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Advertisements & Notices

... TMPORTANT DISCOVERY.-J. WV. PIPE'S premier Jexhibition instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE, after twenty years' experience, can now defy any comlietition H to produce so permanent brown or black without the leatst el, injury to the skin or hair. Sold in bottles from 3s. 61. P Private rooms for applying the dye, and if satisfaction is i not given-notbing charged. This dye is 50 per cent. ti, better ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS TOWN HALL CONCERT SOIETY. L The FIRST CONCERT ot the Season willbgie Te-Nifht. when the music of IL TROVATORE will be performed. Miss DOBSON PVl CROSLAND, Mr. iNKERSALL. Mr. HINOHOLIFFE, and Mr. WHARTON, with THE LEEDS FESTIVAL CHORAL SOCIETY. Conductor-Mr. R. S. BURTON. Balcony. Is. : front seats, 2s. ;second seats. Ie. h ack sests and pro- rminade, 6d. Doors open 6.30. concert to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'p 5WN HALL CONCBk.T SOCIETY.) 11tI ?? Jftl'ciac,-Vitiliit 7,1cc. SUNDiER- LAN I x~ I. arnd a c~arcfnlle-cselcteitc VAN!) of Fe ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... q-j ?? I UINIFRA~I. ~,SiRkliN f-~r the lato S1 t J Ci F li~i-tA i inilght. widl be urei,(hwl in Groit Urorgte'. tliii t Clteipl ?? Hun'lei hIor)iaog, ocltlier Thi,- ielh, atel ?? lOici,1,,vI'the, Rey. hr BRIEWI'Rl. (I 14511 ol (ON 13.)N AI S81 tI 0N A ItY S ?? I il,'fY.- it ~4 -LEEDS DISTRLIC AUXILIARtY. - ANIYIERISA.RY ?? tt,, OC'ebci' *TVCelhiff etI', Tlel Rtev. W. FAIR- ~RV1Ofit alecro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATR ONAG C The EARL or OARLIIBA. ?? SI J~ ~ M The BAHIL (tF IlIr'O SI ?? FAAMnAstAl, KT, rn.H FACY BZAA andIISH1IBITION of J. th DEWSIUEYME~l1~N1CS NSI TUTION will be held I0 te PULIC ALL oniit, ~la ygs ~sai h October. 1K9. Door ope at leve o'cock ~m.acii (lay. AdmiOiOO-th Octber.2e.S'.; 6t. ls7th, 1s.; 8lih 65. seasn Tilset, Is 64.each 133281 r B ILLS OfEXCEIANGFE LOST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Under the =0anagement Of MISS ?? :P3,n ~an XMr. W. Hlarrison. Monday, Catcber Ilkh and during th, wesek, DINOBAR. ~dfle. eselS e~une.Posqole Pirro, CaraMorgan s; moe. vandris. ster snuer r Edwrd Slrilg;Acsgnanarter. Mrt. Edward Story. oor spcs t Elf~~stdevn, ommnceat Eigit s'Cloak. Nto charge fur hooking aodbox-kossar's fees. .. d.; Admis~~lOD.-SinllO. 7..; Pt~vetO BO-ellt,42d..; HaYIWAB.ET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JT0CI lA (Austalclia) RAILWAY LOA'N, ?? 1, r ti-,;inhcitt'i' f the, ccto'cy I,cctctt Act of the Lezi-bitcIrv Ot iertN.XXX~VI., datted M'-lbouriv, 23th No- veu- lb , irr,, ! c. 'clvi Ac t t the of motlil, et' t tto'a c blt iwitcto bct liietl;t by the j~cti i)ittect itcc1.' i ttii - tte i c Pcr centinin pci'icc llullt cc r .lth. e tliclt, £MIIt, cijit i'ealch II, oecurcored cipet : c tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17is~ ETRANGERS qui V~ISITENT A/.i ?? trouroront dons le Maza'ln, de Deuil (le 314,s JAY, 247, 249, mna 2.51, lteogont-streot 1111 grail ASSOIRTI- MLNPb'lo n mplel, (eCIIALLES-laino tartail', m;Hrr,' et lolngo, en iblano ot noir, gri.s ot IIoir, grio inlEanplgO 'dAlpaga,. noirs, dans toutsle, too qtmtitt'o et toll tsl' 105:1 ; et do Por(iio, Indo Vs t la- rollnJ-s, noire.o ot 9ri'.oo Cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... @Baute3l. l)OMSSTICB IISRVATJS D5-V-j-TjlISEigjS (not exceeding twenty-four words) fron At 1)nrFIETIO 8BBVANT8 seeking 5ituetions. or for Sarratr; *cqwr~d ?? F mli0. ilnserted in the Da:v Post at ONE ESHILLING lEtU, tfr Csah. Remittanfcs bo mado in Postaoge Stamps. jUpSEERY GOVERNESS WANTED, to take l chr0O ol five children. No Nurs kept.-Apply, in the fore- n0on, at 1, G'reat. Fraucis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? m~lae dnsuetllu igt rtifrliea. S4 th ferery re aodhoo *theraea t tiy , otlown6 axptc~ago r- nfornity witht trat di4rectionsh cannot rUND BB LET. ai fiviletlt anirer UEMrtO E scot u atil-rpd, carer of Nhaelr -ar -, p prentise, T° BE l.RT, a iletiwd [tjtH( U8 ranhic three Teae 3 per iveal, .a lrin., None ur prinvipals at- . to.-Addre. 9N0, 'doeromiry-ollloe O RBE LUT, a lanrge tor Lf.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Waib!Ic 3xrntwierneaxs. 1 WOW ATURDAY EVNN 0NE SLXTEEqrf iFASON. T '-MFORROW (5ATURDAY) 7VENDIC, TnIE 22ND INST. MRR. MILNE, THE CELEBRATED SCOTTISH VOCALIST, WILL (IVE HIS POPULAR MUl;SICAL ENTMRTAINMENTp BALLADS AND SONGS OF SCOTLAND. ILLUS7TRATIONS. Of a' tho aitds the wind can bllwr. *'Bonnie Prince Chaliacd Get up nod bar the doer. ,ieu thle king comes mwre the water, ' Conie uuner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1111 :SiANSlg. BURLEY. NEAR, OWEY. .'etW. R. SHRNA R R has a Vacancy for Two. MIirThree. VOUNG PUPILS, as Quarterly or Haif-yeoily t% ohom ha offers the advantoge et a1 lkoroalgh Hoa IT ?? ith iionteetlo comfort and. sperintoatiexce. a wau at the 0A,t ti, UTiful andi ?? of Whigedeat. Terms moderate. The fe.;oloij,g ges~n~emen may be referred to: -Rev. J, .1itba-ccu, Bait..'. 11Rev.J.. B. ...