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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TQUEEtWS. ROYAkL THEATRE -: *iY), July :Wd, thle purfrol-1,1cacs 1criti ellicaclitce ,I Sti (i.. f (11Sf 'ITUS or, T'ic Forgotteo Iiricd..ic3liisi Ir 'ICi~jnp 'fit OS ( Qithitils Fulvitlit Mr ',iflvil .11cws MtII Diii no.50,t, Mr' I i tzjaic'i Lyc'iiS. Me' Il VIti , So- 11.1 rui, II cii, IM'soi 1`. New N, :i idr Dvriso~il o iicli V. iii ic ?? tlei cclcbr',liii Miiy1t-oi0l.ii TvI,(,1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lxQUEEN'S R~OYAL TIFlATRB~-- 37 IENEIT 01 N111. TI. C. SING, and his Last aippeari- a MmC-IiSS Biessie King.-TIllS EVENLG(rdyJl Mil, thle Perfornmances will commience wniththaclebrated Isranin of INGOMAII, 'TljiK IPAKlitAIJM ANof aiia', MrJ'I Kiing ;Myron, M I Notn ?? ulMr. Duff; Lykon, Mr Viv~5tI; lior %r incent; Aect, Mrs Parker ; l'arthernia, Miss9 A f'arker.No IitiIlltDi ,m.'Itissenmoit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IFATRE ROYAL, DUBIJN -Mr. TiIAmiIiiB has the pleasure to announce. titat lie hs, I, cenjenction with 'Mr. WILLERlT BEALE,, made arrange- incnls for a short series of Italian Operas.. commencing oil 31lONi)AY, SEPTEMBERL 10, ISGO, supported by tilt ?? eliacelt 'Artistes: bIAIiAMIiIL GIIISI )SIGNORt MAPJO 11AIIAME VIAR.DOT ISIGNO).k ANQEFLO LLUISE 3IIA~ijIL ORVIL IlGNtit GRIAZIANI hIA I)IX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClHINEYPIECES in Italian, Belgian, Irish, and English Marble, Enamelled Slate and Cost Iron. suitable for Drawingrooms, ,DIningrooms, BedrOMIl, &cs 'v Aery large StACk to selhet. from.-dMURIOE BROOKS, OK''ilLE-PlA~, Dubihi. ' k OOM PAPER.-A most extensive and varied assortment of the Newest patterns, from 4d. to 1lb. per dozen. Builders' IroilmOngory, Grates, K :tchen Ranges, Stoves, dc, Metal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOMh PAPER, in great variety, at 1 1LMAURICE EhlOOKS'S, SACKViLLE-PLACE, Dublin. DANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLIN PAPER STAINING WORKS, 16, PARLIAMENT-STIIEET, and 4, and 0, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpontine, Colours, Varnisiles Plato, Shoet, and Crown Glass; plaster of Paris, Roman nnd Portland Contents, Gold Miouldings for Rooms, and Pictars Frames at moderate Prices, Wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OOM PAPER, in great variety, at R M lAUBICE BROOKS'S, SACKVILLE-PLACE, Dublin. +ANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLIN J.J PAPER STAINING WORKS, li, PARLIAMENT-STREET, and 4, and 6, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Colours, Varnishes. Plate, Sheet, and Crown Glass; Piaster of Paris, Roman and Portland Cements, Gold Mouldings for Rooms, and Picture Frames at mnoderate Prices, Wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Tea, Spirits, Ac. FVOR SALE BY AUCTIoN, to close ae- _ counts at our Office, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, on THIS DAY (Thursday), 20th Inst, at One o'Clock. 20 Paclkages Congon Tea. 2 ipcsPorit.- I Puncleon Rumn. ' I.l Quarter CasksCognacBrandy. 15 Casks J.J&.'S Whiskey, 1850.1817,819.19 , JAMEt, STOKES, WIDOW,'t*nd SONS, Brokeral. I. 20th Dec. 1860.r * P Auctioa ef Sugar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrIBATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. For the BENEFIT OF MR. WALTER MONTGOMERY, Sid Last Night but One of his Engagement.-THIS EVENING ,Fialgy), October 26th, 160, the performances will commence tlib Sh1shebpe1'e s Comedy (compressed into three acts), en- titled )I tCH1 ADO ABOUT NOTHIN4t,-Benedlek, Mr Walter eI ;osmeryi Don Pedro, Mr W Baynhaini; Count Claudlio. 1tr C`Weston, Don John, Mr FAllen; Leonato, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-.- T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T MR. HARRIBS hoe the beonur to announce the cm- cot eS Mr. and Mr CHARLES LEAN. for a limited ?? y Tbewillbe assisted bytiistaChepmnau;MIssNChap. ra, Mr G Eerett, and Mzr J F Catlscart, late Members of the p0I Princess's Company.-TIfl$ EVENING, (Wednesday), ye.,,her 21st, 1860, the performances will commence with t Dramn entitled THE CORSICAN BROTHERS (as origi. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. HARRIS las the honour to announce the on- Sagement of Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES KEAN for a limited period.-THIS EVENiNG (Tuesday), December 4th, 1860, for he BiENEFIT OF MRS. CHARLES KEAN, Th performances ,ill commence with (for this night only), the first Three Acts of Slakspeare's Historical l'lay, entitled HENRY VILi, ter. ninating with the fall of Cardinal Wolaey. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIIEATRE ILOYAL, DUBLIN -Mr. IIARRIB hiars the 'leasure to announce that he has, eolancttOO with )ir. WILLERte BEALE, made arrange, :S for a short scries of Italian Operas, supported by r'sl>~lL GllSI StGNOR 31ARIO3 5,AiSANIE VlAltDOT ~ ISGNOR-ANGELO LUISE ;;jl.l~li O1tYIL1. SIGNOR GltAZIANI llI.E SEILATZEtK SIGNOR FALLAR gnlLLE RITA! SIGNOR KINNI And SIGNOR CIIIERCI Alitj.ih GASSIEIR klrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiHE CITY ASSESSORSHIP. ni TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMANWS JOUBNAL bi 18, Cork-bill, 24th October, 1860. DEAR SIR-My attention was attractod by an advertise. jnent in your paper of yesterday, signed E. W. O'Mahony, ad- hi dressed to the Burgesses of the City, wherein the writer in etates he bad . taken counsel with the Venerable Dr. Yore, who, with many other Catholic dignitarios, had promised ...