Advertisements & Notices

... STEAM TO ST. PETERSBURG. TuI E magnificent Screw Steamer T GERTRUDE. 700 Tons, will be despatched from HULL for the above p oh tport on the 2ud July; to be followed j weekly by other first-class Steamero. TO STETTIN. First.class Ste.lmxers sail weekly to Stettin from HEll. Apply to Z. C. PEAR-SON, COLEMAN, & CO. TgEdAf TO COPENHAGEN & ST. PETERSBURG. Boi - IHE splendid Steam-ship LEOPARD, weri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLOUR, PUIJE, for Household Bread or Pastry, carriage free to familivo, P at per bushel-9s, 8s 4dd, s Sd HORSNAIL and, CATC1- POOL, Bedford Mill, Eoseex, and 97, Goswell-road, City-road. TO gEADS OF FAZILIES. J7DLOUR Warranted free from Adulteration. Whites for Pastry, R' 8s4d perbushel; Fine Households, 7s8d per bushel. Quantities not less than one eck sent carriage free to any part of tondon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ver7y desirable PROPER[TI, either for (1 Sicss, a Private Residencc, or ,for a Nelditcl Practitiolwr'. ,l 0 be LET, Nvith early ?? I I PREMISES forming the angle of Broad-strect and |, Turl-street, now in the occupation of William Doak, Esq., w Burgeon, formerly occupied as twvo houses; containing thrie ft sittiug rooms, surgery, four bed rooms, two kitcheins, large arrched cellair, an d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T Last appearance of Mr. H Widdicomba-Mr H Norton in Two Cbsrscter5 I-THIS EVENING (Setur- day). Joly 2ii, t~he Performantces will commence with (hs celebrated Drama entitled TEIE WOODMAN'S BUT; or, The 13trning Forest.-Coant Psrdinand, Mr G Via- cent * Wolfender, Mr OSulilivan; Keannitz, Mr Fitzpa- trick ; Brubl, Mair B Nortoo ; Amelia, Miss A Parker; Lanra, MtissF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE LONDON DAILY NEWS. The Agent for Belfast and North of Ireland is HENRY BOYD, Secretary, Commercial Buildings, to whomn all orders shonld be addressed. Belfast, Gth July, 1859. 2353 L ADIES' FANCY WORK.-THE NEW FRENCH L PAPER FLOWERS. , laterials and lanudbook for thjiselttgant Art- have just been received. Also, a fresh supply of MNINTORN'S WAX FLowec AMATERIALS. MARCUS WARD & CO., 13, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTEAM.ENGINE and BOILER FOR SALE, a bargain, l-horse power, all complete, quite new.- APtly to A. T. NAPPEY, Bartick's-place, High-street, OR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. About F 300 LOADS of very fine PITCH PINE TIM- BER, of all sizes and lengths, expected to arrive in a few ?? to Hull, let JulyJOgS H RYLANDS, North Walls. DRAPERY STOCK AND BUSINESS AT GRIMISBY. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD COMMEMORATION. Mr. POWELL'S GIIAN) CONCERT WILL TAKIE PLACE THIS EVENING, Sattuday, July 2, In the TOWN HALL. Doors open at half past Seven, and commence at right.- Reserved Seats (not nunmbered), 6s. ; Unreserved 4s. ad.- Tickets to be obtained only at Charles Powell and Co.'s Fancy Warebouse, 31, High-street, Oxford; as the number -of tickets wvill be limited, it will be necessary to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALCOCK & KNIGHIT, Auctioneers, Valuers, House & Estate Agents, BENGE 'OUIIH, EVESIIAM. L ADIES anid Gentlemen visiting London should lDINE at the CGAE DE L'EUROl'E HOTEL and TAV'ERN, adjoiniing the llityinarlket Theatre.-CGafd Dinnet in the Grand Saloon, 3s. Cd., ready fromt 6 till 8. IVI [LLAM JOMX IVILDE, Proprietor. A LITERAL TRALNSLATION of the NEW A TESTPAMENT, onl 1isfinite Rules of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATED---D.- i A.VELLEP5WANTEJD.:W8Lati, a resptable -T youtg Man, th aet as Traveller for an exteneive house in the Spirit and Wine Trade. A person who has some experience on the nortbern road would be preferred Addross S WI Traveller, Office of this 1apet. J8O,G S&UCOACHM R. ugsant, Dentnark- T ntrets ls a VacNUCY for a Coach Stnith for light work. and perfectly competent for shoelip wheeals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK. Apply, by letter or otherwise, It A1. Chester House, Liandutdno. WAiTED IMMEDIATELY,. A BESPEC I'ABL YOUTH as an Apprentice to the Drapery A Trade. Apply to J. D AviEs, Castle-otreet, Bea uanart is ANTED to RENTk, on the s usal conditions, a Country B W COTTAGE, containing about Six or Seven Apartments, with L T ad enough to keep a Cow. Apply th J. NV., care of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F n MBE' , N~ASTR. BET.-TO be LET, e U 10UE AAgeas&T,', ai plEaSat stgood Hous e In the Villeg9 o~ COMBE three Rlenfr m;the With a ~lebtAfplyhto , WALT led pl t r W EL 8 w DWELLING,. ASEI1!,CNd ROfit in Thre Tcensi of tre d |pleasant Bt hedtre riin ie l~o HAIR- SES&, wittpate a Ld Rout, a' Abnsbeer e tibliihedbi y~a~g10upply to ALE B.- GlR i Age-ttre8t, Carlff.. ~tt. . - to0 be LET several ...