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Mr lllichmoad tharactericed it as to be - lx aid* odd. IL_ w.. Kr on the Lord to mow 0

... Asti • un ▪ the origuial the y coed* *ew eery on account The of other ha_m_rasently to ups the nets e %, well as, the odour Whig made as abortive te in. *dem their aikidos ea *sit ewe nisei* pietas of the Puma .witsvi i of it, they lad the. is the flame ...

petropolitan 600ip

... histime; he has bun told this by all his friends, among them let us name Lord Hanover, • good man lode wise statesman—though a Whig. But Garibaldi is too great a General, too diecrest to run a-muck. His cause is making great way in the metropolis; the offices ...


... Md. d e s A m :La wi h t l i ngra co b i ll alroar. Brougham , reminding one of times *Spa ley, my nothing to anger whether *Whig to the slackness of the admits Or of mmisters—dehere ?) be. w it i lat l n g d ,slaves a set . ; the Lord waxed wr sod Malik ...


... situation. The lifeboat to the National Lifeboat Institution weelmmediately launched, and afterwards succeeded in aerating to Whig the dredge to a place of safety within the pier. A report has also been forwardedt* the National Lifeboat Institution of the ...

glittripolftn tiasoip. (nom ors owl! LONDON, Wedneday. The fury the partimewatary •trib of the maks to have ..

... as another soca see thread of all this Tie impale es of Goverment to antral the of its own audios ought to be a laws to the Whig party, if it be snaceplible of Unmakes has pulps evade, sot again to adopt a course policy which pleas it at the away, sot ...

Queen Street, near the foot of Castle Street. Stones were flying thick and heavy; but at &few yards distance, ..

... More germane to the amiratims the Outer Hesse is the allusion to the appointment imeirAntes for the West Indies set the heeled Whig clamourers. The salubrity the in no yield.* to Mabel Sierra opened a amine of paha* in the appointment a stipendiary inagielisey ...

of innocent blood shed on Quo streets of Paris by Louis Napoleon, now feels impelled, not merely to arm the

... him, but• to state openly in Parliament that it is against him, and him only, that we arm, we believe this is owing not to Whig. patriotism, but the necessities of the situation, and that Palmerston feels that the spirit of the country st this crisis ...

': • 17, 1160. FOR FINE TEAS AND COFFEES, Go ro D. 3 J. IRONS, 29 Sr Jong 8 Buyers

... charges, brought against him ai by the late Lord George Bentinck and others. Here, then, we have the e3ifying spectacle of two Whig Lords taunting each other with having spoken in Parliament what 'was against their own convictions, and in addition the tacit ...

a or THE EAST CRURCIL-TLis church nada/Vial! a tough _ cleaning. of the wor • not being anima. be no

... THE LUNACY COMMISSIONERS-A Dram Jos. -A Parliamentary paper gives the ex-porn of the Commissioner,, on Lunacy for the year 'Whig July last. The receipts were £14,301 laid, and yments with the balances in hand of 1178 De miasma to that sum. The salaries ...


... meaware. There is nothing to find fault with in this—on the Contrary, there is much that is praiseworthy. There is no doubt a Whig job is about to be perpetrated; sod who should have such ends awl organs when a job is in progress as the Comma c 4 Perth? ...

pttropolitan geoip

... much longer to remain in *MIA. bewurer, as to the issue of this most exciting gelation, and I think it probable that as our Whig mime are very fund of office, and are conscious of being in rather ricketty plight in the House of Common' from some of the ...