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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY DANIELS & CLOUGETON. POSTPONEMIENT OF SALE., T E SALE BY A.tCTION of Materials in Water- O house-lane, Pews in Christ Church, Land in Church-street, and Houses in Worship-street and Bath. place, advertised -for Two ?? on THiURSDAY, the 26th April, at Messrs. DANIELS and CLOUGsHToN'S Sale. rooms is 'POSTPONED until THURSDAY, the 19th May next, at the same hour and place. JNO. JOS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTED. TheLo'. hath created medier7ses ot) of tleeartih,and he that is wise will no aibhor themn,-ECCLUS.%XXV1. Ii E. ~Y iYITJII, Mt.D. MEDICAL BOTANIST, Providence Place, Diss, Norfolk, ^ /FANY years celebrated for thetreatment of Scrofula 1~ lor King's Evil, in its varied stages. siuchas callous I Svellings in the Neck and Arm-pits, Tunisours on the Fingers &atl Joints, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER SAILING OF THE pRINCE OF WALES' STEAMER. fUrE PRINCE OF WALES is intended to sail i es under until further notice:- From MENAI BRIDGE, MOSSDATS and FnI- _ DAY, at i Oa.m. From LIVERPOOLV W.)N55aSDA'?S and Sojcuscox's, at lOam. Gonds, for )Valeo. will be received at thle Clarence Dock, on Wueedayo in ecol week, sre, iepo Apply to J. E. ROUNT1tswAlsu 24, 'Water-oreLrroi E.WIV. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO FAMILIES FURNISHING. TAMES GIRsWOO BiEGS TO ANNOUNCE T FVis return from the various Markets, where lea Cas completed ris purchases; for the Spring Trade. He begs to say that, having made Barge contracts early in the Season, hie is enabled to sell all his Goods at old prices, notwithstanding tre late considerable advance, Parties furnishing wvill, tlrerefore, find it to be their interest to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LONDO MISSIONARY SOCIETY. L SE1aceNS, SUND ned Of this Socety, will ?? be Ilrn-lichud Onl SUND.\Y nCxt, MayA 1St, in ?? CQRN, EXCG lANGE, in tle MOln1ing, at Eleven o'clocR, by MLhe Rv. Clt.tcMvNP DU]I;'S, A.M., Of London, and in tile EVening, at Sevln oe'lock, by the Rev. WVILLIAM C AMlBEll!lLL, Missionary from Liall; also, in ?? Pres- b)ytk);ian CimWich O110SEMARY STREET, at Seven 'ClOCiik ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -TO FANIILI~S~ FUMNLSIIING. TAMIEs GIRDWOOI) BEGS TO ANNOUNCE cihis return from tire various M1arkets, where hie has completed his purchases for thle Spring Trade. He beg~s to say that, having made large contracts early in the Season, he is enabled to sell all his Goods at old priccs>6etwitlistasiding then late considlerable advance. Parties furnlishin~g will, therefore, find it to be their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... @ubtici gott~e%. BE1 YORKSH-IRE HANDEL FESTIVAL 1859, IN THE LEEDS TOWN HALL. ISRAEIL IN EGYPT, and THE MESSIAH. Eizler MoSIdae anr Tuasday, April 25fh ard 26th. PATRONS. nila Grace the Lord Archbishop of York. Tee Right llonoarable the Earl of Carlisle, RG. Earl Fitwizwlljam, Lord-Lieutenant of the Weat-Ridizig. The Earl of Hareiwood6, Tile Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ripon. The. non. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST. J OST, Yesterday, in Town, a Circular GRE Y PEilBLE BROOCH, sot in silver. The linder. by bringing it ti 7MTr..Williamn Sharp, 117 Buc-hanan Street, willrecelc a Reward nf Five Shillings. XVANTED, 40,000, oui Security of First-class Bnildling in Glasgow. Apply to Mcessrs. Brown Du Innlop, Writers, 49 Virginia Street. P3(-00 TO LEND, on firs!tclass Heritable Security. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3briok%5 4t.. *The Stiry of olt Lives from. Year to 1feir.-SNiae-peare.. Tlhe First Number, 1rrice Twopence, of the iiew Weekly Jonrnal, A LL THE YEAR: ROUND, will contain the FirstPareof A NEW STORY, entitled- A TALE OF. TWO 'CITIE ?? By C1ARULES DlCKEtNS.; To be continued from, Week to Week until cornpleted. The Story of our Lives from Year to Year.-SliokRyeare. On Saturday the 30th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAT EXHIBITION of 1851-COUNCIL 7 MEDAL.- EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, 1865.- Grande MEDAILLE d'HONNEUR.-GALLERY of BRONZES d'ART.-F. BARBEDIENNE and Co., of Paris, respectfully inform the British Public that a complete Collection of their MATHEMATICAL REDUCTIONS, by the process of M. Col- las, from the chefsud'envre of Antique and Modern Statuary in ?? the Louvre, Florence, and Rome, Museum of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... no Ca tel GElNERA L PRAYER MEETING is held Be DAILY in the RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION ROO11, St. v George's Place. ALL are invited to attend. The Mleetinlg oinl- th, mnences precisely at Eleven o'clock, and terminates exactly at as Twelve. Blit Parties are respectfully invited to attend ellthough Li the~yi*nay Iot be abx'le ?? thefu flazir. L, Co PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION. AIc THE EXHIBITION of tite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... u sT IfI A L I A.-~MERCHANT PRINCE. A. ~lUTESTARLINE of BRITISH and AUSTRtA- QA ILPACKETS, sailin from Liverpool X4A3 on te lo and20th of every month Cptain. IlSgihter. Burden5. To Sail. ?? 1,740 4,300 April IS Olaloran . 2,460 5,000 May I Jkr ,,.aesWhite.. 1,520 4,O0O May 26 Cetai . C. ]c. re.. 2,369 S,0 Jun.o Th' Merchant Prinacecis one of te finest rmevrchant Vessels and hastmaidethe ...