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Advertisements & Notices

... D UTCH, GERMAN, AMERICAN, and all other , FOKiXG COUPONiS now bocoainew due r.reiboug PAID, at Iaveurable exchange. at t3aa ?? Lombord-es ro|. ADAM £~h±L8INN tadCo. FIIZRCULAR NVOTE3S and F~OREIGN MONEY.| ' Travetleco to tho Coneat, Colottleo, America, to., s* have ?? NOTi85 of £li anrud £1Sv each syathe at ahl ncipsi Sovnt; alan POli-LGI4 iONIES and POi&ilGM STOCKS. at the Duatnki-office. 78. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEBT of ECUAI)OR.-The EIGHTH HALF. TEAtilt Y DIVI1)ENDI bein-g, nt thc ratC of Ten Shillingp err cett., wvill be rAI'I on the Ionds of thc Consolidated Debt of te: Iter'ubhic of Ecuador on andt aftcr Tusdav, the ist November r.cxr, at thc ofiiec of thc Ecuatorin Conttmisoion tf Agency, e. il. Au~tin-friaro, w here forms of claim may be obtained. (Octber 14, 183). ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA, COVENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH OPERA, COVent Garden. Under the Manageme~nt of Miss Louisa Wyne andI Mr. WV. Varrison. rCONINfUOUS ffcees of thn Engliob varmon of Mtyerhoeces celebrated SI)Opera, The management of the English Opera hae- the ?? Of aunnoneing itis repetitiou every evening untill further notlce-haomourd at It &a by incremtog puleob favour. FMft week of eyerbear'a great~jrn Miscee Miling, Thlrwall, sand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wow endy, a revieed 0fiton, price Be. .- by-poet, 35 44, con- bluning 260 pages, double polumns, THME 'HOUSEHOLD HOOK 0F PIATCL * 13~~ECEI~rS ILLvas~TXAD Worn DunnAwrs Sut~jecto tmeaed ?? arts. menafecinres, trades, medicine, .piemc.domestic eeonbmy, cookery, and housekeeping. In all * haec dcpartmenltf the work will be found to contain directions for more thn t~wo thotneaad Receipts of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C- GOOI) HOPE.-For GOODS and j-IAIT~ 1 C.-fhefollowing beautiful IBritish-built clipper alln.St Iuina m Docks : . tilt E~ltGEUREY, A 1 10 yeari, 460 tons o.m., for 511tb i~itlI~l, A1 10 years, 614 tons register, for A1 ~ tikling,112, Leadenhall-mtreet. itv[,and NO-RThI AM.kERICAN ROYAL E St HIPS, Appointed by th. Admiralty to Il It0S't)N, the Bostsn shilps 0itly culling at tirek'-loare ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M~ME LIST.-IONDON, MIDDLESEX, and G~ ?? Fi RST PUBLICATION FOR 18,9. IIS,tso PFltSONue sho hooc taken out Gonerd, GAME CERTIFI- CATs~.5 t XI Us. 1(-1. ea~h, ieeludlng the additional duty of 10 Per moo-. un Icr teb Act of I Vslot., can. 17. ISobeduel 5).) AbAtbf, WVilliama Ward, Esq., 146. Bladan, W., Cockspajr Mtr, L'cdrard-ro.wtBoils, Col. J. V6., 5, Yors.-streot, Abbott, Frederick J., Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVfHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS 1 JLALL OTER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. pie.err i. R. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWSat' ithle RAILWAY STATIONS at THEE PENCE Per SINGLE COPY. ,dwill SUPPLY alt COUNTRLY BIORKSELLEkiS and NEWS' ,,GT nae~terms as will enaislo them also to sell the DAILY EWatthoomarked yriee of lTHE PENCUPer SINGLE Copy., &EVITT& nd MLOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINXi D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0yEBqMEm' SCHOOL of MINES, and G cf OSCIENCE APPLIED to the ARTS. DrrCUTOR, Sir RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON,D,C.L. M.A. P.R.S. &O. Dnuring the Session 19'59-60, which will commence on the ,,d October, the following COURSES of LECTURES and PRACTICAL PEMONSTRATIONS will be given:- i. chymistty. Biv A. W. flofmann EL It P.RS. &c. a Metallurgy. y John Percy A it b RKS. 3. Natural History. By T. H. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. r.OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, COVENT GARDEN. Ueengn THE MANeAOXOENT OF Miss L. Pop-c & MR. W. H~Aeeisoo. The lpoduciton Of the Esigliak version of Mitoerbeer's opera of IDinorah having been honeenred with complete Eucaoses, ihe Management have the gratification of announcing its represen- tation every evening until furaher notiee. T O.ORRO. an durng te wek. DNORM.oDrgcanan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UICH, GERMIAN, AMIERICAN, anid all Other D, FO RE'5GON COV PONS OW becomlnedue are being PAID, at ivouruble eachasnge, at the Banking-officen. 75Lembsrd stret ADAM5 SPIEL15ANN and Co. C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. 1U Travellers to the Continent, Colonies, America, bc.. man have WEiCULAlt NOTES of zi and £10 each yable at al principal sauna: also FOtEtiN MONIES and FOitliGS STOOaS, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3)UTCE, GERMAN, AMERICAN, anid all other J FO EIGN COUPONS now becoming due aro being PAID, at _avoarable exchange, at the Baakiln-offiAes5 79 Lombard-street. JDAM PSlAhMIANXr and Co. I IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Traveller, to the Continent, Colonies, America, te., ean have CmrdULAJSi NOTES of £5 and £10 each. ayable at all principal IPWM; aloe FOREIGN MON IES and FOlIGON STOCKS, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? CLABSICA.' !t4l VOyUdy, 5lO So, VoL , prelis ISs. cloth, o 1P H 0 C L B 5 gejl oj Oedipus' ?? Oedipus ColsoneOS,' and4 S H.~b~inV~iti Engliyh Ne * By the Bev- F. M. .AatlgO5~tA. vicor of llerringw ortbe, lforthamptonehile, late BeLiDH5t cf bhist Chureb. Oxford. 51U4 ina~j a fewv daye Vol. III; completing the wvork, prioe 16s. cloth, ofLT, .A pritIsPIDES. with Engliob Netee. By F. AE. FAnnY, ...