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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... JT0CI lA (Austalclia) RAILWAY LOA'N, ?? 1, r ti-,;inhcitt'i' f the, ccto'cy I,cctctt Act of the Lezi-bitcIrv Ot iertN.XXX~VI., datted M'-lbouriv, 23th No- veu- lb , irr,, ! c. 'clvi Ac t t the of motlil, et' t tto'a c blt iwitcto bct liietl;t by the j~cti i)ittect itcc1.' i ttii - tte i c Pcr centinin pci'icc llullt cc r .lth. e tliclt, £MIIt, cijit i'ealch II, oecurcored cipet : c tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17is~ ETRANGERS qui V~ISITENT A/.i ?? trouroront dons le Maza'ln, de Deuil (le 314,s JAY, 247, 249, mna 2.51, lteogont-streot 1111 grail ASSOIRTI- MLNPb'lo n mplel, (eCIIALLES-laino tartail', m;Hrr,' et lolngo, en iblano ot noir, gri.s ot IIoir, grio inlEanplgO 'dAlpaga,. noirs, dans toutsle, too qtmtitt'o et toll tsl' 105:1 ; et do Por(iio, Indo Vs t la- rollnJ-s, noire.o ot 9ri'.oo Cot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? X the ivell-lttnowf British dlipper- ~ itOCI ?? ' 3.3rdAl, 1,109 tons register, I .ni ~o'lgiO re nviedtoijnsrect ito 5f t~ise ?? clipeper, ?? has 3,,sl C i e.ih'-ter atlays, and InI ?? iee' ta (0 0]) HO P E, I e i, j,,iri- ;)s;2 toil, lvg~e 13 eoX.1 aseieit'ucli o- 123 for ~~11! m'llp 'e eltlisre, EUonl.l' G L f0001 hP E, f. esec ,te new clipper haielut; - lt eolunice~elation, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r Athe well-known British clipper- If' ?? I,uilt ship .1 iiConimander; ti i.. (ihii pasenlitlrs are inetttsl to inspect ?? thiii favouirite O~plei, which Iasa ilk., 132,' LcadenhdlbsltCect, Ei.C Ci CA P of 0001) HOPE, 0*0tic r, .tie 1~vautiful Briti-h-bifilt clipper A1 12 years, 962 tons r ~-ister; ks. Ilai sauperior ?? for 1P,1 Lea lenhall-street, E.C. A P 1 of (3 1) 0 1) II O1' E, tl ,Vc s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N EV MANTLES for the AUTUMN.-, M ofecrs. JkY have the honour to annource the RIECEIPT of their lATTERIN MANTLES from PARTIS. The shapes ara nowr being copied, and Mantle-si miade fram them to suit Afe-,rS. Ja-'q particular lbusine~s. The French MAntles are made up prnllcipaill of'rich ilack Veidret, and as they arc only boulght for pattern'5 to-v ill bih 'sld minler c't pci-i-. TIIE LONDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AG B 1,I 8 T.-LONDO f, G ~ MIDDLESEX, and WESTM~xi4SVE ON, FIMfT PUBLICATION FOR 1859. ,9 LTST of PERSON who bare taken out Genrcral GAME OJIR- TIFICATES at £4 Os. 10d. earl,, including the Additional Dut fe of i per cent,, undsr ?? 3Vict.,cap.I17. (SiChodilaD.) Abbott, William Ward, Esq., 23 Bledford row 1. Abbott, Eirederick 3. Esq,, Inner Temnple Adams, Thomas, 4 Bow churchyard Adams, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, st. J.R COVENf-GA4RDE-S,ad t'nrier the Managemnent of Mfiss LOUIS PYINE ad f SMIr. W. IIARRIISU'NO wil OPN' or hr EASO0'N on Monday net October 3, with (for o the first timteon the Engliih stagc) Meyorbeer's highly popular sil operat of flINolAII. The libretto of the Englishe version of Di- o noralh by Itenry, Chorney, Et~q. o The Oper-atic Coinpiaiy wvill coinpr ice the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &1 12 vetirs, Ii2 tons regiSter; It li.3aii lupvtia r Ilcocsmuiatlaion for otile CAP of GOOD HOPE, 2111 t N~vetilTthe ne~w clippe~r barqseo - II ;YA I It)oea 451) tolls O.m, C ?? iIct'ttIIiiadtti-sIII grea;t height, fand IL fitted ex fo'~l3jr VrhieL cabin pas- ht I tihit inc,'lhacks. Will take a limited tthe Cotiftna~ni'ir, Rt. P. EIs, on ti: l'icklieig, 132, Let lenhall-street, B.C. li'ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 110PE.-For GOODS andI it -iiin eutiful Btritis~h-built clipper Pntt ocks-fr :N.A112 y-i-si, 3G2 bton reguiohr,fo 53 ,1tE1Y, A 1 1(1 yctars, 400 ton4 otis., for It09 i r27 tons rec'istvr, for ALGOA I' 1 1' yetoi, .311 tons- re0,4-t -r, for 13) Leotilenhtill-streei. ?? AMEIRICAN ROYAL * ap I -I'ti -i Ilv the ?? to LIN1W \~ttl lid t-ect, stnt between :111. 11,pollt~lI to 'titifromn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EW 1MANTLES for the AUTUMIN.- . Ie'.om. JAY have the holout t, 'anonmce the RECUI'T1 cf their rAT'rEllN MAXIES frout PALtS. The shape. are mvow ?? copied, andl Maiitle. intl 1l fri,- txictn to ?? Mtessom. Jay's articular business. The ?? llanitie'i ace madl up rrincil~allv of rich Ulack 'Velvet, ant ito they arc only bought for patterillt tey will be ?? utinl-r colst priok. TIlE LON.DoN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E }MANMTLES for the AUTUMIN.- N Uessrs. JAY have thc homnor to announce they leave rc- ce'vc'd their NEW ANUTLES froea PARIS. 'Mantfls for Mourn- ing, with crape trimming, antd oethri for ludies who are not in mourning, nrc made up from these models. Messrs. Jay wil be able to larnish, gratis, to their customers, a Manu:il of thcse Faehi-.'ns ?? Mantles, Millinery, and Drecses) in the courco ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i' fGOOD H1OPE.-For' GOODS and II tll.-I.The feoiiwing beautifal British-built clipper 510 i foli the St. Kratharine flocks : ei.itLA I 12 years, 362 tons register, for * ~ GEOIIGE alEY, A I110 years, 460 tons o.m., for Vlli~c '~slI~EA 1 10 years, 314 tons register, for A~i~ cecs icklig, 132, Leadenthall-strect. V1 ',1C ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, A .e 1to sail hetween GAL WAY and NEW YORK, ...