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Advertisements & Notices

... SATJiDAY! E6VENING CoNOERTs, ALL, LORtD NRLON STRIr-. . OPEISINfNIGHT OF TUE SEASON. Tild (SATr' DAYT) EVE5NING, OCTOBER 1, 1859 1E1 SI8TERS SOPHIA AND ANNIE Will give their New Entertainment, ESQrtr4LrD ' E BR Y ME ETINGS. SIXOGXG (LAWI AND ORORA.L UN ION, under the ?? Of Mr. HENRY LAWSON, every TissbgAY NIclc at Eight dt O0 Eight o~ol. The firab balhosurwill be givei d~i -ddimetaia, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U EVIVAL SERVICES jN BRIGHTON Pt, STREET CHAPEL. TO-MORROW and DURING THE WERE. Rev. J. EKIR, Forenoon-Rccbject: All 'Things but L1ss for Christ. Rev. Professor FlSNEY. Afteriwon-Sulgecit Excuses for Sin condemns God. Evgning--God's Com- nandmcnts not Grievous. Prednseday--God is Love. 2'hursdlay-God's Love Commended to us. Firiday- Not Far from the Hingdom of God. JFeek .i'ght lcl Meliccs at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stisiu% eavb-(CONTuxUnED.) T O ] NA M I L L E Stationer, Accot-Baok' U Enanialled Paper and Envel Manufacturer, Bookbinder Engraver Lithographer and Printil; largest Stocl OL:PAP Ii 'and STAiIONERY in 4hlasgow. RETAIL WAREHOUSE, 122 ,AM STREET, (Corner of South HlIanoM qftreet). EXPORT AND WHOLESALE WAMREHOUSE, 1 AND 8 SOUTH HANOVER STRIET; F-A C T O Y - 1-7 8 DIM I'D LE R 8 T ?? WHOLESALE AGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01~h BfiStl NALL. RXD LtoN.savABE PornFieTrt. HlEN&V HART. aful Me0spa1y -o Meoose Wilek Culverg Ot SMg en Adndelo-5d 04,toIs.on Wenesday, nsoD.TheGTot Miic an Ogden.a BB ZOOLOGICALACE. og Amgt-Open aot Nicne at &ditountieedEnieSre LU of mralorwors. ueedavi, Tigihurdy.adFrdyOna kTes. ?? Chorals SefomnchbibeVe.Aeo Anofeisogah GudeaOnShloslding hiden, airpec. Raoryalp PatilTen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATR ONAG C The EARL or OARLIIBA. ?? SI J~ ~ M The BAHIL (tF IlIr'O SI ?? FAAMnAstAl, KT, rn.H FACY BZAA andIISH1IBITION of J. th DEWSIUEYME~l1~N1CS NSI TUTION will be held I0 te PULIC ALL oniit, ~la ygs ~sai h October. 1K9. Door ope at leve o'cock ~m.acii (lay. AdmiOiOO-th Octber.2e.S'.; 6t. ls7th, 1s.; 8lih 65. seasn Tilset, Is 64.each 133281 r B ILLS OfEXCEIANGFE LOST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Birminghaem DaUy Post Is published every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and is on sale in all the principal towns of Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, and Salop, by eight o'clock in the morning. TBe Sacturday Eveninig Poet, a weekly journal for the working classes, price three halfpence, con. taining a well-arranged summary of the local and general ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / f NERhVODJS, lMIND and HEAD SUBF 36,0uu FERERBS CURED.-The unparalleledi v.Dr Willis moeley's treatment has met with 0ceOe59 Rerag of 20 yeare it hae been in oseratioD, fully drinig u afflicted in giving it a trial, and to enable all jeli thc avail of the means of cre, tbey are now supplied Ci55 5mO-CD I Novel Observations frankd st ot f oee stamp; or his12 . ehapters (called by Pro- ...


... The latest news from China brings no confirmation of the report that the Pekin Government was prepared to make instant and adequate reparation for the attack on the Anglo-French flotilla at the mouth of the Peiho. Matters remain in statu quo, excepting that seriou3 disturbances have broken out in Shanghai, in consequence of the cruelties connected with the coolie traffic, earned on by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WLOPRR~~Gj~~a~s~z MAHOGANY IIMI* B °2 giie, h s~~ecrk of the oheepea ff' D fr thes abve, should inlipect the e~sbnnlve etoe of SAMUEL ruT'n~iil, Borough-roads Siouteahw, an Elne-abreet, Gray'e-1lnn-la I Ptoo~nna.- I g Sprcet1s. 1 d, White, 12. 6d. Yellow, I8S& 61L pw qU M 120d. n 18 e.IS! ., 14s. Od. IS Inch ,, 195.G. ,, us.. ,, 16e ad. Sprua Lattm I.. ?? 111. IL Or. per 120, 12 feet Do. Deals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BA N K of D E P 0 S I T, Established A.D. 1844, 3, Pra-mall East, London. Capital stock, £100,000.. Parties desirous of investing money are requested to eraminue the Plan of the Bank of Deposit, by which a high rate of interest may be obtained with ample security. Deposits made by Special Agreement may be withdrawn with- out notice. The Interest is payable in January and Juiv. PETER MORRISON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONERT; ;UALI, LORD NEJION-STRRED. FOR TWO WEEKS tONLY. Till3 (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, THEI 6ST INSTANT, AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, TrHE SISTERS SOPHIA & ANNIE l will have the honour of a gpearin in an ?? E--tain nt Musical. i oIcal, Novel, ocal. ?? Col a itten expressly for them by an eminent author an 1ntitled MERRY MEETINGS. Admifon-Eudy. 6d. I Side Gallorle Ss.; Reserved Seats 2S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1859. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. Oct. 2 Su. TuF FIFTEU7NT1 SUNDAY AFTER TEINITY.- Morning Lessons-Jeremiiab xxxv.; Makv. Evening Lessons-Jereni. xxxvi.; 2 Cor. SUNDAY SERVICEs T THE CATHEDRAL.-Mornlng, King in C. Evening, King in C; Anthem-' Goa is gone up. (Croft.) Oct. 3 M. Moon, first quarter, S.32 p.m. - 4 Tu. Sun rises at e.7; sets at 5,31. - 5 W. Twilight ends 7.22. - 6 Tll. Faith, V. & X. ...