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London Evening Standard


... Hyacinth. Id. The Christmas Party. Id. Tho Self-helpers. 3d. The Children and the Sage. 3d. I Generosity and Gratitude. The Blackberry Gathering, ld. |The Story of a Daisy. Id. A Doll*. Story, ld. Louis Duval. 3d. Car ?? Revenge. 2d. Tho Young Artist. 3d ...

fc I. 1 . — I^AR WEST, for LAUNCESTON.— As tbis fine ? vessel is now fast filling up, and

... Hyacinth. 3d, The Christmas Party, ld. The Self-helpers. 3d. The Children and the Sage. 3d. | Generosity and Gratitude. The Blackberry Gathering, ld. The Story of a Daisy. Id. A Doll*. Story, ld. Louis Duval. 3d. Car 1 Thorn's Revenge. 2d. The Young Artist ...

T H O E ATLANTIC ROYAL MAIL STEAM JORir lIIPS are appointed to Sail between GALWAY, NEW ' v^,and BOSTON,

... Broso—Budram—Flavour- ings— Treade—Beverages : Tca,«olfee,cocoa— Meat— Liver— Kidney —Melts— Vegetable atow— Vegetables— Blackberries, a cheap ana useful preserve— To nuke vinegar. Charbb 11-CHARITABLE COOKERY— Hints to persons in comfortable circumstances— ...

ADiTLATDB Direct— ThoBRISTOW.J.IIARHIS, Co _ira:._K!cr, SSJ tons rf gister, A 1. loading lv tlve Loi*._o;i ?? ..

... kc and the Kite. ?? I fetor, of ,-Uvaeltitti. 3d« . 1.1. The aeU'-hcipcrs. 3d, ?? -fliiifiijslla tkii fli-timwtf^^ Tlie Blackberry Gath . ; ry ■.f a Daisy. Id. btory. Id. ?? Dutal. 3d. Caririuirn's Revenge. 2d. . 3d. Tho Cherry Orohaid. Jd. ?? Tim and ...

NOTICE TO MARINERS. rHE Secretary of State for India in Council has lately received from the Government of ..

... ofallyaflnth. 3d. The Christmas Party, ld. The Self-helpers. 3d The Children and the Sage. 3d. | Generosity and Gratitude. The Blackberry Gathering. Id. The Story of a Daisy. Ida A Doll'-. Story, ld. Louis Duval. 3d. Car IThorn's Revenge. 2d. The Young Artist ...

CALABAR, first Ship. for SYDNEY, from London Direct, sailing from Oravesend punctually at advertised date. ..

... tread— and ?? ings—Treacle—Heverngcs: Tea, cofTee.oocoa— Meat— Liver— Kidney —Welts — Vegetable ate w— Vegetables— .Blackberries, a Cheap and i useful preserve— To.niake w'megar. CaAPTKn UNCHARITABLE COOKJEfcY— IRutt to persons in .•omfottable cir ...

CANADA and tbe UNITBI> STATES.— The i V- •■«..- . ?? FREIGHT . icaii he. BOOKED VHRQfe'GH to any part

... Hyacinth. 3d. Tho Christmas Party, ld. The Self-helpers. 3d The Children and the Sage. 3d. I Generoaity and Gratitude. The Blackberry Gathering. Id. The Story of a Daisy. Id. A Doll'- Story, ld. LouU Duval. 3d. CarlThorn'i Revenge. 2d. The Young Artist. ...

NOTICE.— These Steamers call at Cork Harbour, on both outward and homeward passages, to load and receive Mails. ..

... in.h. 3d, The Chri>tmas Party, ld. The Self-helpers. 3d. The Children aud the Sage. 3d. | Generosity and Gratitude. The Blackberry Gatlicring. Id. Tbe Story of a Daisy, ld. A Doll' Story, ld. Louis Duval. 3d. Carl Thorn's Revenge. 2d. The Young Artist ...

PARIS TWICE DAILY by the MAIL PACKETS, via Dover and Calais.— TheShortest Sea Passage. The newest and fastest ..

... Hyacinth. 3d. The ChrUtmas Party, ld. The Self-helpers. 3d. ' The Children and the Sage. 3d. | 1 Generosity and Gratitude. Th* Blackberry Gathering, ld. The Story of a Daisy. Id. A Doll* Story, ld. LouU Duval. 3d. Car -Thorn's Revenge. 2d. The Young Artist ...

XjlOR MADRAS Direct.— Messrs. Green's Ship JT EARL of HARDWICKE, 1000 tons, Captain EDWARD NoA RS, will leave ..

... Brose— Badram— Flavour Ings— Treacle— Beverage* . Tea, coflee.ceaea— Meat— Liver— Kidne) —Melts— Vegetable ttew— Vegetable*— Blackberries, a cheap anr useful preserve — Tom ike v iacgar. Chaptsb 18.— CHARITABLE COOKERY— Hint* to persons h compilable eirc.ini ...

WGi'ICE to SHIPPERS for MADSAS^Mossrs. *illrr* Grce * u ' B 8h 'P TRAFALGAR Captain J. H. TAYLOR, /TC measurement

... Expcrinenti* iv making bread— Milk and ?? ?? i Ten, coffee.cocoa— Meat— Liver— Kidncr —Melts— Vegetable stew— Vegetables— Blackberries, a cheap unii useful preserve— To make vinegar. CDAFTKtia.-CHARITABLC COOKERY— Hints to persons la comfoitable circumstances— ...

DTlCE.— Tbcsc Stc-.mcrs cal) at Cork fTjpboor, on both catwatd B.i d honaeward p.T

... Experiments ln making bread— Milk and ?? ?? -. Tea, coffee, cocoa— Meat— Liver — Kidnej —Melts— Vegetable stew— Vegetables— Blackberries, a cheap anc useful preserve— Tomake v inogar. CnArTHiiI2.— CHA IHT ABLE COOKERY— Hints to persons it comfortable circ ...