... NEW YORK; MARCE 8. ACADR5Y o0 MUsiC. - The past week, in brilliancy, compares favourably with any previous week of the season. On Monday, the revival of Flotow's Martha drew a full house. The desire to see Patti in this vole, which she has selected for her debut in London, created a great interest in musical circles. She won a complete snecess by her charming, careful, passionate singing. ...

Published: Sunday 25 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2922 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L I T E R A T U R E. BOB MnAY. The tone of Blackwood for the month is, on the whole, some- what grave, the preponderance of its contributions being of a serious cat, though, nevertheless, of first-rate ability. Tho opening article, -War and Progress in China, tbounh in a measure the continu- ation of. a theme broached in the April number, is one of those sterling essays on the ...

Published: Sunday 06 May 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3201 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Weston's Grand Music Hall

... Weston's Grand ]usic Hall, The extraordinary progress that has taken place of late years in the taste of the people, end the wonderful eloquence and costliness of the concert halls that are opened to extend the sphere of their enjoyment, have furnished euggestive themes'otoewowti the changes of the amusement-WOrd, and consider the influence thus exercised on the community. WVhen Mr. Weston ...

Published: Sunday 26 August 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1857 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... The Diaries and Correspondence of the Right Hon. George Rose, containing Original Letters of the most distinguished Statesmen of his Day. Edited by the Rev. Leveson Vernon Harcourt. 2 vols. Bentley. Of the life of the Right Hon. George Rose, Pitt was as much the hero as Canning was the hero of the life of Mr Stapleton. Mr Stapleton has lately given us his Canning, and we now receive, edited ...


... Her Majesty bas purchased M. A. E. Plassan's picture, The Prayer, at the French Exhibition. The Prince of Wales will lay the first stone of the new School of Art, in the parish of St Mary-the-Less, Lambeth, on Wednesday next at four o'clock. One hundred and fifty feet of the extension of the Admiralty pier at Dover may now be seen at low water. Archdeacon Robinson, the Master of the Temple, ...


... ROYAL ENGLISH OMIEA, COVENT GARDEN. Perfect success attends Mr Leslie's new operetta, to which Mr Palgrave Simpson has supplied a libretto, inge- niously adapted and (for once) improved as a story from the French, under the title of Romance. There is some want of dramatic colour to the music in the earlier part of the piece, though it is here, as throughout, ingenious and delicate, but after a ...


... RER MAJESTY'S THIEA TRE. On Saturday, Cimarosa's most popular opera, if not his greatest masterpiece, .f .Matriamnio Segetos, was produced for the first time in London for eleven years, and met with a triumphant reception hardly anticipated by those who re- membered its lest performances at both Italian Operas. NO doubt, much of the success isto be attributed to the adusira- ble manner in ...


... ROTAJJ ITA4l14A OPJIRA. Last night-an extra night-I ?? i was produced fir the first time this seasor, the cast licing identical with that rf last year, when Maie. Penco appeared fur the first timen as Eluira. Of all woiks belonging to the mnodern lyric drama, Bellini's latest opera, is that which is now most ditlicult to reproduce. Written for ftur of the most accom- plished singers of the ...


... ST. JiIES'S THEATRE. . Lat evening Mr. Bairry Sullivan, who made a favourable [ impression some ?? ago at Drury-lanu and the Haymarket tr heatres, and who has since run a nmost successful career in I America, appeared at this theatre, on a brief starring engage- 1 ment, in the character of Hamlet. Mr. Sullivan possesses nmany of-the quatlifiations for a fine aotor-a.good figure, an expressive ...


... LITE, RA TUIX. TA. coreuspoudenec of 'Xapoleoi . LPilulished by order of the Emperor napoleon Ill. Vol. I, o II, lI Paris 1H. PIlan. a Monuments avithont number, and of every de- scription, have been raised to the memory of the First Napoleon. Poesy has setig his victories in un- f dying strains aid in every ]netre; painting lies 0 traced for wondering posterity the sublime scenes t* of his ...


... F ISNE 1 R Th TIHE ARCHIl'ECTITRAL EXiHIBITION. Tf any oue of the great representative men of ancient, or even of the Renaiissane crchiteeti'eI were to rise up froml his dust-if one of the Rhaml- sees, full of his ideas of stpendollis grandeur anld eternal duration, were to be condtueted over London I and some of our ?? provincial cities, with what ?? contempt would he look upon our pigmiy ...


... LITERA TURE. The hife and Labours of Sir Charles Belt, IK.G.JL k.R.SS., L. and E. By AmErtE5& PCIOCT, MI.D., Author of Charles the Fifth, &c. London Bentley. The first sensation which a reader will experience on perusing this volume will be one of reproach that the biography of a man wlhose talents and1 dis- coveries have gone far to ennoble this country in the eyes of the scientific ...