... Last night Rossini's favourite opera of 11 PI Barbiere di Siviglia was produced at the tc cc Queen's Theatre with all the success which a te thoroughly effective company and well disci- ar plined orchestra could secure. In all parts of gi the house there was a full audience, the dress rh circle especially being crowded to excess. The ti overture, which is replete with rich melody, was Ic ...

Pickings from Punch

... oidcktna from Apticb. I . -_ STRANGE COI. -Forty oM pounds I THE CLOAK oB RNLOIGON.-A Cardinal. DOnE To RAGs.-Austrian finance. THE AnOLITXON op FLoaorpo._-The time when* the nvwilbe so well manned that you will not find a room on board a ship inwhichyocanswing acat S a ' It THE PRETTIEST LITTLE BABY IN TiE WonID.- The only one point upon which the female sex is ever unanimous-the baby in ...


... '..WJ,-,o. fl.X ,LJJ iXILLS ZIIV btiji~j' M. Jullien has recently made an attempt on his life in Paris, while engaged in making arrangements for some grand per- formance of sacred music. He has since been placed under restraint. In the public library at Cambridge there has been found a history of the Gospels. with notices of the grant of lands to the Abbey of Deir, in Buchan, all in the ...


... TH E COURT. OsBonRN, MARCH 12.-The Queen aud Prince Con- sort wialked out this morning. The Prince and Prin. cess of Leining-en will arrive to-dav on a visit to her Mvla jesty. The Archbishop of Dublin, Mrs. Whately, Miss Wliately, family, and stuitOehave ar rived at the Angle- sey Aims Hotel, Kingstown, from the Palace, Dublin. - Watson, Esq., Mrs. Watson, family, and suite, have taken their ...


... CAM'DEN R10USE TILL TICALSL& -0_ . Last night the theatrical triumphis, for which nilpdend. house was so celebrated under the regotc of the too fasatsi Colonel WVaugh, were renewed under the auspices of the present possessor of this noble mansion, On this occasionit w vas in the cause of charity thtat the generous owner, ?? F, Wolloy, Esq., offered his house andand servicesrc and if, frf the ...


... fpoffrtr. LONELY. SITTING lonely, ever lonely Waiting, wNaitlug for ne ol Thus I count tile wettry Illoellts ssing by And the heavy evening loom Gathers slowfy in the room And the ehill November darkness dims the sky Now the countless blesy feet Cross each other in the street, And I watch tile fasecs flittilg plistsany door; Blut the step that lingered nightly, And the hand that rapp'd so ...


... P OETR Y. SUNDAY TRAD1210, tj BAILLkD. fremu Monday morn till Saturday hilght I toil ammd work awoy, 1d tl!en till Monday morning's light I rove, or rest, or pray. 'saw, and wheel, and hamner are still, And fire and steam are sleciing- ?? and brush, and waggon and 2nill, Time dry of rest are kooping. L'rzn A onday morn till Saturday night i counmt and writo and pack, A'lul then till Monday ...


... POET RY. It THE OAK. tl Behold that n1ohle spreading tree, On Britain's fertile plains, A king in regal majesty, . Which o'er the woodland reigns. d In stately pride its head is raised tl As If high heaven to invoke, Monarch of all the forest trees ,Is England's native oak. P The birthplace of that kingly tree What sage on earth can tell, a Or who point to the parent stock From which the acorn ...


... ' (mrora LE FOLLUTT.) Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for!bsell-dresses. Tar- latane, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of velvet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, white, cerise; &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which makes a simple bat very charm- ing dress, with two skirts or a .tunic; ...


... AMERICAN TdHEATRICALS. NEW YORK, MARCH 3. ACADEMY 0F Music.-The past week has been a brilliant one at the Academy of Music. On Monday evening Adelina Patti sang in Lucia di Lammermoor, the opera in which she made her first appearance. The house was crowded with en enthusiastic audience, and the prima donna eang as perfectly as ever, giving full force to the gems of the opera. Stigelli replaced ...

Published: Sunday 18 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1686 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... OSBORNE, SATURDAY.-The Queen, Prince Consort, and Royal Family walked in the grounds yesterday. SUNDAY.-The Prince and Princess Leiningenvisitedberiklsjesty yesterday. This morning her Majesty, his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, their Royal Highnesses Prince Alfred, Princess Alice, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, and Prince Arthur attended Divine service at Whippinghamn Church, where the ...

Published: Sunday 18 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 230 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEATRES, &c| Royal ,English Opera, Covent-garden.-Mr. W. Vincent Wallace's opera of Lusrline still continues its successful career, attracting crowded audiences nightly to witness tbis chef d'a,?vc'e of the renowned maestro. It has been received with even greater enthusiasm and delight than on its first sppcarance. So admirably has the composer calculated the music to the action of the opera, ...

Published: Sunday 04 March 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3375 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture