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Midlothian, Scotland

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Court and Fashion

... court? A? ,ftstiou ??i. 'oONmE, Marc n and Prince Con-.. sort wailked out this-inorning. The Queen and Princess 'Leiningen wvill arrive to- day on a visit to her Majesty. THE XDINBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAIRCH 14, 1860. TO CORRElSPONIDEXTS. No notice can be taken of anonymous communications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of the Writer; eot ...


... kj~OTT)H ACADY 4EXEIBIsTIOS. e o ude~ ou'r aecount of the ?? Exli~i Vi ~CO len iby 0fevw flotes 6O6 'pictures towijich w' .. I1qY~ Slt. no v~t hjivnnedi to allade. bs1t 'which, -. either from their merits Pr demerits, appear to cell for some notice. 92. A .Storm on Loch Maohay, mith Ben..- 'wi Nevis inthe distance, by Macneil Moclcay, di#- . .pu4n soml,`reipects rmiiwb artistid skill; bb.i ...


... A private view of the chief prizes offered for 1860 by the Ait-Union ?? was given yes- terday in Mr Paton's Gallery, Princes Street, and afforded unqualified satisfaction. The principal prizes are already familiar to the friends of native art. The most valuable is Ansdell's Tod Hunter, which grows in favour the oftener it is seen, and the more closely it is studied. The animal painting is ...


... Last night Rossini's favourite opera of 11 PI Barbiere di Siviglia was produced at the tc cc Queen's Theatre with all the success which a te thoroughly effective company and well disci- ar plined orchestra could secure. In all parts of gi the house there was a full audience, the dress rh circle especially being crowded to excess. The ti overture, which is replete with rich melody, was Ic ...

Court and Fashion

... court adl E 14 t O313OHN, March ?? Majestl's dinner '-nrty -yesterday ?? Hi bnses FrinceAlfred and Princess Alice, .rrince -and .FAincess Leiningen, Najor-Genferal the Hon. C. Grey, Sir 3ames Clark, and Major Cowell, R.IL THE EDINZBURGH, THURSDAY, MAROI 15, 1860. TO CORRESPONDENTS. XGo fltice can be taken of anonymonuscammunications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be authenticated by ...


... Last night, Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia-one of the most popular compositions in the range of the Italian Opera-was performed at the Queen's Theatre. The house, though not crowded, was well filled, and the enthusiasm of the audience was intense. Madame Lorini, as Lucrezia, was in capital voice and spirit, and did ample justice to her part. Her Cor e hello quale incanto was given with ...

Literary Notices

... ?? It c S. SCOTLAND ItN THE MIDDLE AoES, Sketches of Early Scoteb History. and -'selial Progress. By PROMsO INNES, Professor of flistory'in the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Ed- monston and Douglas. TuEn History of England, said Lord John Russell not long AUgo, I has never been written ; a similar remark applied to Scotland wcvald hold equally, true. From Buchanan to Taylor there have ...

Original Poetry

... oriffillall V,,Ottrgf THlE FIRST BUDS. Oh, dinna pa' the buds, bairn, Sae dreepiu' an' sae cauld, Nor dowe their hopehi' little leaves Afore they wither auld t Afore they taste a Simmer's svweetp, A. Simmer's beauties see, .An' trummle proodly,.blately, 'Neath the Simmer's butterfdee; Or fondly blush, confidin', At the touch o' Autumn day, Till, pale wi' fear, they hear the sough That whirls ...

Literary Notices

... ?? - . .. :4, , t g ?Ily, Dims.; ? ?, : ? -, , . ?? THk Boorn OPECLE8SASTEs;, its Meaning and. its Lessoio By ROBERT Bocs4 t, D.D. .Glasgonw :Bl~aEeie &i Son,- :, Tmxwis in many respects a most valuable woek. It exhibits the vigor6us' and elegant 'genirs 'of the author to as great advantage as a of his preyious prodactions. We have here the same chaste perfection of clerical diction, the ...


... ROYAL . SCOTTISE SOCETY.0 ;OF ARTS. :; The .usnai 9zmeeting Of thii Society was held ?? ge Sftee,'t l, j ,r $trg oc- .a cupied the chair. , ?? , , , , t' Nr MG* ELH. Sjtidgo, of thfe firn of A. and ;G. ; 1Slight; engineers, Leith. alk, gave a de- scrjptionW -'ofiA machine for making loaf-bread n -do'ugh, -wyich they .had ,iqproved, and which h ittejyere extesivaly imabufactUring.; :The Ma-I ...


... ' (mrora LE FOLLUTT.) Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for!bsell-dresses. Tar- latane, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of velvet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, white, cerise; &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which makes a simple bat very charm- ing dress, with two skirts or a .tunic; ...

Literary Notices

... I- : S MEa Noajri Bnti~sn REnviEw. 1OA 3. Edin- I burgh.: NY. P. Kennedj. Otta of the tmost interesting ayticles ir t~e pe Ps sent number of the NORTH BaRITsrSH Ree1W w is that on The Siletce of the Scriptures, the style of which is that of a ripe thinker and an I accurate writer. The reflections are confined 20 one importmnt department of the subjeot-the Ta silence of the Evangelists on ...