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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... M OURNING.-The Public are respectfully . informed that MOURNING of every description, in the greatest variety, gaited to all requirements, upon the most advan- tageous terms to purchasers, will be found ready for immediate use, with an extensive variety of choice Millinery, at PUGHI'S FAMILY MOURNING WARtEHIOUSE, the *-est esablished in the United Kingdom, 163, Regent-street (corner ot New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO LIFE, EDUCATION, WCASUALTY, ale3 SEL1'-IELIEF ASSURANCE COIL- PANY, Incorporated 185I.-Notice is hereby given, that the ANNUATL GENERLAL MEETING of the PRlOl'IIIETIORS of this Corporation NsillI be holdien at the office of the Company, 355, Strandi,, on Thlursdav, the 24th day of November instant, at Twelve. o'leock, precisely, for the reception of the Annual Ileport of the Directors; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17is~ ETRANGERS qui V~ISITENT A/.i ?? trouroront dons le Maza'ln, de Deuil (le 314,s JAY, 247, 249, mna 2.51, lteogont-streot 1111 grail ASSOIRTI- MLNPb'lo n mplel, (eCIIALLES-laino tartail', m;Hrr,' et lolngo, en iblano ot noir, gri.s ot IIoir, grio inlEanplgO 'dAlpaga,. noirs, dans toutsle, too qtmtitt'o et toll tsl' 105:1 ; et do Por(iio, Indo Vs t la- rollnJ-s, noire.o ot 9ri'.oo Cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOP(Eis hereby given, that the OR1DINARY :it-NEAL MEElTiIXG .4 tht- SIfLNtI,1iLIDliRS if the(, L(NID0.NJ INT-SLrlCIC ?? ' COMPANY (iATnitCl) Slt eaI I-rimi iit , ih count v itt f Al tl,lleo-i, oil Fridiay, t I i~t- 2 tl ly 'I lfieiili , l~tlitililf- ttill.o(,'eltk puta., wthen the ordi- lxeIiV iie I~- f thle V witi ill Ii- ?? !-te I. A.IRi. 1iii ?? s trill lii- Ii -Id, ti, consiler wel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AM0N F., WIGRIAM and SONS' (of * L. , 1 cion) LINEl oif PACKETll SHIPliS o tJ~ K ~i.; .1)1IINM, I'ott iliirvitet, is leave au, ot i' ~tho 21-1t of Novojabecr, the fitvolintu clipper Vit Ii-. ?? ENI.A I, 1,001) tIP , I IOt1ok 'fbi joltittid 'hip f~orm-i One of -tianl lion,' c lebh atte i . alni to ~,itttitNhirO loie strillill, oo ?? ];a 'it i t, fttvouiitt, tint1 wetl-knoxtat -hip., t o . -I I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NhRS ON'EY WI1GRAM and SONS' (of ?? ck05UIyardl, London) LINE of PACK~tI SHIPS to ,tr tjt o ELBOUIUY'E, Port hI'hltip, direct, to leave I I~; sourdy, Jnuar~lthe splendid elipper ship MAIDISTONE, A 1, 1,000 tons; irtj~e , nl i])e. This s, ?? forms, onn of MrsSr4. s-ia m Sons' c,,'.ibrat,'d line of' pitckets, which coot- j,1,ft Xie Nrfolkc, Suffolk, K~ent, Sussex, Essex. York- I t f,iet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TETTERS TO PUBLIC MEN. L ?? VIGIL. No. IV. LETTER TO FL;RRDINAND, KING OF NAPLES. Tide MORNING CHRONICLE of TO-MORROW, Feb. 10, 1859. XN H1. T HE MORNING CHRONICLE has recently .4 JLupassed into the hands Of a Now Proprietary, and will be O ?? under ain entirely new management. iI. During neatly a Century 'THE MORNING CHRONICLE bijls HU been the steadfast advocate of Liberal principles and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- KWhat diseases are more fatal in their consequence- obar. neglected Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, or Lungular AfletlioL! The first and best remedy is KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES.- Prepared and sold in boxes, la. lid., and tins, 2s. 9d., 4s. lid., anl 10s. 6d. each, by Thomas Roating, chemist, &c., 79, St. Peel's Churchyard, London. Retail by abl druggsdts and patent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IL RALWAY-FIER, the Scotch * iP ZI7LEIl{A, A I, I,,du DX'eO. iii'. 'lcmaccomamodation for pas- t.amshoon and Rtonaldtion, I, Lcaoli'n- T ~ .j lo-£m'.ou ani 61sc, Billiter- IIALIA.-)IERCHANT PRUINCE. j SI CrAMLINE ,f BRFITIS and AUSTRtA- ~A ollit1 MIL PACKETS, sailin; from Liverpool nd2:h(,.4ve,,ry moilth. ct a. Register. Burden. To Sail. tht . 1:r7 3,42n) April I1 31L'. 1,74:, 4,3U50 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LETTERS- TO PUBLIC MEN. coQ E1. eG . No. IL 1 .me L~rim o jHNBRIGHT. ride MO~tinNG CHRONICLE, Tuesday, Feb. ,1, 1119. chi HD MORNING CHRONICLE has recently . TIL passedintothohall ofi n ewrPiopriotary, mud will be the .00aducted under an entirely newr maragement. Pri During nearly a Century THE MORNING CHRONICLE has been the steadfast sdvocate of Liberal principles, asi enlightened cot views; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u sT IfI A L I A.-~MERCHANT PRINCE. A. ~lUTESTARLINE of BRITISH and AUSTRtA- QA ILPACKETS, sailin from Liverpool X4A3 on te lo and20th of every month Cptain. IlSgihter. Burden5. To Sail. ?? 1,740 4,300 April IS Olaloran . 2,460 5,000 May I Jkr ,,.aesWhite.. 1,520 4,O0O May 26 Cetai . C. ]c. re.. 2,369 S,0 Jun.o Th' Merchant Prinacecis one of te finest rmevrchant Vessels and hastmaidethe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~jENSRS. MONEY WIGRAMN and SONS, (of1 plakwal-axd Lodo) LE fPACKET SHIP'S to J .LlA ItU TO in ?A AGE-MONEY.-For at PotPiidrct alfrom Gravesend on SI thc 0thAprl, he eleratd cippr olhip CIWOI UOeOS omne lt cof officer) ; 0 in the East India Dlacks. This vrell-lenown and favourite a h,,, i5oltd her three outward passages in sixty-seven, sixty- '~aiev~rtvt days respective y, her accommodations ...