wli adaspted for Building, ha-it;; .a frotu toe tr- three Streets. Apply to 3Mesars. Ptul t 1 M(Culloch, Writers, 3 South Ilftlves' Street, Glasgow. . (:N SETUlCl1E.D GilOUND IN CHEiAPSIDY IND PICCAD)ILLY SIREETS, ANDER; TON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ffvt> Skt., ta.'Wet.: FARMS TO LET IN IKINTYRE, ARGYLLSHIIRE. HE following FARMS, on the Estato of Drumore,. wvill be LET oni Leese for 19-Ycnrs, with imnmediate entry to the Amabl Lanlds, and to the Houses and Pasture at Whit- stmday, 1860:- I. 1he FARNM of DRUMOR1i in the immediate neighbourbood of Camnpbeltown, as presently possessed by Mr. Arthur Hender- son, extending to 233 Acres ...